Dreams About Random People Dying

What does it mean when you dream about random people dying?

i personally have experienced this before, Its usually because your stressed out from people at school. Alot of people may make fun of you making you feel alienated and as if noone actually knows who you are. In your dream i assume its third person. Death is usually associated with self esteem in teens. All it means is that your fed up with people alienating you and not understanding you for who you are. But don't worry, those people end up on the bottom of the barrel in the end. Don't stress over it because like i said long term you will come out stronger.

Dream about people dying?

For the past two nights I've dreamed about people I know dying.

The first night, i had a dream that my boyfriend's grandpa died.
In real life he's in the hospital, and is 93 and starting to do really bad -- i figured that was just my subconscious portraying what i think is going to happen, even though i don't want that.

Last night, I had a dream that my boyfriend got in a really random, weird car accident and died. I was so depressed and upset in my dream, and there was no one really there to comfort me, then all I was getting even more upset because he was the only one i ever wanted to be with, and I was so sure I was going to be with him for the rest of my life that I didn't know what I was going to do. Then it was like the future all of the sudden, and i was still unmarried and alone because I never got over the death, and it still felt like it had just happened. I was crying so much throughout my dream that when i woke up i had actual tears in my eyes, and instantly had to call my boyfriend to make sure it was just a dream.

What could these mean?

I keep having dreams about people dying?

I also have a history of death dreams.
They have lessened in number, but I'm not sure why... especially since I actually know people who are dying these days, as opposed to when I was younger when I didn't personally know of people who were dying.

It could be that you're worrying about your own death, or of other people dying. Maybe it's your way of acknowledging that death happens all the time, and that it affects not only you, but others as well.

Maybe this is a way of getting you to empathize with people, and that the dreams will stop (or happen less frequently), when you've learned what you're supposed to.

Maybe you're going to be in a career that deals primarily with people and their emotions... so maybe this is to help you build a foundation. To have you experience death in a state where it feels real, even if it isn't... and then to be able to relate with others who are experiencing bereavement.

But to make them stop... maybe some of the suggestions about eating would help. But maybe it's not about the food, but about how you really feel about death. I think you have to consider with honesty how you feel about death... then maybe you can tell us (if you want), and maybe we can be more helpful.

I know these dreams are distressing, and I also wanted them to stop. Again, I don't know why I have them a lot less often than I used to... I think it's because I've managed to make some progress in my personal life. Maybe I'm less depressed these days than I used to be... maybe it's because I feel more optimistic about my life than before? I don't know... how do you feel about your life?

Why do the most random people ever pop up in your dreams?

This is a personal theory of mine:

When you dream, your mind likes to take a mixture of images that float around your brain from the past or present and bosh them together with your current feelings.

Dreams are heavy on symbolism, and I believe that the mind will sometimes grab an image that seems suitable (eg a random person) and use it to represent a feeling you may have associated with that person in the past. Everyone we meet makes some kind of impression, even if we don't know them that well.

An example of this would be - dreaming about a schoolfriend who used to make you feel accepted and loved, at a time in your life when you need a feeling of being loved and accepted.

I have dreams of people dying... and they die in real life?

i dont know if yall would belive me... but its true... i sometimes dream of ppl dying in my dreams or that theres coffins... and then in real life they actually die...
last night was the closest one.... i was having a nitemare of two coffins... tht 2 ppl were gunna be put in them... i woke up and for some reason looked at the clock... it was 3:10am exactly... i had a hard time going bac to sleep... n i started praying for all my family... when i got home from work today, my dad told me tht there was a car crash where a guy we knew (grandmas far away cousin) died on his way to mexico... with a 15 year old who died to... i looked up the axident... it happend around 3am... i hate dreaming things... i had a dream tht my mom was dead and in the cofin already... a couple of days later her mom dies... about a month ago i dram my friend crying at a grave yard... a week later exactly her sister dies...i knew her sister... what do you u think it is? why do i dream those things?... any1 knows?.

What does it mean when you have a dream of random people you don't know and they are dying ?

