Drinking Your Coffee In The Morning

Do you drink coffee or tea every morning?

I drink soda also, Coffee or Tea makes my mouth dry. The reason you likely feel weird after NOT drinking it is the caffeine. I drink either Diet Mountain Dew or Diet Pepsi when i get into work but I feel tired and groggy if I don't drink it.

14 year old drinking coffee every morning??

the bugger about this is that caffeine is a drug, and the more you take it, the more addicted to it you are. it eventually becomes less effective because it alters your neurons. that's why people who drink coffee every morning need to keep up the habit in order to even function normally. did you ever notice that you are more irritable if you skip your cup of coffee in the morning? look at the link i put down below. i learned all of this in anatomy & physiology class, and the link is from the University of Washington.

Poll: Do you drink coffee every morning?

Thanks so much for all of your input! So far, here are the results:

All the yes answers (with the exception of one) had BMIs of 22 (mid normal) to 31 (low obese). Most fell under "overweight".

All the "no" answers (with the exception of one) had BMIs of 18.5 (underweight) to 22 (mid normal) OR 31 (low obese) to 36 (obese).

This indeed shows a trend that habitual coffee drinkers tend to fall near or in the "overweight" category; while non-coffee drinkers are either quite thin or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, quite heavy.

I totally wasn't expecting these results. Thanks to all who answered. This wasn't a study or anything; just a survey to satisfy my curiosity. Thank you!

What do you think about putting Kahlua in your morning coffee?

I share a classroom with another teacher. She and I get along great and we have a fairly strong professional and friendship. I know she is not an alcoholic, she does drink but on the weekends and every now and then, it seems very social. However, she puts kahlua in her coffee in the morning! I've inquired about it before, mostly in a joking manner and she says it helps her "wake up" and get a little "spunk" but it is never to get drunk and its not a big deal, that many people do it and I have nothing to be worried about. Fellow teachers, what do you guys think about this? I have such mixed emotions! (the alcohol is never in the school, she does it at home)

Can you drink coffee the morning before a swim meet?

Contrary to other answers, the caffeine in coffee will do you no benefit and one cup will do you no harm. There is no crash effect from caffeine however, there is a crash effect from sugar if you eat too much. If you put a tablespoon in your coffee, it won't affect your performance (and I'm totally anti-sugar).

The negative effects of caffeine include:
nervousness, headache, increased heart rate
anxiety, upset stomach, irregular heartbeat
irritability, GI irritation, elevated blood pressure
agitation, heartburn increased cholesterol
tremors, diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies
insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration
depression, dizziness, bed wetting

People who use large amounts of caffeine, when stopping their addiction (and it is addictive) must go through withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms include:

headache, constipation, runny nose
craving, anxiety, nausea
irritability, nervousness, vomiting
insomnia, shakiness, cramps
fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears
depression, drowsiness, feeling hot and cold
apathy, inability to concentrate

The most common withdrawal symptom is a throbbing and/or pressure headache, usually located at the temples but occasionally at the back of the head or around the eyes. A vague muscular headache often follows. Of course, caffeine cures the symptom; but this is not the answer.

It’s ok to have a piece of chocolate or a small cup of coffee every now and then but please be sure not to use caffeine on a daily basis, especially if you are a woman.

How do you drink your coffee or tea?

I am from India settled in USA , I enjoy 2 versionsoffice coffee with no milk or sugarWeekend coffee which is made with a coffee filter and organic milk and little sugar - Indian filter coffeeThabks for reading

I feel strange after drinking coffee?

I feel jittery and light headed and as if I may faint I guess? It's more of like a high feeling if that makes any sense. It's been about 7 hrs since I had a cup of coffee. I know it's probably the caffeine, I just want to know what's happening with my body right now, very strange, very strange.