Eating Disorder . Help

Can you please help with my eating disorder?

Hello!Your story tells me that you are having a very difficult time right now and that you feel that your eating habits have gone out of control. This is a great time to seek therapy. You need to talk about your eating disorder openly with a professonal if you want help. Us Quora users won’t be able to do much for you except reassure you that your habits are severe enough for intervention and that, with the right help to bring you back to a healthy place, everything will be okay. For now, do not restrict your calories because that will just lead to more binges later on, and no more weed. If you accidentally binge or restrict despite efforts to eat healthy, do not beat yourself up, just keep trying to make the next meal a healthy one. If you have lost consciousness of what healthy looks like, talk to a therapist.Best of luck!

How can you help someone who has an eating disorder?

Patience, kindness, no words about appearance. Recognition that it’s a mental disorder as well as an eating disorder. It’s most often about control more than food. Educate yourself about the disease your friend/relative has. Let them know you are there for them regardless of where they are at. Listen to them in a non-judgemental way. Encourage them in the most positive ways. Treat them how you would want to be treated.You are wonderful for caring and for asking this.

I'm writing an essay on eating disorders and I need help on some descriptive word choice for the intro.?

So this is just the hook and I'm trying to describe what a person with an eating disorder would go through but I just need some words to fill in the blank below besides, "Her thighs are too fat, her stomach is too big" I'm not too good on descriptive word choice now.

The reflection of a young girl stares back at her in a bathroom mirror. She looks at her body in disgust. Nothing seems perfect to her; her thighs feel like ______, her stomach _____, etc.
Her body is no where near the slender shape that it should be. Tears start to well up in her eyes as she wonders how long it would be until she would reach her goal.

Help on thesis statement on eating disorder?

Eating disorders are a big problem in our country, lives and even our world. (insert here statistic about how many people out of how many have an easting disorder blah blah blah) Eating disorders are often caused by stress and are tied into depression and anger. Very often eating disorders stem form problems with self image caused by the media.

That wasn't a very good one because im not writing it for you but this should be a good base. Good Luck!

I think my friend has an eating disorder?

I've known my friend since about fourth grade and she's always been really tall for her age and about average size and sometimes a little bit bigger. Ever since she came back to school after last summer she has been vegetarian. She exercises and plays softball. I didn't think much of it at first. But last week she mentioned to me how she had gotten her period in 3 months. She's always cold. She's mentioned yesterday how her fingernails and toenails are turning blue. I don't know this is important but recently she chopped off all of her hair suddenly. shes mentioned how she can see her rib cage and other bones and such. And recently all she's been eating is yogurt and she's been throwing away her other food.We finally convinced her to tell her mom about everything she scheduled a dr. Appt. for tomorrow. I really want to help her through this because I'm pretty sure that she has an eating disorder but I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to directly confront her about it because she doesn't think that she has an eating disorder and she's really sensitive and I don't want to lose her as a friend. But after watching tons of anorexia videos on YouTube it looks like she's in the late stages of an eating disorder. But we're not sure if the guidance counselor knows enough about this to be able to help her and so we don't know what to do now. So I was wondering if any of you guys could offer any ideas of what I could do to help her and get her to open up about what she's feeling.