Does The Universe Create Its Own Order

What can create or produce its own energy by itself in the universe?

No element can create energy out of thin air. Energy can’t be created at all. It has to come from somewhere.I’m thinking you’re asking about radioactivity maybe. Radioactive elements aren’t creating energy. These are unstable elements. There are several modes of decay, but the radiation is happening because the nuclei of these elements are losing energy. For example, you may have a heavy, unstable nucleus that will throw out an alpha particle, which is two protons and two neutrons. That alpha particle wasn’t just created: the nucleus gave up four particles. There are other forms of radiation that can be thrown off, such as high-energy electrons or photons, but, in each case, the atom throwing them off has lost some energy in doing so.If you want to know which elements are radioactive, it’s not that simple. Whether a nucleus is stable or not depends not just on the specific element (i.e., the number of protons in the nucleus) but the number of neutrons, as well. All the protons all pushing each other apart, because of the electromagnetic force and their positive charges, but protons and neutrons that are close together are attracted by the strong force. To be stable, a nucleus needs enough neutrons to counteract the protons’ repulsion.So, any element, except hydrogen which only has one proton, can be radioactive if it’s nucleus doesn’t have enough neutrons. Heavier elements tend to be more unstable generally, and there are lots of elements with high atomic numbers that we believe are never stable.

Can we create a universe?

It's a bit difficult to understand what this question is asking, since the usual definition of universe is "is all of time and space and its contents".How can we create something that already exists and encompasses everything?  And how can this be separate from the universe that we are already in?  Whatever we create by definition must be inside the universe we are currently in.If you are referring specifically to the multiverse theory and asking whether we can create a Big Bang, the answer is no, we are very very far away from that.  For instance, the LHC's energy is (or will soon be) 13 TeV.  The Planck scale energy is about 12 000 000 000 000 000 TeV.  So yeah, not so close.

How does the universe work in perfect order?

It isn't perfect. Read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" and "The Universe in a Nutshell" to better understand it.

Who maintains order in universe? Who created the theories and laws for physica governance of universe?

We have invented and postulated many theories and hypothesis regulating the order for physical universe? Who created this order and laid don rules and regulations for constancy in physicalworld of universe.

Why is there order in the universe?

This question is unanswerable. It is akin to asking where everything came from in the first place. We have no idea where it all came from, how it got here, or what provided the initial order. Our current theories and knowledge merely discuss the initial state and how it changed over time to become what it is today. Scientists just take the initial state as a given. It is very hard to discuss origins of the initial state of the universe because we can never prove them (yet).

However to bring God into this issue is both cowardly and pointless. You cannot escape to the safe haven of God as an explanation just because you cannot find an answer. In any case, let's say you do assume God created Order. What caused the order of god? Surely god is in a very low entropy state so something must have caused that right? And now you're back where you started.

At this point, you must accept one of three things. First you can say that we don't know the answer and leave it only at what we do know for now (which is the universe started in a a low entropy state and then increased). You just don't speculate about how it got like that because you can't come up with an answer. Second, you could suppose it has always existed for all time in some form or another and the low entropy was created by whatever caused our big bang (possibly the death of a cyclic universe). Third, you can suppose that it is possible (under some circumstances) for entropy to decrease (just as you could suppose mass conservation could be broken at the early universe). The reason we have the second law of thermodynamics is because it seems to be the case. It is only a law because we've never seen a violation of it. That doesn't mean there can't be one though.

If you were given a chance to create your own world or universe, what would it be like?

To be honest,it is a beautiful question. The content world is the dream,we all think about.But,if i had a chance to fulfill this dream,then i will gladly like to provide a solution to the persistent problem of humanity getting endangered,and relieve the world of a governing authority such as UN,Amnesty,etc.The people will have a brilliant insight and serene mind,to use their ability to make each and every other aspect of life,directed towards meeting extraterrestrial life possible,by developing a global technology with all nations coming together and removing all of their persisting differences.Because ,despite making several advancements in the field of science,there is a dire need to be of some use to the universal exploration,so that the possibility of life in other dimensions and across the infinite galaxies can be refined and be put to the better advancement of the whole universe.But again,this is so a wish!May this dream come true,by all means.