Double Check My Homework Answers

Need a homework double check?

I just finished this exact lab, and those are the same reactions I got! Hopefully we are both right, I would go crazy if I had to take this class again...

Please double check my Biology homework?

I haven't taken a Science class in almost 20 years so I am doing this based on memory and common sense. The answer I am thinking it is will be in parentensees at the end of each sentence. Please correct any mistakes.

Possible answers:
a- Living things are organised
b- Living thigns acquire materials and energy
c- Living things respond
d- Living things grow and develop
e- Living things have a life span
f- Living things reproduce
f- Living things adapt

1) A chick loses its down feathers and replaces them for features of flight (D)

2) Carbohydrates are consumed by athletes before the big race (B)

3) The bacterium becomes two bacteria every two hours (F)

4) Humans and birds regulate their internal body temperature (G)

5) The adolescent boy soon becomes a "man" after he graduates from high school (D)

6) The polar bear, a member of the brown bears, has white fir (B)

7) People shield their eyes when they come out of the movie theatre (G)

8) My brother in law can eat a large hamburger and I gain weight watching him (C)

9) All of these tissues make up the kidney (A)

10) The mayfly has to mate within three hours after it hatches because he dies that night (E)

11) The baby blue whale is three times its birth size by the seventh day of life (D)

12) Birth, growth, maturity, decline and death ... Where are you? (D)

13) Some migrating birds can actually navigate by the stars; so can some whales (G)

14) Photosynthesis is carried on by plants, algae and some bacteria (A)

15) Penguins do not fly as other birds, but they do swim well because of their modified wings (G)

16) Atoms make up simple molecules that make up complex molecules that make up organelles. (A)

17) The small dog actually produced six cute adorable puppies (F)

18) Cell respiration occurs in the mitochondria of higher cells (A)

19) The oldest living human being died recently in France. She was 127 (est.) This was about 30 yrs. over the norm for most humans (E)

20) Bulls do not normally charge items that are red, they usually charge moving objects (C)

Double check my history homework answers please?

24-A (E)
28-Not sure, please help? (A)
31-A (C)
34-Not sure, please help? (B)
38-Not sure, please help? (B)
39-Not sure, please help? (B)
41-Not sure, please help? (C)
42-B (A)
44-Not sure, please help? (B)

Math Applications, I want to double check my homework?

Distance = velocity * time
t =d/v

(d1) + (d2) = 240
(d2) = 240 - (d1)

(d1)/51 + (d2)/46 = 5

Substituting for (d2) = 240 - (d1)
(d1)/51 + (240 - (d1))/46 = 5
46(d1) + 51(240 - (d1)) = 5 *46 *51
46(d1) + 12240 − 51(d1) = 11730
-5(d1) = - 510
d1 = 102

t1 = d1/v1
t1 = 102/51 = 2

t2 = 5 − 2 = 3

First part = 2 hours
Second part = 3 hours


Math Applications, I want to double check my homework?

Total time taken = 5 hours
Let the distance of first part he covered in x hours
then in 2nd part, time taken to cover the rest distance will be 5-x hours

distance traveled in 1st part = speed x time = 51x
distance traveled in 2nd part = 46(5-x) = 230 - 46x

Total distance = 51x + 230-46x = 230 + 5x
and it is given in question , total distance = 240 miles
so, 230+5x=240
or, 5x = 240-230
or, 5x = 10
so, x = 10/5=2

so in first half he covered = 51*2 = 102 miles
in Second half he covered = 240-102 = 138 miles


Please double check my chemistry homework?

determine which type of change each statement represents, physical change or chemical change. explain your answers.
silver spoon tarnishes = chemical change
explanation.oxygen reacted with the silver producing silver oxide
crushing an aluminum can= physical change
explanation. crushing something does not change its chemical properties but only alters its physical form
freezing water=physical change
explanation.the change of a state of matter does not create new substances.
burning wood= chemical change
explanation. oxygen is burned creating a combustion reaction in which wood is changed into ash.
copper turns a greenish color= chemical change
explanation. copper reacts with oxygen in moist air forming copper oxide.
grind Coffee beans= physical change
explanation. the Coffee beans do not combine or react with anything but rather were grounded up making the beans smaller and thus changing its size and size is a physical property

Does getting someone to check your answers for a homework sheet count as cheating?

It depends on the purpose of the homework as defined by your instructor.Your instructor should make it clear whether the homework’s purpose is training or performance evaluation.In the first case, I’d encourage you to work on your homework in as many ways and with as many people as possible. Comparing your homework with fellow students or having it reviewed by a tutor can only teach you more.In the second case, homework is officially a portion of the exam and you are supposed to abide to clear instructions, i.e., whether or not you can use books, the internet or other people.When I was TA, I allowed students to replace half of their in-class exam with a project they could work on at home. I clearly stated on the course’s webpage that they were required to work individually. Some decided to cheat and share their artifacts. A similarity analysis tool showed up evidence of plagiarism. They all admitted, and were subject to disciplinary action.

I constantly double check my homework even when they are correct. How do I get rid of this habit?

I’m 41 and still do this.Being detailed is a great skill to have, as long as it’s not getting in the way of your productivity and happiness.Here are a few things you could try.Set a timer for your assignment and when the timer goes off, you’re done. No more checking.Set a rule that you can only review your work after you finish and can only review once.Try handing it in without double checking and see what happens.Kudos to you for seeing that this is interfering with your life. I didn’t recognize this until I was 39.

Can someone double check my math (not my homework)?

I am trying to find the force exerted by the sun on myself.

Given that:
M1=60Kg (me)
M2=1.98892E30 Kg (the sun)
D^2=(1.5E11)^2 or 2.25E22

I came across all of the above in my knowledge and some research.

So the equation would be:

(6.67428E-11) X (((60) X (1.98892E30)) / (1.5E11)^2 )

I get as an answer: .353989573 N

So I conclude that the sun pulls on me with a force of .35 Newtons. Is this correct?

Also, using the exact same formula in a hypothetical scenario in which the sun is replaced with a black hole with the mass of the one in the center of the milky way and the distance is kept the same, I get and answer of 1,459,442.56 Newtons.
In that equation:
G stays the same
I still weigh 60Kg
the mass of the black hole is 8.2E36
the distance is the same

The general formula is:

G X ( (mass1 X mass2) / distance^2 )

So are my numbers correct?
