Drug History For Hospital Id

Can I join the US military with a history of being in a mental hospital?

Your prior drug use might be as big an issue toward preventing you from joining the US military as your prior mental problems would be. Admitting that you overdosed on drugs would be a red flag to recruiters and to the screeners at the MEPS (where you are checked prior to military service) and that alone might be enough to deny you enlistment.I would suggest first talking with a psychiatrist before you talk with recruiter and getting an assessment from that person on whether or not you might be suitable for military service. This can save you time and possible embarrassment because recruiters aren’t going to consider your feelings when you discuss your personal issue with them. If the doctor suggests that you consider other options, you may wish to listen to him/her.If they don’t, then you should approach a recruiter and be honest about your past. This is because if you are honest LATER, it’s likely that it would be poorly received as you will have lied on your military paperwork and that is a federal offense. If they tell you that your past problems will prevent you from serving, I would suggest accepting that graciously and moving forward with your life.

What method do hospitals use to drug test new employees?

They will be testing for amphetamines, marijuana, opiates, cocaine, and alcohol. Yes, if they are drug testing you and you are positive for marijuana they will not employ you. If they do a hair or saliva test there is no way you will be getting around this. But, most likely they will do a urine test. If you must pass then I suggest going to high health, and get something called a cleansing cocktail. They are about 20.00 and work great. I have used them twice and have passed both urine screening tests. I have also have many friends who have successfully used it, and its guarenteed to work. If it doesnt, you send your lab results and they give you the money back. Id really suggest that you cut off smoking though, seems like hospitals might do random drug screens. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

Can we get medical reports in CMC hospital if we have patient id?

Yes of course.. But i think you should have a valid reason to ask for the report.But usually it is medical ethics that the hospital will not divulge a patient's details to any one other than the patient, patient's close relative like father | mother | patient's spouse that too with the patient's permission in case he/she is an adult. For minors the parents or the authorised guardian will get the report.I worked in a reputed ophthalmic hospital in chennai. That is how I knew this procedure.

Can you go into the hospital as a Jane or John Doe and pay in cash and still be given treatment?

Hypothetically, can you conceal your identity if you do not want the bill going onto your insurance, or whoever's insurance it is?

I ask only because I watched an episode of Private Practice that addressed this issue and was curious.

I attempted to research this and only found information regarding Jane Doe in respect to rape kits performed on women who were raped.

Anyone know anything about any of this?

Thank you all!

Can doctors see any type of drugs when taking a blood test?

If they look for drugs, yes. A lot of drugs can be detected in the blood. However if they are only running, let's say a CBC and CMP, then they won't see drugs because they are not testing for drugs. It really depends on what the doctor/NP ordered

Why should I validate a patient’s identification in a hospital? Why is it important?

Validating a patient's identity is of great importance. If you give the wrong medication, they get transfused with the wrong blood type, they have underlying conditions that are not known, they have the wrong procedure done on them, they have allergies to medication, latex...You could kill them if what you are doing is actually meant for someone else....For instance, I have a severe allergy to cefotetan, which is an antibiotic. Let's say I have surgery and the staff doesn't verify who I am or my medical history and they use cefetetan in my IV for my surgery. I will go into anaphylactic shock within 30 seconds of them opening my IV line...which could kill me.....I had a doctor prescribe K-flex which is in the same drug family Cephalosporin like cefetetan. When I told the MA who took my history, she put down my allergy was to Sulfa Sporin which is also a family of antibiotic...So the doctor prescribed K-flex.. Luckily I asked isn't that in the same family as cefetetan? and he said why yes. I said I just told your MA that I'm deathly allergic to cephalosporin. Luckily I knew to ask because I was in the medical field at one point...If it had been someone else who was not as knowledgeable they would have taken the med and not made it to the hospital.. It's little things like that that makes it necessary to verify a patient's ID...

Can i see a doctor without i.d?

In the US, most people used to see physicians without ever providing any type of identification. However, there have been enough patients now who have tried to obtain care using a friend's or sister's health insurance, on the pretense of being that person, that this had to change. More and more physician's offices are asking for ID, as a result, and many are in a state of transition in this regard. In addition, Obamacare requires a transition to an all computerized medical record with verification of ID, so soon, this will be the norm everywhere, and will not be negotiable. One of the largest reasons for this, is not just reimbursement, but in the process of making sure that the medical history of an individual is correct, and doesn't really reflect the medical history of their cousin ! It could be disastrous to have your HIV positive cousin use your health insurance, and then try to correct your HIV status yourself later. Best wishes.

If you start dating a doctor, can they look up your medical records without your consent?

"If you start dating a doctor, can they look up your medical records without your consent?"Theoretically, yes they could. But it would be illegal and if it was brought to light that this person was searching records databases for personal reasons, they could be punished in various ways, up to and including losing their licence to practice medicine (this would be extreme and would necessitate multiple abuses).In my opinion, the bigger problem here is that you are uncomfortable with, and trying to hide your past. While it would certainly be wrong of this doctor to search your records (and they probably won't), it is equally wrong of you to hide past drug problems. This is a lie by omission.I'm not saying you need to shout from a mountain top to all that can hear, or tell prospective partners on the first date, but it's something you're going to need to accept about yourself at some point.I used to have a drug problem, and while it is certainly embarrassing, I find that bringing it out into the open is easier to do sooner than later. I would much rather tell my prospective partner that I once had a problem, than have them find out through other means and then question what else I might be hiding.I was very open with my girlfriend about my past drug history (she's had past relationships with addicts) and answered all of her questions honestly. It is now a non-issue. She knows what my problems were, how I dealt with them, how long I've been clean, and which drugs could possibly pose a problem for me and our relationship in the future.Another problem I see with your question details is your lack of trust in your potential mate. This person hasn't done anything to earn your distrust, and yet here you are questioning their moral fiber. This is what hiding your past problems can do. Be open, be honest, and you won't be paranoid as to whether or not other people are digging in your past.Sorry for rambling. I wish you the best on your sobriety and your relationship.