Maybe you think of yourself as that kind of person, sorry if this sounds harsh. But maybe you think of yourself as a coward, or maybe as someone who doesn't do anything when they see something bad happening and you want to change it. Maybe thats why your seeing a possible (extreme) result of your personality and you don't want to be like that, so its kinda like your subliminally telling yourself to change.

i'm no expert, so maybe that was all wrong, but i tried

What do dreams of random friends dying signify?

frequently we shop the activities of our previous in accordance with the translation we made up of despite took place. That interpretation would be keyed to our emotional state at that 2nd. enable's think of that a pair has had a combat. The combat is witnessed by ability of the mothers of the spouse and the husband. it is likewise witnessed by ability of a guy or woman who has no emotional attachment to the two of the couple. The 4 who're appropriate would desire to write 4 diverse memories of the combat. the tale closest to the reality would be that of the impersonal witness who lacks emotional connection to the individuals. it quite is probably that for the duration of making our very own inventory with the eyes of the choose and the sufferer we are able to convey into our suggestions the unique interpretation of the remembered adventure with all its blame and self-justification. for this reason we try to anticipate the jobs of the independent witness to our inventory. Reoccurring desires and random suggestions are akin to one yet another. Chaos comes whilst the physique feels "i'm what i've got faith" and the suggestions feels "i'm the physique and that i'm what i think of." to remedy the chaos, enable the physique do the suitable it may, yet no longer below it may or greater suitable than it may. over the years, inventorying will become so computerized that the technique could be carried on in desires. evidently that your judging your self and additionally feeling that your the sufferer on your day existence. despite you remember, in case you reply to it with love, you could rework even those suggestions you think of of as injustices. With love you pass into forgiveness. You forgive what took place and you forgive your self. the result's that your settlement changes and you get better slightly greater of the totality of your self. supply your self a commend. "i'm the Dreamer, and the Dream. have you ever tried lucid dreaming? the place your conscious that your wakeful in the dream. And which you're able to do something you pick on your dream. Like fly above and out of that tornado in case you pick. ;-)

Here are some meanings of dreams about dead people. It really depends on the context. What Do Dreams about Dead People Mean?Here are some Church meanings. Church Dream Meaning | Dream About Church | DreamsCloudYou can usually find a lot of information online if you google the subject matter such as “church dream meaning” sometimes I have to read through a few different interpretations until I find the one that resonates or makes the most sense for me.I have resorted to my catholic upbringing in life many times, especially if I felt threatened, I'd pray for protection. It has always worked for me.At one point in my life I started collecting angels and crucifixes. I didn't realize until years later, I was attempting to protect myself.What’s going on in your life?Are you feeling threatened in any way?

It’s not possible, as a stranger, to comment on what your dream could literally mean, but I can provide you with some dream analysis tools that my coaching clients find very helpful.Firstly, did the dead person have any obvious/spoken message for you? It may be that the message they delivered really needed to be heard, so it came through in a disguise that would make you wake up and pay attention.If the message was not clearly articulated then try this…See each part of your dream as a role or character…including the unknown dead person.Ask yourself, what is the most interesting/disturbing/unusual/irritating thing about the dead person in the dream? What really stands out for you about that character in your dream. Is it something about what they were doing or not doing in the dream. Was it a quality, a tone of voice, a mannerism, they way they related to you in the dream, or just their very presence….Then (and this is the hard part) actually take on the characteristics of that person that you identified in Step 2 above. Fully step into the quality or experience or role; actively play it out. Get help from a friend or partner if you can. Make sure you stay in role, as your everyday mind will tell you “This is silly/meaningless/can’t do this/etcUsing non-judgemental awareness, notice the underlying quality of the thing that you picked out in Step 2. Questions to ask yourself include: what energy is behind this action/thing/experience. Once you have found it, you will now because there will be a noticeable energetic shift, like excitement, move onto Step 5.Ask yourself, how can you use the energy in your own life today? How is this energy something you are missing, could use right now, have marginalised in yourself in your waking life?Hope that helps you answer your question.Many thanksMichelle

There are two dream symbols: death and someone.Dreams about death only indicate that something or a situation ends. Often dreams about death are connected to another ‘dream symbol’ such as a rising sun. This symbol is missing. It is therefore incorrect to say death is about a transition, as in this case it is only about an ending.If you want to know what the dream means, it is important to know who that someone is. It may be about a real person, but may as well be about what that person represents.For instance, if your mother dies in your dreams, then it often is a dream that signifies that a period of caring has ended and that it affects you emotionally.Nevertheless, it may just as well mean that your mother died and that you miss her presence. Dreams are often indirect, so people who die in your dreams often haven't died at all (nor will predict death). It is what they represented that died - their characteristics (and its influence) which you previously experienced has currently ended.