Dream Of Fire. Meaning

What does it mean to have a dream about fire?

Honestly, it could mean anything.The dreamscape, dream characters and dream events are highly volatile, abstract, allegorical forms of your normal thoughts.The fire could represent an anger that you harbour and are unable to control - or it could mean that you that of space travel and genetic engineering, and through some idealistic similarity, you dreamt about a fire in an oven - it's impossible to know.

What does it mean when you dream about fire burning your house, and your cousin got trapped and died?

Are you currently angry at your cousin for something she did or said? If there is a real life situation like that - the fire in the dream could symbolize your anger, and the house - your mind.If the house looked historic, and the dream repeats, it might be a memory of a past life, even if you saw your cousin looking like she is now, as dreams can be a mix of current imagery and past life memories.

What does Water and Fire mean in a dream?

I dreamt that water from my bath tab over flooded one floor of my house.. i was naked, I think I was going to take shower.. than the water went away and little fires started coming out of the ground.. I was in the bathroom of my house.. I put out the small fire, and another small fire starts. The fire was not threatning it was very small and when i put water on it goes out, but other small fires start. I though I had a gas leak, I call 911, etc.. but they never showed up.. Finally as I put up the last fire and no other fires started, my two sisters and my mother show up to help me... I tell them the story, and they comfort me.. there was no harm done to me, and the house was ok... But I am wondering what this mean..

It was a weird dream.. what do you think it means?

Why do I keep dreaming about fire?

Fire tends to represent destruction before transformation. The context does matter in dreams not just certain elements. You may be feeling you need a change but it will be a complete breakdown of something to be able to get to something new. The potential for ‘getting burned’ is in the mix emotionally, which can bring extreme caution before determining if a risk is worth it. Repeated dreams including fire may be a call to action.It is well known rather than an idealistic concept that the brain gets its groove on during sleep and so many studies have been done that show conclusively, even with subjective interpretations, that we work out emotions, problems and even plan during the night hours. It is also pretty much agreed that sleeping pills or anything that prevents dreaming during sleep can and does lead into the areas of psychological disorder. I struggle to understand any professional answering dream questions that hasn’t bothered to do the research if this area wasn’t a part of their training.This link is just one small study amongst thousands but enjoy Dreams & Emotions

I had a dream about my car being on fire..What does it mean?

Cars are symbols of forward movement. Fire is a symbol of something passionate or angry. Perhaps as you move forward in life, you need to get your anger under control.