Driving School In Santiago City

Santiago, Chile or Mexico City?

Santiago is safer than Mexico City. And there are much less chances to get lost.

Let me suggest you some places in Santiago de Chile that you may find interesting:

Barrio Bellavista, northwest Providencia, between San Cristobal hill and the Mapocho river.
- Pablo Neruda's house "La Chascona"
- Chucre Manzur street and Camilo Mori square (MUST SEE)
- Lapizlazuli craftwork
- Pío Nono street
- San Cristóbal hill
- University of Chile's Law School

Barrio Lastarria, in Santiago Centro, northeast of Santa Lucía hill.
- Parque Forestal
- Fuente Alemana
- Plaza Mulato Gil de Castro (MUST SEE)
- Museo de Bellas Artes

Barrio Italia, in western Providencia.
- Parque Bustamante
- furniture factories.
- many places to eat, cafes.
- home to many artists and designers.

Barrio República, southwest Santiago Centro.
- Loads and loads of universities.
- Rich architecture.

How commonly do people in Santiago, Chile speak English?

most people in chile speak some bit of english. it is taught in most school starting in elementary all the way through the university. Although I should tell you that in most businesses it is still predominantly spanish that is spoken.

Im sure you will love it, i miss it there so much but travel there as much as i can.