Does This Excuse Make Sense

Does that "Don't judge me!" excuse make sense?

You can't escape judgment. Judgment is the only way people can form opinions, basically. The "Don't judge me!" thing is a crutch. People can't find anyway to justify their behavior so they fall back on the don't judge me bit. However, when you do something totally messed up, or when you do anything for that matter, you are inviting yourself to be judged. They just can't explain away their behavior and if they know what they did is not justifiable this is the excuse they commonly use.

Does the sentence "My ears are full of your excuses" make sense and sound natural when someone always keeps you waiting and makes an excuse?

Honestly no, its not something typically said in English, although it would be understood. So yes to does this “make sense”, but “sound natural” not so much. It sounds like a saying translated directly from another language (which it probably is).You may want to tell Michael he is “so full of excuses” or you’re “tired of his excuses” instead.

Does ignorance of the law make sense on the internet?

Jesse Ventura made a very valid point in one of his books that I read a long time ago.I’ll paraphrase here because it’s been so long ago that I don’t want to misquote him. Take the average attorney. He or she went to school for years and then hauls tons of reference materials into court to try a case either as defense or prosecution. Since the laws are ever-changing that would mean that not even your average attorney even with their years of school and experience knows the law, how should you be expected to?Granted there are hundreds of books out there like Three Felonies A Day that make a great case for that very argument.On the internet, I think it might also apply because you may have done what thousands have done under The Computer Fraud And Abuse Act of 1986.Did you know that you really and truly cannot use a screen name that isn’t your name? Under that law, it’s true so you might have just committed a violation of law, xXxSexyGrrlxXx.If you didn’t know those things existed, now you do but keep in mind, think also of what you don’t know. It’s also the reason why you should always exercise your right to remain silent and demand to have an attorney present whenever you find your self being questioned by authority figures.

What do you say when someone says, "Excuse Me"?

"its ok" which doesnt make sense... or "you're excused"

Drunk rape and drunk drunk driving ANALOGY.....does it make sense ?

if a person gets drunk and then drives he is held responsible for it and arrested.
even though he was unable to make the decision to drive as he was drunk.

so when a woman gets drunk and throws herself on a man and they end up having sex why isnt the woman held also responsible for it. why is only the man blamed? because law says woman was unable to make the decision to throw herself on a man????

but then the drunk guy who drives should also not be held responsible....he was also drunk and unable to make a decision to get into the car and drive

Does drivers license suspension from child support make any sense!?!?!?

Wow, just as I thought! You got pitchfork mobs that "still" can’t see the illogic in this law. And it’s obvious that those of you touting the title “deadbeat parent” have a very narrow minded view of parents with financial difficulties or unusual circumstances, do you “really” think it’s because "none" of those parent doesn’t care!?!

carterch, Lia, JNS, school marm, prego, fourofsi & anyone else agreeing with them:
This proves how easily conclusive some are in thinking this issue is just a one-way street, oh and “carterh” what makes you thinks it’s just men??

Baby Poots, Professo, carmelia:
I commend you on your wisdom and logic on this subject, hopefully the above will get some insight!

And just for the record for those who assumed that I was the one with the issue were WRONG! (Refer to statement of being easily assumptive!) I agree in non-custodial parents in paying child support but the “manner” in which the law and said amount to be paid has been way out of line.

Which of the sentences below is correct: “excuse me for interrupting you” or “excuse my for interrupting you”?

Excuse is the verb in the sentence - so you need to answer the question, Excuse whom? or What? to get an object for the sentence. All transitive verbs need an object.Excuse me/him/her/them/ etc.My is a possessive pronoun. You can follow Excuse with the pronoun My. For instance:Excuse my behavior. Excuse my lack of attention. etc.But the possessive pronoun ‘My’ must be followed by a noun.You cannot say Excuse my for interrupting you - for interrupting you is not a noun or a noun phrase.

Honest question... mhhhmmm! Excuse me... but how are you atheists SO POSITIVELY SURE that there is no God somewhere else in the universe?

I've experienced being 'God' on psychedelics and let me tell you, the idea that there's a separate entity with human qualities somewhere who created the universe, just doesn't make sense. God is just pure awareness. Everything is that awareness including you and me experiencing itself subjectively. We are the universe, not separate beings.

Reality is just an illusion, a simulation, a dream. The only thing that's real is consciousness.