During Exhalation Breathing Out __________.

Why is it easier to hold your breath after inhalation than after exhalation?

Fun fact: the painful desire to breathe you feel when you are "out of breath" isn't due to lack of oxygen, but too much carbon dioxide (CO2)! Likewise, the feeling of faintness, tingling, and dizziness when you hyperventilate isn't due to too much oxygen [which hyperventilating can't cause anyway], but too little carbon dioxide. In fact, most people's bodies can't detect low oxygen at all!When you breathe in and hold your breath, you have plenty of oxygen (which keeps you from blacking out) and little CO2. Over time, you run out of oxygen, but your blood CO2 levels rise. Your brain actually uses blood CO2 as an indicator for blood oxygen, so when CO2 levels are too high you are signaled to take a breath. If you find it hard to believe that low oxygen isn't what makes you want to breathe, consider carbon monoxide poisoning. It happens because you are breathing air with low oxygen, but the CO2 levels are the same and your body regulates your breathing as usual, so you die without ever realizing you were oxygen deprived. You will blackout without any warning.When you exhale, you are forcing out the CO2. Why is holding your breath here harder? Because you've lowered your lung volume, the CO2 concentration of your lungs is now higher than your blood. Gasses diffuse from air to blood passively, from areas of high concentration to low. Lungs full of a breath of air have a higher oxygen concentration and lower CO2 concentration than your blood does, so oxygen flows into your blood and CO2 out of the blood. When the lungs become as concentrated as your blood with CO2, the CO2 no longer leaves your blood, but builds up until your next breath. Recall that concentration is dependent on volume: empty lungs have lower volume, so fewer CO2 molecules are needed to get the same concentration as your blood. Thus, CO2 stops leaving your blood faster if the lungs are empty, meaning the CO2 levels in your blood reach critical faster and you need to breathe sooner. Oxygen levels in your blood are likewise not rising fast enough (or at all, since you just exhaled), but it's the rise in CO2 that makes you gasp.

What two things do we breath out when exhale?

Hatred and self loathing.

Which gas do we breathe out during exhalation? How will you test the presence of this gas?

We breate out CO2 .We test it with the reaction with Ca(OH)2 .In this reaction Co2 make the solution milky because of the formation of CaCO3

Breathing is a fairly passive process, explain how inhalation works.?

The two stages of breathing are inhalation and exhalation.
Inhalation is an active process.
Exhalation is a passive process.

During inhalation:
the diaphragm contracts (it pulls down) and
the ribcage pulls itself up and out.

These two processes increase the volume in the thoracic cavity which causes a negative pressure in the cavity. To balance the pressure air is drawn into the lungs.

During exhalation:
the diaphragm relaxes (it returns to its original position) and
the muscle which pulled the ribcage up and out relax which causes the ribcage to return to its original position.

These two processes decrease the volume in the thoracic cavity which creates a positive pressure in the cavity. To balance the pressure air is drawn out of the lungs.

As you can see, inhalation is active because energy is used to move all the muscles, where as exhalation is passive because these muscle simply relax.

Hope that answers your question

When a person dies, is their last breath an inhalation or an exhalation?

Inhalation requires muscular energy to contract the diaphragm, expand the chest, etc. A dead or completely paralyzed person cannot inhale.Exhalation can be active (like blowing out a birthday candle or coughing) or passive (like the you breathe when you are sleeping). Passive exhalation requires no energy. The breath is exhaled as the chest and abdomen return to their resting state. So a person’s final breath will be an exhalation.

What is the proper way to breathe - exhaling with tummy contraction and inhaling with expansion, or vice versa?

THE right way of breathing is When You Inhale your tummy must come out when you exhale your tummy must go in. IT IS CALLED ABDOMINAL BREATHING.there is enough room for expansion in abdomen or in tummy while you inhale and your chest expands it will press the heart because the area is limited.when you breath through tummy your abdominal organs are massaged and improves health of all the organs inside abdomen mainly your digestion.Abdominal breathing is natural breathing because if you are sleeping then it starts. when you are deeply relaxed and awake you do it automatically. A kid who is unaware of any thing it breath through abdomen mainly but as he is totally relaxed he does little bit of chest breathing simultaneously.lungs expands when we breath in which is against lungs recoiling nature therefore if one does abdominal breathing he takes his diaphragm down, lungs expands in downward which is supported by gravity. while we exhale or breath out it we need not to spend any energy as it happens automatically because of recoiling nature of lungs. But if you do chest breathing you do not use nature’s facility and spend lot of energy.When you are relaxed you automatically switch to abdominal breathing therefore by doing abdominal breathing you automatically relax.if you continuously do force full chest breathing you will harm your lungs by destroying its tiny chambers and also interfere in heart’s functioning. TRY IT COMFORTABLY N SEE THE RESULTS.because of gravity the base of the lungs get more blood the middle and top portion therefore if you do abdominal breathing you take air to the base portion therefore you absorb more oxygen. because of the pressure of air blood shift to middle as well therefore it further improves lung efficiency.ASK IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERY.

What do humans breathe out after inhaling helium?

The air you breathe in has 21% oxygen and less than 0.04% carbon dioxide; the rest is Nitrogen and Argon. Your body changes some of the oxygen into Carbon Dioxide but the air you breathe out still has less than 3% Carbon Dioxide and still has 18% Oxygen ; the rest of the air is unchanged.

If you breathe in pure Helium it will be unchanged by your body and will be breathed out again. Divers breathe in a mixture of 20% Oxygen and 80% Helium. The Helium is used to replace natural Nitrogen as it does not dissolve in the blood under pressure as Nitrogen does. Dissolved Nitrogen in the blood bubbles out and causes the bends.

What is the difference between diaphragm breathing and shallow "everyday" breathing?

diaphragm breathing is intense, shallow is not