Dog Chased Cat. Cat Traumatized

Is my rat traumatized?

My rat escaped and when I found her, the cats were chasing her all around another room. I started crying because I was so scared, I spanked those cats that were chasing her (they know better). She is unharmed (physically) but when I put her back in her cage, she just went to the back corner and lay down. She's usually SO hyper and giddy. She was making this whimpering noise, I almost sounded like crying dog, only really quiet. Now my other rat is laying on top of her like she's consoling her. She hasn't left her side in like 20 minutes. Does anyone know when she is going to be back to being herself? I'm so worried, this has never happened before.

HELP!!! My cat is traumatized by my new dog, who is fine with cats!?

We just got a new dog. My dog and cat were sniffing each other out and my dog would jump a little playfully. One day our cat go out while our dog was off the leash, and he chased her up a tree. Now, we have had a dog before, but he was 7 when we got the cat, who was 4. That dog died at 13, and our new one is a puppy. I have let the cat roam while the dog is in his "Area" (Back hallway) and the cat is wary. He hides upstairs a lot, and never tries to get out of the house. What do I do??

Traumatised cat after attacked by dog.?

So this morning I saw a big hole in the ground near some pile of wood inside the enclosure where I keep my dog.
I hadn't seen my tomcat for many hours and I figured it could be there hiding.(my dog is a maniac who chases small animals). Unfortunately I was right.
The cat was sitting there, terrified, probably gripped with fear, as the dog was digging all night.

Now he won't eat, drink. He just stays in the same spot and looks down. I don't think he has any internal injuries. I will take him to the vet later though.
Well, any ideas, what to do to him?

I tried giving him some water, milk, meat. He wont even look at it. ..

Is my cat traumatized? She got attacked by dogs.?

I think my cat is traumatized. I let her outside for a few minutes and my brothers Husky, Jack Russel, and Pit bull puppy came around the corner and she took off running they chased her all around she jumped in the kitty pool then ran up the side of the house. She was so scared she literally crapped while she was hanging onto the side of the house. My brother Popped all the dogs and got my cat for me and put her inside. She is now scared of every little noise, my dad has a chihuaha that's 14 that won't even bite and she's scared of her now. Will my cat return back to normal ?

Thanks in advance (:

How do I get my dog to stop chasing my cat?

I had the same problem and the solution was fairly simple. I placed each in a different cage and placed them next to each other. Preferably do this outside because the dog will naturally be barking until they tire of it. When the dog stops barking reward them with a treat. Eventually after a few days of this mine just ignored each other and were even sniffing each other nose to nose thru the cages.After that process, I put a harness on the dog letting him out of the cage with just enough leeway to see if he would go up to the cat's cage. He only did once but not in a threating way and again I rewarded him with a treat.Sure, it's a little traumatizing to the cat until they realize the dog is no threat in the cage next to them but cats are smart and soon will even sleep while the dogs barking…..lolI only had to go thru this process for about 3–4 days until I could release them both whereupon they both went each own’s way oblivious to each other'sexistence.