Dose Plants Have Immunity On Their Body

Which organ system is found in both animals and plants? A. immune system B. circulatory system?

♦ B. Circulatory system
• both plants and animals are multicellular organism and needs the transportation of food material from one part of the body to the other and this can only be possible through circulation. But in case of plants, circulatory system is called as vascular system which contain s xylem and phloem. Both circulatory system of animals and vascular system of plants do the same function of transportation. So, we can say circulatory system is present in both plants and animals.

What causes immunity to poison ivy/oak/sumac?

Interestingly enough, you are NOT immune to it. After all, if you think about it, immunity is the body's ability to mount up an inflammatory response to a foreign antigen or protein. In your case, you are not able to mount up an inflammatory response to the poison ivy oil. (At least, not yet). The ability to develop immunity is under some genetic control, and it takes longer and more exposure in some people than in others. If you continue to expose yourself to the plant, then eventually I'll suppose that you truly will be "immune" to it.

Is there any immune system in plants?

Is there any immune system in plants?Plants do have ability to elicit an immune response to pathogens, though their immune system is rudimentary as compared to animals or humans.To make this clear, Let us look at some typical ways plants handle pathogen attacks.1. Avoidance - Growing or completing critical growth stages in a time frame or season such that the best weather conditions for growth of the plants do not match with the best weather conditions for growth of pathogens. This is why there is a disease outbreak when there are sudden changes (like untimely rain in non-rainy season or a break in rain in a rainy season) in weather during growth period of a plant.2. Hypersensitivity - Plant cells in the nearby tissue areas rapidly die immediately after the first attack of pathogen. This is so quick that the pathogen is arrested within the dead tissue and is unable to spread further. Typically this would look like a dead spot on the leaf.3. Tolerance - Ability to outgrow the damage done by the pathogen.4. Resistance - Ability to actively resist the pathogen by producing some biochemical response. However this is not targetted just in the infected part of the plant but it is more like an overall response throughout the plant body.5. Signalling - Internal signalling mechanism to alert the whole plant body soon after the pathogen attack.Moreover, over very long periods of time and after repeated exposure to pathogens, these immune responses become internalised and are passed on to next generations, making it part of the genetic makeup. Plant breeders can make clever use of this heritability of disease resistance or tolerance of certain plants to make new plant varieties.However, Unlike other higher order organisms plants lack active immune defence system so plants are not able to possibly identify or biochemically distinguish between own cells and pathogen cells. They also are unable to actively and specifically kill pathogen cells. In animals and humans there are specialised cells (like the lymphocytes or WBCs) to do this pathogen killing job.

If horses eat apples whole, do they have an immunity to cyanide? If they do, why aren’t scientists studying that immunity, and finding a way to create a human immunity to cyanide?

In all honesty, the dose makes the poison. Drinking a gallon of water a day is good for you. Drinking a gallon of water in five minutes could very possibly kill you. Being dropped into the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a flotation device will kill you, and you would probably die in a few days with a flotation device unless you are rescued.The same applies to the amount of cyanide in apple seeds. The amount of cyanide that it takes to kill a person is directly correlated to the weight of the person. The average apple contains about five seeds, which may turn into 0.06 mg to 0.24 mg of cyanide when digested. A person weighing around 150 lbs would have to eat over 200 seeds before it would reach the potential to cause death. What Happens When You Eat Apple Seeds? However, cyanide is cleared out of the body pretty rapidly through urine and breathing. Public Health Statement: Cyanide Unless a person is eating entire apples non-stop, then the risk of killing oneself by eating apple seeds is virtually nonexistent unless you eat apple seeds only.When you up the weight to around 1,200 to 1,500 pounds for a horse, the number of apples that a horse can eat increases to about 400 before it could possibly be deadly. I know of no horse that would eat 400 apples before getting full. I also know of no human that could eat 40 whole apples before being full.It’s not a question of immunity. It’s a question of dose, and the ability to consume the dose.

How do immune systems of invertebrate animals, and plants work without large protein based antibodies?

Keep in mind that to a first approximation, all animals are invertebrates; only a couple of percent of all animal species are vertebrates. So there are many variations. The big picture is that they use cells to wall off and phagocytose infections, anti-microbial peptides, and circulating and intracellular proteins that recognize and block infectious agents. The things that many people think of as "immunity" -- antibodies and T cells -- are relatively recent inventions, and didn't appear until well after the vertebrate/invertebrate split.  There are some hints of them in lampreys, but not until sharks, around 400-odd million years ago, were there clear and recognizable T cells and antibodies.  But there are lots of immune components that are older than that split, that vertebrates and invertebrates share.  Intracellular molecules like TLRs and some complement proteins, are recognizably related, for example.  A key difference between vertebrates and invertebrates, then, is that invertebrates don't have immunological memory.  In comparison to vertebrates, which can activate a large, rapid recall response to a pathogen months or years after exposure, invertebrates have to start from scratch each time (or at least after a few weeks; there's some evidence that immunity can maintain an active state for some time after exposure, but that's not what we refer to as memory).  Especially for short-lived species, this isn't really a big deal.  Long-lived invertebrates may get around the need for immunological memory (I'm speculating here) by having a much more broadly reactive and versatile innate immune response, so that they have more effective responses on first exposure.

Which fruits actively strengthens the Immune System of Human Body?

Germ bacteria fighting power of certain fruits vegetables are highly debated. Most peer approved research points out that there are no magical "super-foods". Anyone who is saying otherwise is trying to sell you something.Eat a whole diet that includes all necessary vitamins, fats, proteins, minerals. reduce starchy vegetables and high GI food. Avoid all toxins such as artificial coloring, preservatives, alcohol, cigarettes, air pollution while drinking plenty of good filtered water to give your body reduced load to make the cleaning faster.The body is a adaptive machine it can filter out unnecessary toxins if external load on it is minimal. When load is at maximum limits it adapts to accept/sustain the load without causing much harm to the body.

My immune system reacts to mosquito/insect bites and chemicals more than average. Is it a good thing?

No it is not. Both are not a good thing. Chemicals and bites are 2 different things to the immune system I think thought… A mosquito bite is a natural thing to a human being. The mosquito pumps a toxin into you to prevent coagulation of blood when it is taking it out of you. This toxin is foreign to the body and hence the body reacts to it by swelling in the area where the blood was taken from. Depending on how long the itching and swelling lasts dictates how good your immune system is. I have an extremely strong immune system so mosquito bites only bug me for an hour at the most. Then they don't itch and swelling is gone in 4 to 12 hours. Before I heightened my immune system it was a lot worse than that.Chemicals I am not exactly sure what your mean here, you haven't exactly specified which sensitivities…  But again I was full of chemicals and did notice my sensitivities to them once I did my 100% detox. Once you detox you notice chemical sensitivities quite a bit more when you come into initial contact with them again… My symptoms were red skin, breathing issues, a bit dizzy, sore throat, water eyes, sinus congestion, burning sensation when urinating, headaches, the runs, etc…So from a lymphologists point of view, that is it.