Dream About Falling Off Cliff

Dream about falling off a cliff?

This type of dream most commonly occurs when a person feels like they have failed at something or when they feel overwhelmed by the their current circumstances. If you are having trouble sleeping due to common dreams of falling try sleeping with a pillow or other cushion pressed against your feet at night. The sensory stimulation to the soles of your feet will give your body the sensation of security and stability and has been known to drastically reduce the occurrence of falling dreams.

Dying for any reason in a dream will not kill you for real. Death dreams frequently mean that you are coming to terms with your own mortality. Or you feel the end of something major in your life drawing near.

There's a lot more information at my source below.

Dreams about falling off a cliff?

if it was me having those dreams, it would be fun. I love falling dreams expecially when I hit the ground, the feeling is undescribable, it is so dam fun.

Envy the person below me is right, I hit the ground in my sleep all the time and I dont die. He deserves the 10 points.

Dreaming about falling off a cliff?

i keep having this dream, its so vivid its scary... im on a horse running through the away from a hug gang of people coming after me and we come to a clearing and then i get bucked off and fall off a cliff.... i don't know whatit means, or if it means anything... but i would like to no.
And also in it im wearing like an olden-day dress or something, like i said vivid...
So yeah if anyone knows anything please help... and im not going to be hypnotised in case anyone suugests that.

If you fall off a cliff in your dream...?

I would say it was possible that if your mind mentally believes the could stop your heart and your breathing.

Family driving off cliff dream?

That dream answering your current situation and your thought about your family.

in other hand explainable will be soon you will get into huge trouble by your husband,

If you take care of it good enough it will bring you lot of fortune but If you don't it will cost hard time to three of you who was in the car.

Try to plan things carefully and prepare for it. ^________^

Drive off Cliff dream?

Ok.. so I have this recurring dream that I am driving in my truck and I drive off a cliff, once I fell in the water and died (scary), but last night I dreamed that I was driving and didn't go over the cliff I was just hanging over it.. I do not know why I keep dreaming it. I looked on line at some dream websites but couldn't really find anything.. If you can offer help I would greatly appreciate it ! Thanks!
Have a great day! =D

Dream of falling off a cliff in a car? Please help interpret what it means?

(Re-posted because it was in the wrong section.)

It was that I was in the back seat of my Dads car on my own with my Dad & Mom in the front and my Sister driving (the family I live with and constantly argue with).

My sister is learning to drive in real life, and in the dream she was driving us down a motorway. She suddenly started going at full speed, dodging cars and swerving round the corners and ignoring my parents who were trying to take the wheel. Everyone was panicking because they couldn't stop her. Suddenly the car swerved and went over the free edge of the cliff & I woke up as we hit the floor.

I've had similar dreams like this alot about falling over a cliff in a car. Its one of my fears of happening in real life, but maybe I dreamt it because recently I have made a decision in an internet relationship.


While we are dreaming, if we fall off a cliff, slip while walking, etc., why does our body shake in reality and then we wake up?

According to science, It's a throwback to times when we were still dwelling in trees.  This reflex would save your life if you began to fall while sleeping in a tree. When there is a sudden absence of(or what we perceive to be an absence of during dreaming) support,  we naturally adjust without even thinking. Just like blinking. You don't have to use active thinking to do something so Involuntary.  Even babys have it for a time. It is actually used to gauge normal or abnormal development.  It's the Moro reflex for infants.

Why do you wake up in shock after dreaming that you fell off a cliff or anything else that is sudden?

This is interesting:It is said the dying in sleep is the most peaceful way to die. So angles carry souls of people to heaven while they sleep. But Angles are clumsy and sometimes, drop the souls.And that is why you feel a falling sensation in your dream.Its not logical but interesting.

Why do I have dreams of self-driving cars falling off cliffs and taking passengers into the Bay?

Some people have an aversion to allowing others to be in control. One of the smartest and most capable software developers I’ve ever worked with had an extreme concern about flying commercial.It wasn’t that he didn’t understand why planes fly, because he understood the physics.It was because the pilot was in charge and not him. How did he know that the tire pressure (and a thousand other issues) had been checked?Your dreams may be caused by your aversion to allowing artificial intelligence to be responsible for driving a vehicle.