Does This Name Suit The Personality And Character

Does the name you have effect your personality?

Many of you might be thinking the answer is blatantly obvious, that yes, of course, names influence personalty, but does it really? Is it solely the name which you’ve been given that determines your personality, or is it the society that you grew up in?Take, for instance, a very unique name mixed with a very unique girl; the name clearly embodies the girl’s personality. Anyone that meets her would not be surprised in the least that this name was given to this girl. That her personality mirrored the true aspects and uniqueness of her name.What about a more common name for a more common boy? The boy goes throughout life not pushing too hard on both the law or society. He is normal and has a very normal name. His personality, like the unique girl’s, fits so perfectly with his name that it’s no wonder he has that common name.Plus, when meeting a person, usually the name of the person fits that personality and appearance. The name truly embodies the person who possesses it.But what about people with names that really don’t fit them physically or emotionally? If the idea of the name affecting the personality was true, why isn’t this sort of person also affected by their name?When picking names, what’s the most important part of the process? The parents. This may seem a bit shallow, as the name is made for the child, but it’s true. A parent isn’t going to name their child something they consider “unattractive” or downright “unfit.”Therefore, the parents are picking a name they find personally attractive. It not only embodies their ideology of a perfect child, but it fits their family.Children grow up creating their personality, true, but parents have a huge impact on the person their child becomes. Because of this, the child may be similar to their parents and this causes the name of the person to fit “perfectly.” A unique mother picking a unique name for her child will more than likely create a unique girl, not because of the name but because the mother.Of course, not all children end up like their parents. Wouldn’t this then explain the name not fitting the child? If the personality of both of the parents and child are extremely different, the name might not necessarily fit the child.So, do names affect your personalty? Perhaps, but more than likely not. More than likely, it’s because of the family, not the name, that helps create the personality of the child.Thanks®

Which actors have played characters whose name or personality suits them better than their own in real life?

Let’s not ask how we can possibly know what personality suits an actor “better than their own in real life”. It would spoil the fun …I can’t think of anyone with whom I’d rather kick off my shoes and lounge around getting plastered on my last afternoon before killing myself, than Julianne Moore.Tom Cruise has proven over and over again that he’d be much better at a job that requires a lot of shouting at people and running for his life along city streets. Any suggestions? Or would he be unemployable?“What goes around comes around” hasn’t yet applied to the fashion of wearing a green carnation, and Stephen Fry’s just the right man to bring it back into vogue.Meryl Streep would have been exactly the right person to be a posh romance novelist who switches to wearing cardigans and writing self-help books once she’s had a bad experience stealing Roseanne Barr’s husband. Either that or she could certainly have been as chillingly scary as Condoleezza Rice cautioning the world against anti-Americanism - perhaps even more so. (Imagine, if you can, how Grace and Mamie would be now - assuming they’ve plucked up the courage to come out from under their beds.)If only Armie Hammer had been J. Edgar Hoover’s boyfriend when Hoover was 17, and had taught him the fun things teenage boys can get up to with peaches as well as how to surrender to love. Had Judi Dench not been J. Edgar’s mother, America would be very different and so would the rest of the world.[1. A Single Man. 2. The Firm; A Few Good Men; Mission Impossible and so on, and on, and on. 3. Wilde. 4. She-Devil; Rendition; The Manchurian Candidate; The Iron Lady; (but not The Devil Wears Prada. In that film she’s a scary editor, not a scary politician.); 5. J. Edgar and Call Me By Your Name.]

What fictional characters have names that fit their personalities exceptionally well?

Dickens is famous for these sorts of characters, and in fact this concept is sometimes called a "Dickensian name" for that reason. Some examples:Ebenezer ScroogeUriah HeepOliver TwistWackford Squeers

So, what name do you think matches my personality?

Why mademoiselle, dear arabesque,
A decoration for a desk
Is quite an awkward name;
I'm glad you think the same.

Why won't you stomach Adelaide:
The tang of tea and marmalade
You cannot think it vile
To be an anglophile;

Perhaps you misjudge Catherine
And Anne, whose noble brethren
(Sir Tom and Fred and all)
I grant you are quite dull.

But Catherine (`please call me Kit')
And Anne are very with it;
Their dissident nature
Belies their nomenclature.

For Catherine and darling Anne
Escaped the snows of Manhattan,
Wintering in Texas
On the gains in taxes;

Although their dad, the old Lord Merson
Is just as much a U.S. person,
He lacks the girls' finesse
About the IRS.

In this and sundry matters Anne
And Kit excel in everything,
Except when they are weighed
Alongside Adelaide.

A number-crunching countess, Ada
Took function calls with nothing, nada
To code her programs in
Besides her comely chin.

And many girls are not named Sally,
Yet many are exceptionally
Ace at everything,
My muse could not begin...

Then take a name like Theodora,
Petrosinella, or Honora;
Yet no word can explain
The lustre of your brain.

Poor, great triple-barrelled Caesar's
Names were never great crowd pleasers,
And yet today all three
Grace much posterity.

You could be knightly like Sir Kay,
Now clashing with Morgaine le Fay;
For still the name of Gaius
O'ertops the Himalayas.

Or forge a name, like Jessica,
As Shakespeare did (it's ethical),
So that alone, your fame
Shall echo with your name.

For writers: how do you pick out last names for your characters?

I have no trouble coming up with first names, and I'm not asking for someone to come up with last names for me. I'm just curious as to how you come up with yours. I rack my brain every time I come up with a character trying to figure out their last name and have the hardest time.
It's not as hard for my main characters, their names sort of just appear, but my side characters, I have the hardest time.

I need some names for characters in my story!?

For my story, I need four names that match certain personalities.

There's one girl who is naturally tan and is sweet to everyone. She's like the good girl.

There's one girl with olive skin and brown hair that is book smart, and stories to be the best.

Another girl is more eclectic. She's got dark hair and is free spirited.

The last girl I need a name for is not very important to the story. She has bright red hair though. Well she's important to the story, her name just isn't.

I have the name Mia already for one of my characters, so please don't use that as a suggestion. And I know the character descriptions are vague and cliche, but that's because I don't want to give too much out online!

Reasons for characters names in Of Mice and Men...?

The significance of names and nicknames (George, Lennie, Slim, Curley, Crooks and Candy):

With names and nicknames it′s easy to underline the character of persons.
George is a migrant-worker who wishes to buy his own farm where he can live forever, where he wants to cultivate plants and where he can have some animals. So, he wants to become a real farmer and this is underlined by his name that means, in the Greek original, "farmer".
It′s the same with Lennie. He′s very tall, big and powerful, but not so clever and intelligent. His appearance can be compared to a hugh and strong animal - and so his name means "lion".
Crooks is a stable-buck and a ******. But his name underlines his outward appearance: A horse kicked him and now he′s a cripple - he can′t go upright, he′s crooked, which means "not straight, twisted".
Slim is the foreman and respected by the other workers. "Slim" means "not fat, not thick" and this shows that he′s a tall person, a man with a defined body who is always very active.
"Curly" means "having or arranged in curls". This refers to Curley′s hairstyling and it could also refer to his wife who has her hair in sausage-curls.
Candy, the old swamper, is a very friendly, honest and open man with whom you can talk about everything. This is underlined by his name: "candid" means "not hiding one′s thoughts, frank and honest".