Dog With Possible Cancer

Is it possible to have reversed bone cancer in dogs?

My dog was diagnosed with bone cancer back in July.
We started him on a Tumeric and Coconut oil mix that he got with his food.
He also takes a glucosomene pill and a vitamin E pill (His vet said it was fine to give it to him.)
Since July, he has had only two bad days.
The pain pills my vet said he would need 4, twice a day, he has only needed one maybe once every other month.
We try to keep him from too much activity, but he still loves to play, eats his food, drinks water. Looking at him, you would never know there was something wrong with this dog.
And before, you could very easily tell because he had a giant growth in his mouth and under his jaw. Both have gone down. All that is left now, is a tiny marble sized bump that feels hard - but in the months that he's been diagnosed, it has not grown any bigger.

Is there anything else this could be, that it might have been a misdiagnosis? Or do you think we're pushing the cancer out of his body by feeding him the tumeric?

I've read most dogs with Bone Cancer deteriorate fast, he hasn't at all. Most don't live past 4 months and he's going on 8.

What should I do if my dog is dying of cancer?

I am sorry this is happening to you and your dog.I assume that you’ve discussed treatment options and have together decided that therapeutic treatment is not a realistic option. This is okay.Your main goal should be to ensure your dog’s quality of life for however long he (for the sake of argument) has. Your vet can help you here with pain medication, drugs to promote organ function, and appetite stimulants as necessary. Also consider other ways to make your dog more comfortable. He may benefit from massage therapy, for example, or an orthopedic bed. You may need to get a lift harness to help with his mobility. Meanwhile, spoil your dog rotten. You’re not worried about his long-term health, so if he wants pot roast, give him pot roast. Take him for walks, rides, playdates, or whatever activities he loves. Just don’t let him get exhausted.Sooner or later, the time will come when you must make the decision to end his life peacefully and painlessly. True, he may die suddenly. In most cases, however, you will know when his time is approaching. When he can’t get comfortable, when he can’t be tempted to eat, then you must let him go. Err on the side of a little early rather than too late—I know this from personal experience. If possible, get your vet to make a house call. Regardless, be with him. The last thing he hears should be your voice and the last thing he feels should be your hands.

My dog has cancer and she had pups could they have cancer too???? Please help ?

I asked a similar on the genetic hereditary nature of cancer when a dog was referred to a veterinary hospital for a specialist opinion from an oncologist.

The gist of was that there is a genetic component to cancer, but research is primarily focused on treatment to extend or cure the illness and not in the predisposition of specific lines/breed to develop it. Therefore it is largely anecdotal evidence based on kennels that do not conceal the cause of death.

The sire of my previous Dobermann dog was an advanced senior at eleven when he died of cancer, whereas my dog was four when he was diagnosed with aggressive cutaneous melanoma. A b*tch with a dam from the same kennel was diagnosed with cancer but survived. However, it is important to bear in mind that cancer is one of the most common health conditions known to affect dogs and no health test, but ethical breeders would retire from breeding a dog or b*tch diagnosed with cancer.

Can dogs cause us cancer?

It is said that human cannot transmit diseases like flu to dogs and viceversa.Of course, with or without dogs you are exposed to virus, etc. that may cause you human diseases, so that is not a question.But there is an important and severe disease that you as an owner of a dog can contract called hydatid cyst that effects the liver, the lungs or the brain. In nature, Echinococcosis taenia eggs would be in the grass. A sheep would eat that grass with the eggs and develop a ball of larvae in the liver. A wild dog would kill the sheep, eat its liver together with the larvae and develop the adult taenia in his/her guts. Stomach juices are not acid enough to kill the larvae. That adult taenia will lay 80,000 eggs per day... that the dog will throw to the grass with its stools. End of the cycle.You walk your dog in parks of grass, pooping areas and sidewalk soil. If one minute ago a dog with taenia in his guts has just pooped there, the grass or soil now has 80,000 eggs waiting for the arrival of your dog. Now the eggs reached your dog's snout. Your dog does not care because even if he/she swallows them it is not a major problem thanks to the high acidity in the stomach that destroys the eggs. Once at home, you kiss your dog in the mouth or you simple put your fingers in your mouth after having touched/cleaned the dog snout, butt, feet, etc. Your stomach acidity is too weak in comparison and the eggs now reached your liver. If your defenses are weak too, the eggs hatch out and get converted into larvae, as if you were the sheep of the cycle. In case the eggs reach the brain, you will die because it is not possible to clean a brain off larvae.

Can dogs get breast cancer?

If she's not spayed, she could be in heat, or getting ready to.
Spay her immediately. SPCA and animal control can help if you can't pay.

If she is spayed, it's probably normal tissue. Fat, muscle and other "meat" settle like that in dogs.

Cancer is VERY, VERY, VERY rare in dogs that young. If there is any oozing (and she's not pregnant) go to the vet.

Can corn dogs give you cancer?

Nobody knows what causes most cancers, so anyone who says 'yes, X will give you cancer!' is repeating rumour and hearsay. There is no food that has been proven to cause cancer (or to prevent or cure it either).

HOWEVER, a diet high in red and (especially) processed meat is a known risk factor for colorectal cancers. Such a diet is also thought to be a possible risk factor for stomach cancer, and diet high in meat and fat is thought to be a possible risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

So - a known risk factor for one of the 200+ diseases that come under the umbrella title of 'cancer', and a possible risk factor for two other types.

As you eat 'a lot' of them, you can probably consider yourself at some risk. There is no such thing as face cancer