Dreams About Groups Of Dead Babies

Why do I dream about dead babies?

One of the theories that I know is a kind of inversion.If everything is ok in your life you start to have nightmares, if is everything wrong, you have dreams, its the inverse feeling of real life. If everything goes right, you might become overconfident, so the nightmare comes to help you not lose your head over the good fortune.About why nightmares with specifically babies, it might be something like :A baby is utterly dependent of someone else. A baby dieing is someone failing over that duty. Our culture places a strong weight on the death of a baby because when we look at a baby we imagine what he/she could become. If it dies without growing up and realizing what it might have been, how do we know ?So, a dead baby is not only a death (that might be the unavoidable consequence of a train of events) but its the death of a possibility that was not yet determined.So, to understand a dream you must understand the feeling that the dream cause. This sensation of unfullfilled potentials that is the death of a baby. The uttmost unfullfillment of potentials - its not a company, its not a thing, its a whole damn human being with its lot of potentials that is dieing without not a single chance ! - And you cannot do anything about this !That feeling of powerlessness. Thats the true nightmare.Thats what you dream wants to remember you, maybe because your current life does not allow this to come to your attention in any other way besides a nightmare.

What does my dream mean? Dead Baby ??!?

No, dreaming of a death does not mean a new birth, but a transition or moving from one phase of life to another. It can mark any of the milestones in life such as graduation, puberty, marriage, etc. Because dreams speak with symbols, in which one thing represents something else, a dream death rarely represents actual death. Pregnancy in dreams usually symbolizes the development of some project, and often represents the development of the adult self through adolescence.

In your dream, all of the pregnant women: your mum, sister and yourself, all represent you, or different parts of yourself. At the same time, you are also the pregnancy, in the sense that you are "developing" or "gestating" the adult woman you are to be.

Now, the image of the dead baby, and your mother and nan seeming to give up on it, suggests something different. Again, it represents something about yourself and your feelings about yourself. Do you feel as if you have stopped growing or stopped maturing for some reason? Do you feel like giving up on yourself? Remember that this dream is trying to bring something to your attention that you don't already know. So think carefully about what it might mean to feel "What's the point?" about yourself.

What does it mean when you dream of dead babies?

It can signify many things from a goal or project dying before being properly attempted to a prescient vision of future loss, including miscarriages. That would be rare, thankfully. It is largely based on yout personal values and symbolism. Try keeping a dream log and promptly record sny dreams in as much detail as possible when awakened. Promptly is the key. If you wait dreams evaporate.Also probe yourself as deeply and honestly as possible. What frightens you, for example? Nighty night!

Dreams of a dead baby?

One interpretation: Dead, even bloodied, babies, which you hold in your hands, are personal reflections of your inner child. Your dreaming conscious, which is your waking subconscious, is letting you know in strong terms that you could be championing your inner childlike love, kindness and joy, and healing your childish fear.

The inner child's head falling off symbolizes your outer neglect of your childlike memories of joy, love, and the like. The babies/outer you have no more clue as to how things are.

You are warning yourself, your inner emotions are crying, a cry of desperation. The babies, the inner child, is already dead, unchampioned.

The inner child is the soul, the inner sense, innocence.

You might benefit by the good coaching given in Marilyn C. Barrick's "A Spiritual Approach to Parenting: Secrets of Raising the 21st Century Child," Martha Beck's "Expecting Adam," and C. S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce."

As you're going to sleep, pray/intend to be healed, protected, and taught, as your body rests. Over time, this intention becomes a sincere and rewarded habit, and permits more progress. Imagining a bright, golden-white light around you, before sleep, also helps. Thinking of a beautiful place also helps.

If your name is Diana, that directly relates to soul, violets, and the color violet.

I had a dream I gave birth to a dead baby, what does it mean?


To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

To dream that you are pregnant with the baby dying inside of you suggests that a project you had put a lot of effort into is falling apart and slowly deteriorating. Nothing works out the way you want it to.

