Does This Sound Like A Fair Punishment To You

Is hell a fair punishment for the unsaved?

If God created hell, why would he make it an eternal place of punishment for the unsaved? Mostly everyone would agree that the worst thing about going to hell is that you'll never escape. If it lasted a billion years, then at least you'd have hope and a day to look forward to, but not even that. Is it really fair to torture someone for all of eternity, no matter what they did? This isn't to mention that every human has sinned to differing degrees. Most people aren't as bad as Hitler was. Yet, God sends all the unsaved, including Hitler, to eternal damnation in the lake of fire. How is this a fair punishment? Eternity lasts forever, and we only live for like 100 years at the most. The only interesting conclusion I've come to is that it's not only about what we've done in this short period of time on Earth. It's about who we are and what we would continue to do forever should God not end our life. You see, the sinner, unless he turns to God to be born again and saved, always remains a sinner. He will always continue to transgress God's law and, if he lived forever, he would forever sin. Since we are eternal beings that have a soul, this means the sinner will sin for eternity no matter where he goes after death which constitutes an eternal punishment. That's the only thing I can think of. How about you?

Does this sound like a fair punishment for cheating on my girlfriend?

Depends what she makes you do from 8am to 8pm. I slept with another girl a a year ago while dating my current fiance and when she found out I had to commit to a mass amount of rules, which are binding for the rest of my life.

I had to move out of my apartment and live in her parents home full time so she knows where I am every minute i am away from work. She has arranged for the receptionist at my work to phone her when arrive in the morning & when I leave in the afternoon, at which time I pick her up from work. Generally i have to go wherever she goes, even to her hair salon when she gets her hair done. Can you imagine how embarrasing sitting thier among all the ladies who know what i have done. If it is not possible to go with her I am made to stay home with either her parents or brothers under watch.

Currently I am made to wear long johns for my underwear day and night so I do not feel as if I am attractive to anyone, and long term I have had to sign a letter of commitment that if I strayed again she would be allowed to fit me with a chastity device of her choice.

These are only a few of the many rules she has put in place some even making me do things to myself on a regular basis to reduce my sexual desire, instead of allowing us to make love prior to us getting married. This action is the utmost embarrasement as she insists on bing there when i do it.

Is this punishment fair?

It is not a bad punishment, but you should be lucky because most parents would give their child a worse punishment if their child did something like that.

And she should not spank you.

Corporal punishment as a punishment? Fair?

I'm a college student studying abroad in Ukraine and in some local districs corporal punishment or fines are given rather than a jail sentence. There was recently a case where a girl who was 19 who was babysitting a couple 5 and 7 year old girls beat them on a regularly when they complained about anything. The 19 year old girl was recently sentenced to 60 strokes with a cane. The way they will carry out the sentence is she'll have to take her pants off and lean on this wooden thing and stick her butt out and a female court employee will carry out the punishment. Fair?

Is Prometheus’ punishment fair?

That is a very controversial question! Nevertheless, I’ll provide both views.First, the gods then did not have to be “fair” by human standards. They didn’t need to justify their actions. Especially not the king of the gods. From a gods’ view, fairness is irrelevant. What mattered was that Prometheus went against Zeus’ orders and brought fire to man. And so he was punished. He probably expected that too, as the titan god of forethought. No justification or fairness needed.As a human, if Epimetheus ran out of fur and feathers for man, Prometheus’ masterpiece, and I was left as I was and had to resort to huddling in caves? Why should Prometheus be punished for trying to fix the shortcomings his brother caused? And he helped us a ton! We could cook meat, warm water, fire clay, and so many other things with the fire he gave us. To man, it was probably very unfair that their ally was chained to a mountain and had his liver eaten by an eagle.Prometheus probably also thought it was unfair, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t expecting it. And he probably knew what he thought didn’t really matter to Zeus at that point.It depends who you ask to decide if the punishment was fair or not.

Is this punishment ok?

She told me that was the rest of my punishment. They kept laughing and stuff! Oh, and did I mention my sister was down there too!? My mom told me to explain why I did that. I was TRYING to tell her as I was covering up. She told me NOT to cover up! My sister even suggested to tie my hands behind my back! Which made everyone in that room laugh more! I tried again 2 explain it to her, but she suddenly grabbed me by my ear, slapped me over her lap, and spanked me AGAIN! In front of EVERYBODY! Then, I just had to stay there one more hour! It was HORRIBLE! That was a month ago and everyone STILL talks about it. My one x-friend took pics of me with her cell phone that day seceretly! She now tells me to do ANYTHING! Or if I don't, she'll show some other kids it! She's done it before! And ever since then, I've tried to tell my mom what really happened. And why I did it! But she won't listen! Was that a good punishment? Shouldn't she've let me explain? And what should I do about my friend?

What is the proper punishment for a messy room?

I wondered if I could get some of you pro-parents out there to tell me if this was good parenting.

I let her (12) have a friend over night, but we have strict rules about food in any other room besides the kithen. I reminded them of the rule twice before going to bed. In the morning they had pomegranite juice on the new polka dot bedspread and junk all over the floor (wet towels and swim suits, and garbage). The bed spread came with a rule, if I had to clean her room, the polka dots were gone. If I have to pick up garbage and so on, the bedroom had to be decorated the way I liked it. So today I bagged up all the bedding, cute pink pillows, polka dot extras, ann the room is now adult-style, lovely colors, green and beige and I just love it!!! I will happily clean her room now!!

And then I short sheeted her bed and mismatched all of her socks.

Grounded for 6 this fair?!?!?!?!?

So I was joking around and said something kinda rude to my Mom accidently...I didn't mean anything by it, and I apologized a million times. Yet, my Dad still grounded me for 6 months, no fun what so ever, no getting my temps until I'm ungrounded in April, (I'm 16 1/2, and haven't gotten them yet because my dad keeps "forgetting" to take me, by then I'll be almost 17.) Do you think this is fair for just goofing around?? I mean, it wasn't like I waited to apologize, soon as I said it, I realized that was kinda rude and apologized on the spot. My Mom thinks maybe two weeks grounding, and has tried to talk my Dad into it, but he's stuck to 6 months. Anyone else think this is unfair? I mean, I need some sort of punishment ... but 6 months?!?!?! Thanks.