Dreaming About Your Boyfriend Dying And No One Will Help You

Dreaming about My boyfriends dead wife?

Maybe she's trying to get you to see something, and by showing you things you can prove correct now, you'll believe her when she tells you the thing she has to tell you

I had a dream my boyfriend died?

Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another. Death dreams usually have positive symbolism.

Dreaming about someone (like your loved one or Boyfriend) that you care about may express your fear about losing them. It also suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity.

Any way please do not worry at all. It is a nice dream and the result and your future love life will be glorious. Best wishes -

What does it mean to CONSTANTLY dream of my ex boyfriend dying via car crash?

To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person.

To see someone dying in your dream, signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person.

What does it mean when you often dream of an ex boyfriend who has passed away? In the dreams he is alive.

See if you can communicate with him in your dream. Before you go to bed tell yourself you will ask him what he wants. OR maybe you feel you need to tell him something you always wanted to but never had a chance. Think of what that might be before you go to bed and make it an intention that you want to tell him. You can also just sit there awake, call his name and just say what you want to say.Of course the context of your dream is important too. Is it a calming dream? Do you enjoy seeing him? Does it feel good? Does it make you feel bad? Is it like a nightmare? All of these are important and indicate what the dream could mean.If none of the above apply then it is not an attempt at communication by you or your ex and it’s something else - you got some other answers that might be options.

Nightly dreams about boyfriend dying in various ways?

The last few nights I have had several dreams about my boyfriend dying. He is sleeping next to me everytime this happens. The first night it involved him being in a car accident, becoming paralyzed and then ending up in my mother's house. My mother informs me that he's going to die and there is nothing I can do about it. I felt completely helpless and distraught. I woke up almost in tears over the dream.

The second dream involves me witnessing him being shot in my apartment complex parking lot during a robbery attempt. In the dream he had me take my daughter inside and I watched him get shot in the head through my window. The dream continued on to the police investigation and seeing his family and friends mourning and everyone ignoring me.

He is freaked out by these dreams as am I. I do worry about him on a daily basis because of where he lives and things friends of his are involved in, could this be the reason for my dreams? He thinks it means he's going to die. Any answers?

What does it mean if my ex-boyfriend dies in my dream?

There are a couple possible explanations that come to mind:1. It is possible that you are unconsciously concerned that by divorcing your ex that some aspect of that person's life has "died." Maybe you are concerned he or she is no longer is able to pursue a life-long dream, or that individual isn't going to have the time to parent the way he/she would prefer. This dream may be an unconscious anxiety that the divorce in some way has negatively impacted (or killed) this person's life. 2. The other possible explanation is that your dream is an unconscious wish that the complications or unwanted feelings your ex brings into your life would stop. It may be your method of addressing (by killing the source of the problem) the unwanted sense ambivalence or guilt. 3. It is possible that your ex actually is a dream symbol for some other change in your life. Has there been another recent decision that you have mixed feelings about? Is there something else that you worry you have "dyed" recently? This dream could be using your divorce to express concern that you have inadvertently impacted an area of your life.

What does it mean when your boyfriend have dreams that you die n them?

Dreams depict fears, they are seldom predictions

I had a dream of my already dead boyfriend, what does it mean?

Elvi! You have an amazing amount of responses to your dream. The one that comes closest to the real situation is the answer by Dan. But he has an each way bet. His first response is right on.

It is difficult to deal with death and what happens after it when you have grown up in the western society where science is largely ignorant of the human condition. Science believes that we are just a body of flesh and blood and that consciousness is generated by an electro-chemical process. Not so! Consciousness is first, consciousness is eternal.

We are made of two basic parts: the soul and the body. The soul is what survives the death of the body. I recommend to you to read about NDE's or Near Death Experiences. The best one to check out is the NDE of Pamela Reynolds. So look on the Internet by typing in "NDE Pamela Reynolds". There is even a video posted by her in which she tells us about her experience while she was clinically dead for a full HOUR! This will help you understand that the soul does not die but goes to a place where the ancestors are as light beings.

What your boyfriend told you in your dream tallies with NDE's. At death we see a bright light and are taken into it. When someone is shot, as your boyfriend was, death is so sudden that the soul cannot adjust quickly enough to know what is happening. This is why he asked you what had happened.

Now the question arises: "Who was talking to whom?" The simple answer is: Your boyfriend's soul was talking to your soul. In a dream this can happen much easier because the senses of your body are shut down so that your soul can listen without the distractions of the body's senses.

This will tell you that the dreamer is your soul. In the dream state your soul can communicate with other souls that have lost their body. This is what was happening in your dream. Your boyfriend was actually in a confused state because of the circumstances of his death. Coming to you will help him find his real situation.

Your dream of course also shows that you are very much connected and it also deals with the questions you yourself will have about his whereabouts. When your boyfriend said to "hurry up" it showed that he misses you and it does not mean, as someone suggested, that you will follow him any time soon.

I hope this will help you dealing with your dream and the loss of your beloved.