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Does this sound right?

I just got my first paycheck and I worked 70 hours and get paid $9 an hour. My amount was 321.90 which is a lot less than I think should. I use this paycheck calculator and I should have at least $552. I get a pay card instead of an actual paycheck. I’m gonna call my boss anyway but I just want a second opinion.

Does this sentence sound right?

No, the sentence, “By 2009, John was on parole and had begun teaching French” does not sound right.There are a number of interpretations for right.One is, is grammatically correct. I think in this case, it is not because one begins teaching French on one day, not during a nonspecific portion of a year. I would use a less restrictive clause such as “taught French”. When he began is less interesting.Also “on parole” might work better as a specific duration if known such as “beginning in 2009, John spent two years on probation”, or, at the start of 2009, John was released on parole. Here again, I'm using specificity to mark the day of release into an ongoing activity.“By 2009,” is a phrase of attainment, so on parole works but beginning hasn't attained.A second interpretation of right calls in questions of morality, justice, jurisprudence, rights etc.Is it right for a convict to teach?Is it right for someone on probation to teach?Does the age group taught matter?As a reader, the juxtaposition is curious, rather than right or wrong. I want to know how a teacher was arrested or how a convict became a teacher and answers to the above questions, regardless of the morality or societal view of this question.I know that people in the US undergo a police check if they work with minors, but I don't know the exact status of what makes a reject by the education system.

Does this Sentence Sound Right to You?

"The basic situation of this story is about two city boys who know only little about life in the wilderness, when all of sudden it was their turn to take a dangerous trip into wilderness."

I think I should somehow change the ending of it, I just don't know how. Please help!!!

Does this sound right to you?

Ok i hate my life so much i see my other friends how their parents treat them and mines is so diffrent. im 14 turning 15 next year. im not allowed to wear shorts paint my nails or do anything. my mom never lets me do anything when i ask her she says no. me and my mom have no good relationship i swear shes ruining my life i cant do anything. im not allowed to have sleep overs or hang out i cant stand her i have good friends they arnt bad we dnt do anything bad. I Hate my life so much i wish i could run away i hate it. this summer i have nothing to do just stay home. my mom doesnt do anything with us we just stay home everyday my life is boring other people are allowed to do things i hate my life i put on shorts that were a little bit above my knee and she told me to take them off because im showing my legs. shes trying to stop me from wearing foundation to cover up my acne scars. life sucks, i see my other friends how friendly they r with their moms and im just sitting there wishing i had their lives. their mom takes them places all my mom does is say no and not do anything i do all the chores in the house i have a 16 year old brother but hes no use

Does the sentence "My English is poor" sound right to you? What is the best way to express the same idea?

First, from the aspect of grammaticality or idiomaticity:"My ... is poor" isn't very idiomatic in English."My swimming is poor" well... "I'm a poor swimmer" or "I'm not a very good swimmer" might be better."My Maths is poor"... How about "I'm not very good at Maths" or "I'm poor at Maths" or "My Maths isn't very good"?"My speaking skills are poor"... How about "I'm a poor speaker" or "I'm not good at speaking"?"My jokes are poor"... more like, "I don't tell very good jokes" or "I'm not good at telling jokes" or "I'm poor at telling jokes".In each case, using "poor" as a predicative adjective is not very idiomatic. The more idiomatic alternatives are to say "I'm poor at...", "I'm not good at...", "My ... isn't very good". Alternatives are "My ... is terrible", "I'm hopeless at...", but that could only be used by a very good English speaker!If you want to include slangy expressions, you might say "My English sucks" --- but if your English was good enough to say that, you wouldn't need to say it at all!Second, from the cultural or sociolinguistic aspect:As Mikhail points out, you need to consider other aspects. Telling people your English is poor is just a statement; saying it won't necessarily get the effect that you want.  If you say "My English is poor" or "My English is terrible" you might only succeed in getting people to say "No, your English is fine! Better than mine!", but that's not what you want.If you want the other person to be aware that you're still struggling with English and to make allowances for that, there are probably better ways of putting it. For instance, "Sorry, I haven't been learning English for very long, could you (...say that again please, ... slow down a bit, etc.)" or even "I'm still just learning English". If you want to signal that your expression may be awkward or you're not sure if you will be taken the right way, you might say "Sorry, I'm not sure how to say this in English but..."And in fact, if your English is really that "poor", people will pick up on it quite quickly. It may not be necessary to say anything at all.

Does this sound like a good babysitter?

First, no one is going to read all that as the initial point of contact. Second, your grammatical errors are going to turn off a huge majority of your audience. Next is your age. You are very young. You will find some families that will go with you, but you are not going to make that kind of money. In the real world, people only choose teens that young as sitters for a couple reasons... They know you very very very well or they cant afford anyone else.

Does this email sound right for a babysitting job ?

my boyfriend is trying to get another job for babysitting , were just making sure if this email sounds ok to all mothers out there if anything doesnt sound right please tell us how we can fix it.

Hope all is well
My name is Ryan Shupnik I’m 19 years old live in New Haven. I just saw your ad on Iona hot jobs and I’m very interested in the position. I have great experience with kids, I’ve worked with triplets and honestly it feels good to engage with them and sometimes feel like a kid myself, I’m not afraid to go out in the cold and play or do any activities, I’m very motivated, knowledgeable for assistance with homework . I assure if I’m given a chance your kids will get along great with me. I have a very flexible schedule, and my own car, if willing to give a opportunity or interview my Telephone is __________

Why does YouTube have so many ads now?

money COUGH sick i know right? it used to be free, but ads are EVERYWHERE soon cigerates will have ads on the cigs and soon there will be ads on stop signs, road signs, it just gets worse and worse everyday it seems

Are you getting annoyed by this GAP commercial running right now on Yahoo Answer?

Response to MystineG comment #35:

Mystine gave a negative comment regarding this issue.
My reponse to it is that I am mostly answering questions on yahoo answer and people usually benefit from it. Why should i be paying to answer questions? I got nothing against regular ads except that one which does Impose you to hear it when you're trying to help others.....