Does Toothpaste Really Help Get Rid Of Discoloration On Your Face

Does Toothpaste really help get rid of acne?

Try putting toothpaste (paste, NOT gel) on your face, cover it with a bandage, and keep it on all night. When you wash it off in the morning your acne will look better. The astringent and surfactant nature of the toothpaste will help diminish the appearance of pimples. But the toothpaste has been known to burn sensitive skin of the face, so be careful. If your face does burn, stop acne treatments and work on healing your burn.

Try using Bentonite Clay, a natural mineral powder which has been known to absorb impurities and help neutralise the skin's oiliness, and can be found online. Mix 2 tablespoons with a dash of cold water and smooth over the face as a thick paste. Once dried gently wipe off with a flannel or sponge.

Another way to zap pimples is shaving cream. Apply it to your pimple and it will dry it up. It disappears by morning, but washes your face after waking up. If nothing is working for you, drink four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted with water daily. It works very well for some people and is worth a try. Another good solution is aloe Vera gel fresh from the plant, taken orally.

You can also try taking a zinc tablet everyday.


Does toothpaste really help get rid of acne?

Sometimes yes but it isnt a fix.

The best thing for problem skin is a gentle cleanser and moisturiser. (the less ingredients on the container the better!) make sure you cleanse ad moisturise morning and night.

Most people who have acne don't moisturise, this makes the condition worse. Your skin produces and oil called sebum which helps fight off bacteria and creates a layer which protects your skin from pollution, sun etc to an extent. When you cleanse you remove that layer of sebum. It needs to be replaced ASAP and moisturiser will help replace what is lost through cleansing. Cleansing as well as toothpaste dries the skin. If you do not replace that layer and keep stripping your skin of oil it will produce more sebum then normal. This increased production blocks pores and causes pimples, white heads and blackheads.

Hope this helps.

Does toothpaste really help with acne?

If you want to use toothpaste to get rid of pimples, look for a true toothpaste, not a gel, and if you can, find one with minimal additives. Natural or organic toothpastes are a good bet, since they usually have a short ingredient list. Apply a small dab to the acne spot in question, leave it on overnight, and rinse in the morning. Your mileage may vary, depending on the toothpaste, your skin type, and the pimple.

I just suggest washing your face regularly and with an acne wash. I use the Neutrogena Grapefruit acne wash that exfoliates. It's oil free and its smells good, but if you're allergic to the smell then just get a non scented one.

Does putting toothpaste on your face really help get rid of acne?

Ok, here's the answer from someone who suffered from acne for 12 years that tried everything and finally found the cure- Im not sure how old you are but if you're in the 20's or older then I suggest a liver flush- Its takes 24 hrs of ur life, a couple grapefruits, olive oil and epsom salt= less than 7 dollars for everything- pills or topical treatments may work for some people but if its an ongoing problem then tackle the root cause- Liver flush is a simple procedure that literally flushes out deposits of fats, toxins, bacteria and gallstones from the liver. Acne wise liver flush is the most beneficial detox. It is possible to get clear without liver flush but you can expect acne to reappear quickly after eating unhealthy foods. As liver is so critical to the health of the skin it's almost impossible to really break free from adult acne if the liver is not functioning properly.

Does toothpaste really heal acne or does it just feel like it's working?

No toothpaste doesn't heal acne nor does it get rid of hickeys (love bites). toothpaste is really only good for cleaning your teeth.
try using an overnight blemish clearing gel- there are heaps out on the market and most are reasonably priced. check out your local pharmacy or retail outlet for what's in your price range.
if you've got a bit of money to burn, go to a beautician - they'll definitely give you something that works but it will cost a bit.

Does toothpaste helps get rid of pimples on face?

That is a common household trick thats supposed to work against pimples and I have heard that it works for some people. But its never worked for me and ive tried a few different kids of toothpaste.
but another household remedy is eye drops if you put them on the pimple it makes it less red but it doesnt make it go away.

But what im using right now just btw is the clearasil acne clearing scrub
and for on the actual pimples i use the Clearasil rapid action treatment gell which works SO WELL
and you know how after the pimple goes away theres still like this annoying red spot thing that lasts for like a month which I HATE. i used the clean & clear advantage mark treatment for that and i lovee itt.

hope my advice helpedd (:

Does toothpaste really work to get rid of pimples

Forget Toothpaste, for some people it works, for others it does not. I recommend you go to your doctor and ask for PanOxyl, it will clear your spots up in a few weeks. At first it will look like as if it is making matters worse, but what it does is bring out spots under the surface of your skin that have not shown themselves yet. After these have gone, you will very rarely get spots as long as you wash your face daily.

Does toothpaste work to get rid of pimples?

I am not a doctor nor a specialist but this may help:

1) rinse your face as soon as you wake up, after you come home from outside

and before you sleep.
2) eat a lot of apples( i do not know how but that really helped me)
3) drink a lot of water..A LOT
4) exercise to sweat and get dirt off your face

Give it a try, i am sure it will work. It worked for me

The theory behind toothpaste clearing pimples and spots is pretty simple. Because toothpaste contains astringents/drying agents, these will dry up active pimples. At the same time, toothpaste has antibacterial properties (something has got to kill all those nasty germs that build up in your mouth, right?) so not only will you be drying out the offending pimple, but also killing off the bacteria which cause new ones to develop.Combine this with the low price of toothpaste, and the fact that you probably already have it at home in large quantities, and there is little wonder why so many people are fond of using toothpaste to get rid of pimples. However, does toothpaste really help acne, or is this treatment method more urban legend than fact?It is 100% true that toothpaste will dry spots out. This will not happen overnight, however, so the age old story of the spot that comes the night before the prom being wiped out by the trusty Colgate tube isn't going to happen. Still, the basic principle of putting toothpaste on your acne does have some merit.What is important to remember though is that toothpaste can be very drying. If you use it for a protracted period of time on the same patch of skin you are probably going to do more harm than good. There are a lot of chemicals in toothpaste that will put stress on your skin's natural balance, and strip it of natural oils.This is the biggest reason why you should avoid using toothpaste to help get rid of acne. Instead, using a natural alternative such as lemon juice will still yield impressive results, but at the same time will avoid drying your skin out to the point of causing it harm. It pays to use a more gentle treatment method on spots, as you are going to have to be consistent with use- harsh chemicals may work very effectively in the short term, but if you have to use them over and over again you run the risk of getting very dry patches of irritated skin.As you probably already know by now, irritated skin is more prone to break outs, and you are going to very quickly regret drying your skin out.Does toothpaste help acne? Yes, but not in a healthy way. Stick to more gentle treatment methods instead and reap the rewards they bring.