Does This Really Happen To Water

Does bottled water really expire?

In case you are wondering, I'll tell you. Water is known as the universal solvent. What that means is that it will absorb almost anything. So, even though it's been on earth for millions of years, once you put water in a bottle it's life is limited. Its actually better for you to drink tap water than bottle water because florescent lights, the kind of lights that illuminate every convenience store in the world, help grow bacteria. During the bottling process, there are various processes used to clean up the water including filtration and ozonation. If too much ozone was added, the plastic will leach into the bottles. If too little ozone was added, bacteria can start growing immediately. Awesome!

Now, take that gross tap water. The tap water that arrives at your house is just hours from where it has continuously been tested for hundreds of contaminants. Even with a bottled date, I would prefer freshly tested water than water that has been in a bodega or in a corporate pantry for months. Next, if your teeth important to you you should almost definitely skip bottled water. While bottled water does not have fluoride, most city municipal systems add fluoride to their supply.

So, the next time you are at someone's house or apartment and they don't have a Brita, don't worry. Turn on the tap. Forget the marketing bullshit that everyone is selling you. Relax. And enjoy a cold drink of water. Because its probably better for you than a bottle of Poland Spring/Dasani/Dannon/Deer Park/Evian/etc.

Does fish rain really happen?

After the brief but clear aswer by Tim Kaye, there is little to say, but perhaps some clarifications:There are several different animals that have been involved in these events, but also other stranger things, like the “orange snow”, filled with Saharan sand, or the “blood rain” in Colombia in 2008 (certified as blood by a microbiologist?)Fish or other small, water living creatures like frogs seems the best candidates, but nonetheless, it seems that raining water is not always the purest….

What really happened???

early alchemists used to do an experiment in which water was boiled for several days in a sealed glass container. eventually some solid residue would appear in bottom of the flask which was interpreted to mean that some of the water in flask had been converted into "earth". when lavoisier repeated this experiment, he found that water weighed the same before and after heating and the mass of the flask plus solid residue equaled original mass of flask. were the alchemists correct? explain what really happened.

Can I put water in my vape pen?

Water won't make vapor, you'd need propylene glycol and/or glycerin.

Does it really happen that someone "sets fire to the ice" while ice skating?

There are a limited number of conditions under which normal ice can be made to ‘burn’ and none of them are likely under Ice Skating conditions unless someone really seriously messed up doing their job.Water itself, doesn’t burn except under very high temperatures, temperatures high enough to separate the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen (as with magnesium or other flammable metal fires). What can burn is something spilled on water (or ice) if that chemical is sufficiently reactive with water.No, the most likely meaning here is hyperbolic praise, or as another pointed out ‘a figure of speech’.

What would happen if water had an extremely low specific heat?

specific heat is the amount of heat it takes to raise a substance to rise 1°C. Metals tend to have a low specific heat and water has a very high specific heat. The water would be hot in the summers, because the temperature of water would raise faster with the temperature increase in the summer. Life would change drastically. Humans cannot survive 3 days without water so that would cause a problem in hot temperatures. Rain would be hot only if the temperature was high.

My son drank bong water could anything really bad happen to him?

LOL i cracked up laughing when i saw this!!!

What would happen if you poured cold water into a volcano?

Some pretty good answers here but none really talked about ash!Volcanic ash is formed when erupting magma comes in contact with volatiles like water or CO[math]_2[/math]. The water is vaporized, and the expanding steam blasts apart the magma into small (as small as 2mm) globules. These globules rise up and can get carried around in the wind, to be deposited 100’s or 1000’s of km away from the source.This commonly happens when lava comes in contact with a body of water like the ocean, or if the volcanic caldera (the bowl at the top) sinks below the water table, and magma erupts up through the water.The ash is basically glass, and can cause a lot of damage to human health and structures. Airplanes are at great risk because the hardened ash becomes molten when it enters a plane’s combustion chamber, then re-solidifies on the turbines, causing the engine to stall.Once the ash settles on the ground, it provides a nitrogen and phosphorus-rich topsoil layer that facilitates new plant growth.So basically, if you poured cold water into a volcano, you would definitely generate steam, and potentially generate ash (if you have enough water)!