Does The Ragnarok Openkore Contain Viruses

Who is smarter, Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark?

I would like to point out Tony Stark is more than an engineer/mechanist prodigy and Bruce is smart when it comes to forensic science etc. But in a straight up intelligence test, Tony Stark is the clear winner. Now, before all the batman fanboys/girls start thinking that this answer is rubbish. Let me lay down some factsTony Stark once beat Reed Richards in a chess match. Reed Richards, OK? He may not seem like big deal to many people because he doesn't have a strong presence in the cinematic universe, but he is the man when it comes to intelligence. Reed Richards has the sufficient intellect to use 'the ultimate nullifier', which can be used to beat Galactus, devourer of planets. Aliens straight up put their spaceships in reverse gear when they hear that Reed Richards lives on planet earth.He has countless time stood toe to toe with the hulk (once with world war hulk and gave him a good fight) and has defeated the Red Hulk. Now, I know people are going to say that batman has beaten superman before. That is right and good but the hulk doesn't have any weakness like kryptonite. And building a suit that can tank hulk's blows is kind of a big deal.Created pheonix buster suit in less than 3 weeks. Phoenix force is a form of primal energy in Marvel Universe.He is a futurist. It has been said he can intuit the future because of his mind. He knew that something like the Civil war would happen long before it occurred.He created 'The Illuminati' of Marvel Universe. The team consisted of the smartest and most influential people on the planet, who'd guide the future of the Universe.He was smart enough to escape terrorists by making a suit from scratch in a cave.His tech makes him kind of equal to Black Panther's (he is the batman of Marvel Universe but is more intelligent, ruler of a country and has created a new branch of science called 'Shadow Physics').

Did Ultron die in Age of Ultron?

I don’t think any villain character died in the Marvel Movies.Let us take a deeper look:All movies included Villians in search of the infinity stones, YES!!Here are the ways how they got destroyed :Ultron’s Last only bot got incenerated by the mind stone(Yellow- Staff of loki ) by Vision, at the very end of Avengers:AOE .But we only saw a large beam of light and not his body getting destroyed.2. Red skull got beamed upto space by Space Stone(Blue-Tessaract) in C.America:FA3. The dark Elf King got destroyed by the reality stone(Red-Aether) in Thor: TDW.4. Kaelicius got sucked into the Other dimension of Dormammu by Time Stone(Green-Necklace) in Doctor Strange.5.Ronan The accuser got destroyed by the Power stone(Purple- Orb) by Guardinas of Galaxy.6. Now all that is Heimdall’s Soul stone(Orange- Heimdall) which would either kill Hel or Surtur, Well not Hel(Sounds too convinient)So in many case , THEY ARE AN ILLUSION OF DEATH.Why, Because this is the PROOF :THANOS.T-tessaract, H-Heimdall, A- Aether, N- Necklace, O- Orb, S- Staff of loki .So it is the Destiny of Thanos to reserruct all those who have fallen from These infinity stones , and face the Marvel Heroes once more with all their might to Avenge the Fallen and Protect the Universe from Devastation .And what does it say in the Infinity war trailer as Mantis mentions: “ Death Follows him like a shadow “ … that means Death is now in command of Thanos ,It has come to a point that all these villians COULD and SHOULD be assemble together to form a CABAL to fight the avengers. Until then we wait for the movie to come out. I wish this post reaches the Writers and Editors of Marvel Entertainment.PEACE.

How do I get V-bucks in Fortnite Battle Royale for free?

You can get the free V-BUCKS by using the online method . This method very easy and simple . Just g through the below source code section to generate the V-BUCKS into Fortnite.FREE THE V-BUCKSGuide to earn free V-Bucks by playingHOW TO GET FREE V-BUCKS GUIDEHow to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite Battle Royale and Save the World? You came to the right place! Welcome to the "Free the V-Bucks" all-in-one guide about all the ways of earning V-Bucks in Fortnite. Unfortunately, there is currently very limited ways to earn V-Bucks for free by playing the Battle Royale. Playing Save the World awards a lot of V-Bucks which you can use in either game mode. However, there is no need to wait for too long since Save the World will be available for free in 2019. So bookmark the page to visit later ! View Extra for today's Battle Royale item store with current weekly challenges and more!ALL WAYS TO GET FREE V-BUCKS IN FORTNITEStart farming V-Bucks easily. You can earn V-Bucks in Save the World (also known as StW/PvE) and buy cosmetics or Season 7 Battle Pass for Battle Royale. Daily Quests provide around 50 V-Bucks but there are many other sources too. Ways to earn V-Bucks by playing Fortnite are listed below, there are no cheats, hacks or other shortcuts. Unfortunately, Battle Royale players in Season 7 can earn only 200 V-Bucks, buying the for 950 V-Bucks can increase the total from Battle Royale to 1500 V-Bucks.DAILY QUESTSDaily Quests provides you around 50 V-Bucks every day. You will automatically acquire Daily Quest every day after completing the tutorial.USING V-BUCKS IN FORTNITEV-Bucks can be used to buy Loot Llamas in Save the World PvE. Llamas award you with heroes, defenders, survivors and schematics to craft weapons and traps. It is advisable to save your V-Bucks for Super Llamas and Legendary Troll Llamas which are pricey but grant additional items, and may even guarantee legendaries.In Battle Royale you can use V-Bucks to purchase Seasonal Battle Passes and cosmetic items. Cosmetic items include costumes, gliders and pickaxes. Furthermore, new seasons have featured new type of cosmetics including Back Blings, Skydiving FX Trails, Loading Screens, Music and Pets. The cost of gliders, pickaxes, costumes and emotes range from 200 to 2000 V-Bucks. Seasonal Battle Passes cost 950 V-Bucks. In addition to account banners, V-Bucks is the only resource/item currently shared between the game modes.