Does Working For A Living And Not Wanting Help From The Government Make Me An Anti Feminist

Any other liberal anti-feminists here?

A lot of people see me as a contradiction. I'm liberal, Christian, and usually anti-feminist.
I believe in women's rights but not necessarily all of the feminist movement. Conservatives think they are the only ones with values and the only ones to focus on families but thats ridiculous.
I vote democrat and I think the feminist movement has taken one step foreward for women and two steps backwards for society and families

Why is feminism so anti-men?

No, not at all.Wikipedia defines feminism as :Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for menThough, i love the concept of feminism, i am a totally against this ideology.Feminism has turned more as religion than ideology where someone is trying to be god and make others worship them and some are trying to be priest and make others control and teach them how to worship. This is the most ridiculous fact about Feminism in present time.There is absolute no need of anything like Feminism if we all can bring equality in our thought.And if we can’t do it in our thought, then ideology can hardly bring change, it can only bring chaos.What I believe in is the equality between both the sexes, but what the so called Feminist are trying is to misunderstand Feminism is with anti-men ideology. There has started a cold war between two genders and gender clash is sure to happen in soon time. This is what Feminism has turned into.Coming back to question, Feminism in reality doesn’t regard anti-men or clash with men, but with change in time, it has changed actually as a weapon for men. The false-Feminism only means anti-men. There is clearly lack of orientation between ideology and action in today’s competitive society.#peace

I am a woman, and I hate the feminist movement.?

Many feminist women hate a woman like me, who wish to resist their aggressive ways. I am not comfortable with feminism, nor do I fully understand it. It is changing the way women view themselves and men. Most women I know feel pressure to do great things career wise. Is being a mother not miraculous enough?? But the thing that I hate the most is the way that men are viewing women these days: with less respect and admiration. I know many men my age particularly who despise women for being bossy and pushy, yet when the going gets tough, they cower and play the "feminine flower" card. I hate having this label! I like to care for the house, and have a man who provides. I used to be a full blown feminist, but I was always angry and unhappy. I have found the most peace and excitement being obedient and respectful to my man. I believe that men and women are different but equal. We cannot do what he does, nor can he do what we do. I hope more angry feminists out there can find what being truly feminine is like. REWARDING. what are your thoughts on feminism?

How has feminism impacted women negatively?

Well, for one, I think society now expects a lot more from women, and there is much more pressure on us to perform not only in the work place, but at the home too. The traditional husband and wife role I do not feel has really changed all too much - it is still generally accepted that a woman should be the primary care-giver to her children, as is natural as we breast-feed etc. At the same time though, women now have the added pressure that we're also expected to get a career.

In a way, forcing gender equality between the sexes really hasn't worked. I genuinely believe society functioned better years before - women as housewives, men as the bread winners. Now women are sort of expected to take on TWO roles - co-bread winner AND housewife. I know it's more acceptable for men to help out with chores nowadays, but there's no getting away from the fact that it is still generally considered to be a woman's priority.

As a traditional girl myself who honestly enjoys taking care of my partner, cooking all his meals for him, doing his washing, cleaning up after him, I also feel like I'm judged in a way by the women who are more taken in by feminism and would sooner tell a man to 'get lost' than do those things for him. I am by no means stupid or taken advantage of in my relationship - I simply enjoy taking care of my man. Whilst other men seem to think he is very lucky, other women seem a little scornful of it and think I'm some sort of doormat.

For me, feminism has done nothing but enforce masculine values upon women's femininity. It is for feeble and weak-minded women who need to be told how they should live their lives, what they should strive for and how to view society. I just don't like feminism.

Why do some feminists look down on women who choose a traditional role in the household?

