Does This Drink Sound Good

Does a drink sound good right now?

I just did my sixth shot of vodka. I should probably stop, but I'm feeling a few more.

What kind of virgin drink sounds good to get tonight? :P?

I'm pregnant so I can't drink, but tonight we have a farewell dinner to attend, and I was thinking of getting a virgin drink... not too keen on daqarais, and not sure how well virgin margaritas taste.. were going to chili's what do you all suggest? :P

Why do some people make an "ahh" sound after have a cold drink of water?

It's not strictly from relief, but because before you drink you usually take a deeper breath than normal. You hold that breath in as you drink, sometimes for several seconds. When you're done, you need to expel the breath a little more forceful than normal. Sometimes that vibrates the vocal chords, creating the "ahh" sound.The same can be said of lowering yourself into a hot bathtub. The anticipation of the heat (on your genitals, mainly), which is often just a little to hot,  makes you hold your breath. Then when you're finally settled you exhale.We often associate it with relief because that which caused us to hold our breath—thirst, or the slight pain of too-hot water—is now over. But the real reason is more mechanical than emotional, although you may play it up for those around you.

If bad men live to eat and drink do good men eat and drink to live?

Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. - Socrates, supposedly
If this was shortened to "To avoid gluttony one should eat to live not live to eat." would it's meaning be the same?

If it doesn't sound good to you, what do you think would sound better?

How do you spell the sound of someone drinking?

same sound as a bj slurp gurgle burp

Why does music sound better when im drunk?

Its because your brain is thinking in a different way more a relaxed and party mood. That's what alcohol does including making most music sound better all night or day

Does the sentence "Dilute the juice with water before drinking" sound natural in English?

“Dilute” is a perfectly good word to use in that sentence.“Thin” doesn’t work very well for juice, because most juices are already thin liquids. Tomato juice is a little thicker, so maybe someone would talk about adding water to make it thinner. But for most other juices, adding water doesn’t make it thinner, it makes it weaker or less concentrated.If you use water to thin something, it’s usually pancake batter or frosting or some other similar item.Another phrase you could use is “water [it] down.” This has the same meaning as dilute. For example, you could say “This juice has an intense flavor. You should water it down before drinking it” or “Don’t forget to water down the juice before giving it to the kids. Otherwise, they’ll be bouncing off the walls from all that sugar.”

Why do people make the “aaaahh” sound after drinking?

So annoying! Because they are holding back their breath with their epiglottis while drinking. Once they swallow, they release it noisily. People sometimes do it while singing or meditating as well. In which case I tell them not to do that. For drinking, taking a small sip and then breathing normally is preferable to gulping and aaah-ing. But what can you do? Learn to ignore it, or don't hang around those people.