Does The Uso Have A Political Bias

Does CNN have a liberal agenda?

Well if you watch CNN for just a couple hours a week then it sure does appear as if they have a liberal agenda.. Have you watched the undercover video of the CNN producer admitting that CNN is airing stories that are anti Trump baseless lies, especially regarding the Russia thing?However the CNN producer does say that the reason CNN is doing this is simply for ratings which of course equals money.I personally believe it goes a little deeper than that, and it's not just CNN - it's all the left-leaning media Outlets.If you remember, all of the liberal media Outlets were doing poll after poll before the election and every single one of them had Hillary way ahead of trump - some had Hillary winning the election by the biggest Landslide ever and one gave her a 97 percent chance of winning!Obviously these polls were not realistic or objective and some were probably flat-out phony. So when Trump won after these media people practically guaranteed Hillary's victory, that’s when they started scrambling to come up with an excuse - or an alternative reason for why she lost because they surely weren't going to admit they were duping Americans.First they tried to say that the ballots in some states were miscounted either on purpose or otherwise - so they spent millions of dollars to have a recount of the states that Clinton should have won. When that didn't work and the ballots were shown to be counted correctly, then this bogus Russian thing suddenly came about - and somehow it stuck. I think these liberal media Outlets did this to prevent a liberal backlash against them by keeping the very angry liberal voters focused on something else (like Russia and Big Bad Trump) instead of the unscrupulous media.I believe they're even going one step further by trying to right a wrong by doing everything in their power to have the rightfully elected Donald Trump impeached.I think this will make the media feel as if they made up to their liberal base for their major screw up! While at the same time making it seem as if they - and their fake polls were right all along. I understand this all sounds ridiculous, but this is the future of politics, and it's only going to get crazier unless the American people put their foot down and say enough is enough!

Does The Economist have a pro-U.S. bias?

The Economist has changed drastically in the last five years. Before, I would have argued that they did have a US bias bc they devoted about 1/3 or more of their articles to US political events. Now? The Economist is becoming a magazine that reflects left wing millennial social values. They feature many articles blaming Trump for all sort of misfortunes, devote about 20% of their online content to trans-sexual issues, and generally fun like a better-written version of CNN. My favorite is the article they keep re-posting about how millenials are somehow an oppressed minority. However, it’s the standard media dilemma these days. It’s all about the clicks.

Why does The Economist lean to the left politically?

Great answers, but in the UK things are not that clear cut.The Economist broadly represents the City of London (aka the Square Mile). So pro-capitalism, free market, free movement and generally anti-regulation. Yet metrolopolitan and liberal on things like gay rights and the environment.So who did it back during the June 2017 UK General Election? The Tories, right?It is a dismal choice for this newspaper, which sees little evidence of our classical, free-market liberal values in either of the main parties…..No party passes with flying colours. But the closest is the Liberal Democrats. Brexit is the main task of the next government and they want membership of the single market and free movement. (Their second referendum would probably come to nothing, as most voters are reconciled to leaving the EU.)They are more honest than the Tories about the need to raise taxes for public services; and more sensible than Labour, spreading the burden rather than leaning only on high-earners. Unlike Labour they would reverse the Tories’ most regressive welfare cuts. They are on the right side of other issues: for devolution of power from London, reform of the voting system and the House of Lords, and regulation of markets for drugs and sex. The middle has fallen out of British politicsSo the idea in the UK that The Economist is slavishly pro-Conservative, right wing, which has been the case in the past, is incorrect. The Economist views, correctly, that Brexit is and will be a complete disaster for the UK. So this changes everything.However, nobody regards it as ever being ‘left wing’. Although, as others have pointed out, what is centre ground in the U.K. maybe viewed as far left extremism in the US or other countries.

Does CNN lean Republican or Democrat?

Most stations nowadays lean one way or the other. The days of unbiased news reporting are pretty much over. Most of the broadcast channels (ABC, CBS, NBC) are generally considered left center (leaning slightly towards a Democrats or liberal viewpoint).Two channels clearly take a one sided view of the news. MSNBC's reporting clearly favors the left (liberal Democrat) viewpoint. Fox News should be renamed RNNN (Republican National News Network) because of its close alignment with the a Republican Party and its radically right bias.Of all the U.S. news channels, CNN is certainly the most unbiased. However, as with all U.S. based new channels, CNN reports predominantly US news.If you want to really hear the news the way the rest of the world hears it, watch BBC.

How to report to my first duty station(ft Carson)?

im on leave just completed ait.i already brought the plane ticket to Colorado springs

how would i get on i need to call them first or they already know im coming?