I'm a feminist, and I know we've all been brainwashed by our culture in many ways.  While I'd try not to be judgmental, I certainly feel badly for women who choose to drop out of their educations or careers to do housework and child rearing exclusively.  I'm older, and I remember as a child the enormous social pressure put on women in the 1950s, to only value themselves as wives and mothers.  My mother was more or less forced out of her career by strong social pressures related to my father's career as a minister.  Women who worked back then were thought to be "selfish", only working so they could have nice clothes, etc.!  As the divorce rate rose the the 60s and 70s, there were HUGE numbers of "displaced homemakers"; women who had spent the best parts of their lives doing housework, waiting on their children and husband, and were then kicked to the curb, with little or no education or job experience, in their 40s or 50s. Undergraduate programs and law schools were full of  such women.  I worry that women now who choose homemaking aren't aware of the risk they're taking.  We used to say that such women, although living a solidly middleclass lifestyle,  were just one man's life away from destitution.  So I think we have reason, if not to judge women who choose the traditional role, to worry about them.

What do Swedish men think about the feminism in Sweden (in all honesty)?

Because feminism is everywhere, most Swedish men have never thought about alternatives. It is like socialism in a socialist country, or Islam in a Muslim country. The news every day tell us about some new win for women’s movement or some injustice that women suffer somewhere. After a while, it is enough to just use certain buzz words, such as “don’t you support equal rights”, which can mean anything from giving women special rights (to compensate for the thousands year old patriarchy) or to do affirmative action or whatever else that is claimed to help women.The Swedish middle class who is devoid of any real problems in life don’t mind feminism. Feminism in Sweden is catered towards the middle class women and the men happily agree with it, since that’s how things are done in Sweden. Most people read the media and assumes the media tells them what to think and how to behave; so when the media talks about “injustices”, the middle class assumes that these injustices are a major cause for concern unless one is an evil women-hater who lives in the 1950s.If a man says he is against feminism, that implies he doesn’t want women to have “equal rights”, which means he doesn’t think all humans have equal value… and that could indicate he is secretly a Nazi. Obviously, being suspected of being a Nazi is a major obstacle in life, so most Swedes don’t even bother thinking along those lines.The hard-working men, and men from the working class, generally has nothing but contempt for Swedish feminism. It simple does nothing good and seems to be primarily about privileged white middle class women whining about minor issues.

What are your views on feminism in India?

I was a feminist. However the goal post has changed. I don’t know where we are aiming. This is a hard stand, let me explain…. rather narrate.11:30 PM; Delhi(NCR) :A single working woman steps into a nearly empty bus, with few men. She looks into the empty seats; the bus starts moving. Her heartbeats keep getting faster. She takes the seat nearest to the door. Throughout the journey, she keeps her attention on those men. She has to be cautious…..This is FEAR. This is what we have to erase. When her journey ends, that suit is almost drenched with her cold sweat.11:30 AM; Delhi(NCR):A young clerk, ambitious yet poor boards the same bus. Now it’s almost full. Mostly ladies. He finds a seat, but the lady beside, yells its for her friend. As he moves to the middle, the driver applies a sudden brake. He tries hard but fails to stop himself from colliding with the girl in jeans. “WTF, you ***********. Tharki ******”Everyone is looking at him, he could defend but, he thinks of his job, his unmarried sister. Begs sorry to the girl, she keeps abusing.His journey ends with the conductor catching him by the collar and throwing him out the very next stop. He walks to the office, and his shirt drenched with sweat.I asked the bus, what did it learn from the experiences. It replied “FEAR, true fear in both cases”.I thought we were removing a fear, but we initiated another. So what do I feel now ?As long as we address men and women differently, we will raise issues, not solutions. Also, there are other genders here. In fact, gender is a fluidic concept. Lets dissolve this and give one another what they deserve as humans.Note:I am a terrible story teller ( I may not deserve that), but hope you got the point.I over explained the second story, because I had seen a close encounter.(Also many won’t empathise with him this readily).My answer is my answer, none of your answer.(ignore it if you don’t like)I love to have critical reviews but polite and with logic.Photos are from Google images.Thanks for the edits and suggestions.