Does Weed Make Your Prayers Invalid For 40 Days If You Smoke Weed

Does weed make your prayers invalid for 40 days if you smoke weed?

The relevant ahadith only refer to alcoholic drinks and are in disagreement with the Qur'an in regards to the acceptance of prayer. The Qur'an states that prayers are not accepted until the person is no longer intoxicated, while the ahadith state that prayers are not accepted for forty days or until the person repents. Both agree on the prohibition of alcohol and it's dangers, but the Qur'an always takes precedence. In any case, it would be best to avoid alcoholic beverages in their entirety.

I smoked weed. Will my prayer not be accepted for 40 days in Islam?

Prophet - Peace Be Upon Him -“ what ever causes intoxication in large amounts, a small amount of it is Haraam.”Smoking weed / hashish is exactly that.Yes, following the teaching that an intoxicating substance is Haraam, and that the prayers after the taking of such a substance are not accepted for 40 days, then weed comes under this.It is a way of punishment, but remember that Allah is forgiving and understanding.Salam.

If you smoke weed are your prayers Not excepted for 40 days like alcohol?

I asked this question earlier but no one seems to answer they just say drugs are haram. But I'm asking if it invalidates your salat since a Hadith said whoever drinks and gets Drunk his prayers are not valid for 40 days

Is your wudu invalidated if you eat something of the haram?

well, if it is pork and you did not know it was pork, then no.
but you should brush your teeth lol.

if you were drinking and got drunk, that counts as unconsciousness, or not being there. u ruin your wudu like that.

if you were smoking pot, and got high, that counts as unconsciousness tooooooooo! wudu ruined!

omg! i hope you never do that!

Islam: Marijuana / Hashish: 40 days is my Salah not accepted?

As-salaam alaikum everyone,

I have a question regarding hashish/ marijuana. I was stupid and smoked it with my cousin the other day after having quit for so long for the sake of Allah. I felt terribly guilty for doing something that I used to during my days of ignorance had something that given up, but the shaytaan got the best of me.. I made sincere repentance to Allah and Inshallah I'll never ever do it again. However I am wondering now, is my Salah invalidated for 40 days? I ask this in reference to the Hadith where the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever drinks wine, his prayer is not accepted from him for 40 days. If he repents, Allah forgives him…” [Tirmidhi]. Is hasish/ marihuana also included in this Hadith? This saddens me even more that I was stupid enough to risk 40 days of invalidated prayers.. Ya Allah .. =[