If you are really pregnant and having this dream, then it represents your anxieties about the pregnancy. Women in the first trimester of their pregnancy tend to dream of tiny creatures, fuzzy animals, flowers, fruit and water. In the second trimester, dreams will reflect your anxieties about being a good mother and concerns about possible complications with the birth. Dreams of giving birth to a non-human baby are also common during this period of the pregnancy. Finally, in the third trimester, dreams consists of your own mother. As your body changes and grows, dreams of whales, elephants and dinosaurs and other larger animals may also start appearing at this stage.

What if I had a dream about being given a dead baby?

The baby is an idea, or project that someone is handing over to you. Basically, they dropped the ball and now they want you to bring this back to life. It could be an aspiration that belonged to one of your parents that they now want you to achieve. You have no interest in achieving someone else's goals…that is why you are perceiving it this way.

Why did my 20 year old daughter dream of dead babies being thrown on a dark hole?

Because she is pregnant and contemplating an abortion, Or because she saw something similar in a horror movie, or because still at 20 years of age she believes that you are supermom and can trust you to do anything, for her, even interpret dreams and find out the whys and hows of her nightmares.

What do dead rabbits mean in dreams?

RABBITS are an ancient fertility symbol. This creature had been chosen to represent fertility simply because it breeds prolifically. You may have wondered why Easter Bunny brings eggs? Because eggs are a fertility symbol. Fertility was the main concern of our forbears (!) since without it both nature and mankind would perish. All the fertility rites were aiming at procreation and a plentiful harvest.

So what do you think a dead rabbit might mean? Well, let me first say that dreams play a game of ASSOCIATION. So look at the setting of your dreams and all the items you, the dreamer, is associated with.

The first association is the BABY DAUGHTER and her pacifier. These two are reminding you of childbearing, of procreation, of fertility and indeed all that goes with it including pacifying.

Second comes being BAREFOOT. No matter what else FEET may mean, they are a very sexy item on the body and in your case suggest 'walking' about unprotected where you usually would be solidly shielded.

Thirdly comes the TRASH of the vacant lot. You have trouble crossing this vacant lot. Among this trash is a DEAD RABBIT. In short it is the end of the fertile period and all the trash is the broken up ovum and what else goes with it. ‘Vacant’ in this connection suggests vacating, even vacuuming, emptying, clearing. I am sure you will now know the full context of your dream.

Weird dream...I was pregnant and gave birth to dead baby what does this mean?

Pregnancy dream could mean lots of things depending on your situation. If you have the desire of being pregnant, being pregnant in the dream is actually a reflection of desire in you. Death also could mean lot of things. In your case, the dead baby could symbolize disappointment, failure and defeat. Gave birth to a dead baby could mean things you can't help, helplessness in you. You may be feeling lack of control on things you thought you could get or obtain. The result or consequence in the end is not what you expect.

The other possibility about giving birth to a dead baby could mean totally giving up. If being pregnant in reality is a fear, then giving birth to a dead baby may mean that you can't face the responsibility in general. In other words, you feel being forced to do things you do not want to and dead baby in this case is also a failure, but it is failure to what you expect rather.

The last possibility is about responsibilities. Being pregnant is also a sign of heavy responsibilities while giving to a dead baby may reflect the difficulties to handle task that are coming on to you. In this case, it may or may not be fear or desire, and it may just be some daily life that you have to accept and there may have nothing to do with babies. It simply relates to task you have to deal with in daily life. That dead baby may also reflect the helplessness in you. In translation, the outcome is a total disappointment no matter how good you do it.

Examine your life, one of above situation will fit in your dream interpretation.

Dream of me holding and burying a dead baby?

I had a dream last night that i was a care giver of a baby. The baby died and i was so upset. I didnt knw the baby but some reason i had a connection to it.i didnt knw the parents but i had seen the father alot.

The funeral was over three days and on the last day the parents of the baby came to the funeral said words thankd me and left. I ran after the father to ask him how i had his baby and why? He got angry told me.its beat not to knw and took off. I remeber waking up crying and yelling in me sleep i still feel a emotional connection to a baby i dont or seen. Any one help