Does Witch Craft Work

Does Witchcraft Work?

I have a friend who thinks her x friend cast an evil spell on her. To the point she will drive 200 miles out of her way to avoid even the town where this girl leaves. I have a prob with this cause the girl who cast the spell is ugly and poor and mean. If she were a true witch would she not cast a spell to be beautiful and nice and no longer poor? If I were a witch I would be casting spells to make me the best person I could be not try to be mean to those around me.

Does Witchcraft really work?

Well thats one of the hardest questions to answer as Magick only truly works if you believe it will.

I have been practicing for many years and I have found alot of my spells to manifest(become real), but that is for you to decide really. Now just for a quick note as I was reading some other answers don't be turnt off by people telling you its the work of Satan it not The Craft if used with good intentions is based on Nature, the Universe and hefty part of will.

To be more specific I study Wicca and I must say if you truly wish to persue it can be a life changing and very extraordinary experience, though if you do feel that in just a small way that you might not be best for this then please listen to yourself.

I have seen to many people come into witchcraft thinking its all about giving people plagues and messing around with alot of dark willed spells that by the Law of Three (What you send out come back to you times Three) have returned to them in bad ways, but if you want to go to the lighter side with Healing and Protection then I would welcome you with open arms.

Ok now for the better part try it that is the best way to know for yourself I would suggest reading up on it for a few months and gaining a basic knowledge of everything then moving onto something very easy to start with like a Protection Charm, I still wear the one that I made when I first started and it has actually worked.

Some recommended book would be anything by Scott Cunningham, Patricia Tlesco, Fiona Horna(except the love ones that is advanced stuff). Alot of them may describe Wicca but the same basic prinicipals work through out the entire Magick world.

Good Luck in your path.

Blessed be!

How long does a love spell take to work? Witchcraft?

Magic works, but you have to keep working at it. It really does, I know this for sure, but you have to do it right. However, I don't recommend using magic to make someone love you because in the end you could get tired of always doing the spell all the time to keep it going.

Magic saps your energy. Prayer works better in the long run because you ask the universe to work with you if it will go along with the greater plan. Magic is using your own energy and it can become exhausting.

I know people who have used love magic successfujlly but it has to be continually done. When you stop they might hate you and you get hurt.Its like a drug youhave to keep taking to keep their love.

It can work immediately or it can take months, depending..

I am not saying magic is bad but I will say its way easier to ask that the universe unfold your way than to continuously spend your personal energy. Of course, with prayer you won't be given what you ask for if it goes against the plan of the universe. Prayer and magic are basically similar, its just different energy being used to get the result you seek.

HOw can you be sure you have her best interest in mind and not your own interest?

I hope things work out for you and it doesn't back fire. Good luck.

Witchcraft...... the work of god or satan?

i have read a lot into witchcraft lately, i have become very interested in it. i have heard many different opinions. some people say that witchcraft is the work of the devil and that it is an abomination to god. others say that only voodoo is evil and that witchcraft is another form of praying if your spells are for good intentions. so, if i am a christian and love god.... will god shun me away if i perform witchcraft?

Is witchcraft real?

Several times a month, usually, yes. I teach and practice Wicca, a religion, and witchcraft, a craft often associated with Wicca, which is also possible to practice without being Wiccan.Witchcraft is grotesquely misunderstood in general. It is a set of skills that are used to co-create a reality we desire. There are many, many different types of witchcraft as well. Most, but not all of these, are associated with a religious path of some sort. Even religions that say they abhor or forbid witchcraft have witchcraft in them, often times. Take Christianity, for example. The making of holy water is a spell, folks. So is transubstantiation, so is exorcism (that’s a set of spells, actually, interspersed with prayers), and so is Vicarious Atonement itself. But hey, I’m not trying to be mean here. Just factual.Witchcraft is not (necessarily) baneful, but it can be. It is like a knife. You don’t have “murder knives” and “salad knives,” right? Likewise, the terms “black” and “white” magic are silly. A tool is a tool is a tool. If one religion’s God doesn’t like it, well, then folks of THAT religion might consider not making their holy water anymore. Ahem.Witchcraft is simply the skill set of healing, herbalism, folk ways, and “knowing things.” It is our grandmothers dowsing for water and giving herbs for childbirth or headaches. It is a set of practices that span many thousands of years of human history and it exists in all cultures. It is the Curandera, the village wise woman, the diviner at the kitchen table. Witchcraft is just simply not that darned mysterious. Heck, come on over and I’ll show you myself. You will not be frightened and you will not leave with a curse on your brow nor a stain on your soul. You will, however, know which tea to drink when your stomach hurts.