Dream About Being Pregnant

I had a dream about being pregnant at 14?

Dreams are based on our subconscious. May be during the day before you slept you might have thought about or spoken to the guy you had crush on. And may be you might have thought about having a family and kids. These thoughts might be residing somewhere in your mind. When your body was relaxing these thoughts took a more dramatic shape of your dream.

You are indeed a creative person. All you need to do is to channel your thoughts in a proper place. You are just 14. Right now your priority is a stable career. So you should think about things that would improve your career prospects or personality. Remember a women can start a great family if she has a stable career and vibrant personality. If your goal is to start a great family 10-15 years down the line then, take small steps to build it. Concentrate on your personality and career.

What does it mean if I dream I'm pregnant?

This dream can mean a pregnancy is in the future, or that A Unity with you Soul Mate brings life to you creativley. Pregnancy dreams are a sign of birth, transformation and new life.

I had a dream I was pregnant but lost the baby?

To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal. Alternatively, if you are trying to get pregnant, then the dream may be a wish fulfillment. If you are not trying to get pregnant, but dream that you are, then it symbolizes fear of new responsibilities.

To dream that you are pregnant with the baby dying inside of you, suggests that a project you had put a lot of effort into is falling apart and slowly deteriorating. Nothing is working out the way you had anticipated.

To dream that you have a miscarriage, suggests that some idea or plan did not go as expected. The dream may also serve as a warning against your continued course of action. You need to alter your path or risk losing something of significance and value to you. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have been wronged in some way.

If you are currently pregnant, then dreams of miscarriages are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Why might a non pregnant teen girl dream about being pregnant?

I've learned about dreams, their meanings and symbols. I did this as part of therapy in order to heal from abuse that happened to me as a child.

"And all of the dreams are very specific. " - Actually this isn't really true what one person dreams may mean something different for someone else. Say if your aunt dreamed she was pregnant & learned she was expecting doesn't mean that is true for others. Dreams mean different things for different people. Pregnancy prophecy may happen at times but usually the pregnancy means something creative.

For example - in my teens I use to dream I was in a car but in the backseat. I had no control over the car and it was often going fast. It turned out that dream meant that I felt out of control. We moved a lot in my teen years & I went to many diff. schools. This frustration and fear was represented in my dreams as being in a car out of control.

For others though it could have meant other things such as fear of driving, eager to learn to drive & so on.

Your dream is a very common one and usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. It is generally very positive and indicates growth in your life!

The person who got you pregnant in this case would be you, since you are the creator of the change. The guy you know but don't know well could represent wanting to get know him better or include him in your creative outlet.

Here is a good site to learn about dreams and their symbols. -

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant with twins?

I’m a phd dream specialist though this answer does not constitute a professional relationship. Dreams are not going o be taken literally so don’t go shopping for twin bassinets just yet. Unconsciously you are holding two ideas in your heart that feel potentially overwhelming but also beautiful and life affirming simultaneously. To be pregnant is your mind’s way of saying we have a challenge but if we embrace life and enjoy it the challenge could change our lives and contribute something huge to the world. Whatever it is you are reflecting on has a duality to it. Cheers.

What does it mean if you have a dream bout being pregnant?

The other night i had the strangest dream i dreamt that i was about four or five months pregnant and had not yet told my bf. But I felt my stomach in the dream and it was hard and everything.Could this mean something?

Dream about my daughter being pregnant?

Well last night i had a dream my eldest daughter was pregnant and that her boyfriend was really sick.

can you tell me what it means?

my daughter is 24 and shes been with her boyfriend for the past 3 years.

Can your boyfriend dreams about you being pregnant be true?

It is quite possible that his subconscious is translating what he is seeing in your behaviour, as being the early signs of pregnancy; and then relaying them to his conscious mind by way of a dream. A lot would depend on how well he knows about the issues a woman has when pregnant. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to take a pregnancy test to be on the safe side.

What does vivid dreams about being pregnant mean?

While dreams can have multiple sources of inspiration (e.g. the fear of having or developing a baby), it may also at times be symbolic.This often occurs when something did not actually happen in real life but was experienced psychologically as intense. As an example, people never have to see a 100 meter tall wave to know how it would feel psychologically; yet these type of dreams do occur and shows the human mind is capable of creating experiences based on the perception of real life and the perception of extremes. We see things and have a perception of it, we see a chair as an object with four legs and a platform to sit on.Similarly, pregnancy has a meaning to people who are not afraid of being pregnant. It is an extreme example again of a period in time where (in real life) the body is developing a new creature that (often) is related to the person having the baby. These symbolic dreams relate to the psychological condition of the person rather than the physical condition of getting a real big belly.It is therefore that for those who dream about pregnancy - and for those who have no real life fear or strong emotion towards pregnancy at this time- that it resembles the development of a psychological state of mind (which is different from the past). See it as the development of a new feeling, skill, mind-set etc.It is also a significant difference and can either be good or bad. If the person from whom you are having the child is bad, then you know that the characteristic you are developing is negative as well. If the overall experience is good, then you can be happy about that, as it would indicate the development of a positive state of mind.