Eating Then Throwing Up After

What should you eat/drink after throwing up?

Alright, being someone who has had my fair share of different kinds of alcohol, I can give you some advice here. No I am not an alcoholic but I have had the unfortunate experience of throwing up after too many rum and cokes, beer, tequila, etc. First off, stay calm, I think the best place to throw up is in the toilet, if you can’t then throw up in a garbage can. I know this might all sound disgusting but we are all human and I think a lot of us have had this unpleasant experience at some point in our lives. When you are done throwing up, get to the sink, spit, and rinse your mouth out. Brush your teeth. I have read stories about people who would binge and purge and they ended up with permanent damage to their teeth. The best thing you can drink after throwing up is water. Drink 2–4 servings of water. In terms of eating, I would recommend something light such as saltine crackers, wafers, or white bread. I wouldn’t recommend eating at a buffet after getting sick. Sleep it off and if symptoms persist talk to a medical professional. Feel better.

My dog keeps eating grass, and then throwing up.?

If dogs have a stomach ache they often eat the grass to make themselves throw up so that they will feel better. The same goes with humans, if someone has a bad enough stomach ache they might try to make themself throw up to alleviate the nausea.

What is the best food to eat after throwing up?

Try something that does not smell too much like garlic, onions, or meat or fish. They used to encourage bananas, rice, apples and toast. You might enjoy potatoes, pudding, watermelon, pears, cucumbers for satisfaction and relief of dehydration and sore throat.

Why do I throw up after eating meat?

Meat is acidic, we were not meant to eat meat, simply because its acidic, and our bodies have to work harder to process acidic and processed foods. Majority of natural things on earth like vegetables, fruit, and water are alkaline (non acidic) while majority of processed things are acidic. If you eat wheat without processing it, its not acidic, but when you process it and make it into bread, then it becomes acidic. Our bodies were not designed to eat bread or processed foods, and were not designed to eat meat. Japans life expectancy is the highest out of the developed countries, yet China is one of the lowest, even though they are both so close to each other. This is because Japan's diet consists of mostly fish, while China's consists of mostly red meat (pork and chicken). Fish is like a different kind of meat. Fish is good for you, pork, chicken and beef are not. So all our bodies have a problem processing these foods, which is why we die about 5 to 10 years before the Japanese do, but for some of us the effects are immediate, as in your case.

Is it normal to have the urge to throw up after eating?

You need to look at the actual cause to your sickening feeling.It's a common factor to many things.Try changing your food and slow down eating.If you are feeling forced to eat then you will feel ill.It's actually best to snack throughout the day compared to strict routine meals.Mist routine meals is to correspond with the working day. Breakfast, lunch, tea and in some cases supper.Try to eat what you enjoy and at intervals. Try not to have too much background activity too.I hope this helps.P.s. if you want a more specific answer if you can add or forward a bit more information as to how the symptoms occur (what the parameters are that the exact moment hits of feeling sick and what's happening) I'd be happy to research an exact diagnosis.If you ever have concerns it is always best to seek professional help.Many RegardsRachael.x

If you throw up within 30 minutes of eating, how many calories do you lose of the food you ate?

This question has already been answered by people and they are correct but there's too much information which isn't necessary so I'll just a give a simplified version.It depends on the type of vomit.Vomits can be dry or wet and the type depends on what you consume.Dry vomit does not usually expell all the food out while wet vomits expel liquids out after which you gag but nothing comes out and the suction then tear your throat and stomach lining and you vomit blood.So if your vomit consists of mostly food then approximately 50���60% of your intake has been expelled while with wet vomits it's usually 80–90% of your intake.

Why did I throw up after eating fish then drinking milk?

I was hungry so I ate a fish sandwich. Then I ate some cereal with milk. Then while eating the cereal I started to get nausea and I thought the cereal was causing it. I ran to the bathroom and immediately vomited until my stomach was clean. I was feeling fine before I ate the cereal and I am feeling fine now (shortly after throwing up.) So then my dad asks what I ate and I told him. Then he said eating fish and drinking milk is a no-no and it immediately causes you to have an upset stomach. He failed to tell me why when I asked, however.

So my question is, Why did I throw up after eating fish then drinking milk? Is there a scientific explanation as to why my stomach can not handle a fish and milk combination?

What happens if you throw up food right after eating?

If it happens just once, nothing. It's a sign you are sick or ate something you are allergic to.If it happens regularly, it causes s great deal of harm. The acid in the vomit damages your teeth, and leads to discolouration and decay. Your dentist will be able to see that you are vomiting regularly and may confront you about this behaviour.Regular vomiting damages the lining of your oesophagus - your food tube - and the valve that keeps food and digestive juices in your stomach. You may experience painful acid reflux - a burning sensation. You will need medication to help with this. It will be clear to your doctor that you are vomiting regularly and they will offer you help to stop the behaviour.Regular vomiting causes swollen glands in the face and neck. Your face may begin to appear swollen. This will be another obvious sign to medical professionals that you are indulging in unhealthy behaviour. Your friends and family might just think you are getting fat, but someone familiar with eating disorders would be able to see what is really going on with you.One thing that will not necessarily happen if you vomit after eating is weight loss. Many people who habitually vomit after food are a normal weight, or overweight. Self induced vomiting only removes part of the food you ate. It is not an effective way to empty your stomach.If you are considering vomiting after eating, don't. It is harmful and does not help weight loss. If you already started to vomit food, stop if you can. If it is difficult to stop, get help from your doctor. The longer it goes on, the more damage will be done.