Does This Describe What


Basically, they're asking "Out of all the people that applied for this position, why do you think we should choose you?". In other words, you have to sell yourself. You have to tell them what is so special about you that will make you stand out from the rest. If you had experience in teaching, then say that you will brng your expertise into the classroom from your previous teaching experience. Say that you will bring a positive attitude and tons of energy to the classroom, which will facilitate the learning of your students. In other words, tell them what do you have to offer to your students and the school that is rare.

For the second question, they're asking you, how your skills and abilities will facilitate YOUR growth in the workplace. So you can say something like "Since I bring a lot of energy to the classroom, the students will be more willing to participate in my exciting activities. This will give me an opportunity to learn more about my students and the special needs that they might have. This will help me in my future because I will know how to handle different personlity types and different learning styles that students have." Hope this helps! Good luck!

Describe what a microwave does in the way of energy transformations?

The microwave inputs electrical energy (AC power from the wall) and converts it to RF energy by a special device called a magnetron. The RF energy is then converted to heat energy by coupling with water molecules in the food to be cooked.

What does it mean to describe in general terms?

It means to provide an overview of something without providing details. I could say, for example, the my home state of Massachusetts is a great place to raise children, which would be describing it in general terms without explaining exactly why it’s a great pale to raise children (good schools, lots of outdoor activities, low crime rate, etc.).

How would you describe what a GIS Analyst does?

There are a lot of good answers in this thread — check out answers from Abdelbarre Chafik , Akhil Kumar, and Bernardo Farill . I’ll add my perspective (many of SafeGraph’s partners are GIS companies and we work with many analysts).First, the phrase “GIS” is a bit of an anachronism. “GIS” stands for “Geographic Information System” which is term from 30 years ago. It basically meant visually using maps and mapping. But today it can mean anything from using maps to doing most things to understand the physical world. The term “GIS” is pretty broad and you will find many great people in it.Second, people in the GIS world tend to be extremely smart and curious. I have met thousands of GIS people and they are, on the whole, extremely impressive and very dedicated to what they do. I personally call myself a “GIS Nerd” and you’ll find that being a nerd in the GIS world is a badge of honor.Third, most GIS people care deeply about the physical world. You might love maps, buildings, roads, infrastructure, mountains, rivers, etc. If you love the outdoors, GIS could be great for you. But GIS could also be great for you if you love the indoors. GIS is essentially the study of the physical world and the changes in the physical world. (With the caveat that GIS is primarily focused on what happens on Earth … studying Mars and Venus is for other disciplines.)At SafeGraph, we try to also make our Places and POI (Point-of-interest) data available all types of GIS professionals. We have large POI downloads that are available to super technical users and we have an a la carte POI shopping cart for the individual researcher.There are so many different types of people that enter the GIS profession — and all are welcome!

Describe what would you do for a first date?

Dinner and drinks is always a good bet. That way if the evening goes poorly you can escape after dinner. Also drinks tend to loosen everyone up and allow for more relaxed conversation.
If it goes well you still win because you have left them wanting more.

How does one describe the American accent in words?

The quintessential American accent has long, long been described as “with a twang.”If memory serves, there was a eminent American professor and lexicographer interviewed by British TV back in the 1980s to describe what the American English language and accent was in short. The professor said “hardboiled but racy words, spoken with a twang.”

If you have tinnitus, how do you describe what you hear?

I have two distinct forms of tinnitus. One is a sine wave (pure tone) which never goes away, though the magnitude (i e. volune) varies, especially when I get dehydrated, in which case it gets louder.This URL[1] will take you to a website that will play what the “ring” (sine wave) I hear approximately sounds like. Note: I set my phone volume to about 1/2 of maximum, and then set the volume slider on the web page to get the average volume about righr. The frequency is also very close.Once the web page loads you will just need to tap the “play” button.RING: Online Tone GeneratorThe other noise is a buzzing sound which is fairly close to a sawtooth wave. It is EXTREMELY LOUD most of the tine, but does shut off for a day or two every eight or nine days on average. Also the transition from on to off, always happens when I'm sleeping.This just happens to be a “quiet” day so I can't listen to the buzz to get the exact frequency, but this is a pretty good representation of the type of sound it is, and the frequency is in the ball park at least. Here's an URL[2] that takes you to that.Note: I set my phone volume to 1/2 maximum, and then set the volume slider on the web page to get the average volume about right:BUZZ: Online Tone GeneratorAccording to the notes on the web site, you can play each URL in a different browser tab to hear both tones simultaneously, which is how it usually sounds to me.NOTE: I have no financial interest in the website. I just found it in Google search. It is an amazing resource though and I plan to make a contribution to the person who runs the site. Here's the URL[3] for donating:DonateEDIT: I tested playing both tones simultaneously, one in each browser tab. It works very well.Also, I noticed that the volume is about right with my earbuds in. Without the ear buds the buzz is a little louder then normal.Footnotes[1] Online Tone Generator[2] Online Tone Generator[3] Donate

How do I describe a gunshot sound?

How close is it? Explosion would be very near (same room). Crack or rattle would be far away. If it was next to your ear, it would be sudden pressure and then dead silence with everything moving in slow motion.