Dreams About Cuddling With A Guy

What do cuddling dreams mean?

Yes, formally, it means you are in serious thought with the person you love. Your "crush" may have some feeling for you also. Since you had this dream, you are most likely to have another one like it. You see, this dream you had occurred because you have "feelings" for this particular person. This means that you and your crush most likely share some of the same thoughts.

Dreaming about cuddling?

I dreamed that I ran into someone I hardly know. I haven't seen them in 4 years, and even then we only met up like, 3 times. If this were someone I saw regularly or used to date I might understand more.

So what does it mean when you cuddle with someone you hardly know?

Dream about cuddling guy friend?

he's one of my best friends. the other night i dreamt that we were both laying there in my bed trying to sleep and i slightly felt his arm wrap around me and i leaned in closer and put my head on him and we fell asleep cuddling.

i woke up, wishing the experience was real and longing for him..

what does this mean? ((im 14))

Dream of guy cuddling with me meaning?

I had a dream last night that my manager at work was sad and put his head on my chest and I began rubbing his hair and he wanted to cuddle (and we did) in the dream. He is older than me but we have chemistry in real life, seems like. What does this mean?

Dream about cuddling with a girl?

I had a dream that only consisted of me and this other girl cuddling. She was tired so I let her sleep in my arms. I enjoyed her sleeping in my arms. This was not a girl I know or anything. It was just a random girl that I made up in my mind, I suppose.

What does this mean?

I had a dream that my guy friend and I were cuddling?! Help?!?

Ok I've known this guy since I was 12 and we went to church together and always carried on and laughed and teased each other. We were close friends. He was my only friend then he moved away for 5 years. Now he came back because he needed to take the class I'm in to graduate and we still act the same towards each other, teasing, laughing, poking each other, but that's just our way of having fun. (Everyone else thinks we're flirting though. Maybe we are???) He's always liked me and he makes it obvious, but I've never really thought about him that way. When he's around I'm happy and he always brightens my day, but whenever I look at him, I just can't picture anything ever happening with him. Idk if I like him or not. I'm confused... And last night I had a dream that I was over at his house (which I've never been to) and he was showing me something on his laptop on his bed and we were sitting pretty close to each other watching it and then that lead to cuddling next to each other and then that lead to us kissing?! And I liked it?! Then I woke up. What the heck is going on?! I've never had any thought of doing that before so why would I dream about it??? Do I just not think I like him and I do? I know we're aren't supposed to be together because he likes another girl plus, after this school year, he is leaving to join the army so I'll never see him again... Plus I really like another guy, but he is confusing about his feelings towards me and it causes me stress. Help?

Had a dream i was cuddling with my best guy friend?

I have dreams sometimes that are precognitave meaning that they tell the future at times. Really only when the dream is vivid does it come true. Well this one was vivid he was in my bed cuddling me and i could feel everything and i could smell everything. I really felt like i was there and it felt so real. Does this mean anything at all

Meaning of kissing and cuddling in a dream.?

I had a dream i was cuddling with this guy and kissing him and kissing his hands. at one point he was on the phone and I just started kissing him. then i started kissing him hands and we were cuddling what could that mean?

What does it mean when you dream about cuddling with someone and you really like it?

Cuddling with someone in your dream reveals your longings, cravings and desire to be shows a lonely soul seeking someone to love. On the other hand, if you're already married or in a relationship and you cuddled someone in your dream and you like it; then, maybe your husband or your fiancee has left a vacuum of love which needs to be filled. Perhaps your lover is not showing you enough care , affection and attention your spirit craves for If your lover is giving you enough care and affection and still you are cuddling someone in your dream, you have lusting problems which is deeply rooted from your foundation.Moreover, some people have spirit husbands and wives who come in the spirit to make love with them.If you have a spirit husband or wife, you will recognize that a particular person always appears to you in your dream and would always want to make love with you. This problem requires aggressive prayers for someone to be delivered.