Eating White Raddish In The Early Morning Is It Good For Diabetic Patients

Can a diabetic patient eat radish?

First the previous answer is kind and correct.I find it interesting that the person asking knows how to ask Quora this question but didn’t “Google” a radish or diabetes.53 years ago when I became a type 1 the worlds population was much smaller 3.26 billion people and 2.31 million or 1.24% had diabetes. Today the world population is 7.6 billion and the percentage of people with diabetes has grown to around 7.5% . It is much more likely today that nearly everyone knows someone with diabetes or perhaps 35 to 40 people assuming everyone knows 500 people.There are many questions about diabetes on Quora neither specifying if the question refer to a person with Type 1 diabetes or Type II diabetes or both types.People with Diabetes can and do eat all kinds of foods and take all kinds of supplements. Some exercise some don’t etc.The best way in my opinion is to think about both types of diabetes as being carbohydrate intolerant.For a type 1 the intolerance is total and without insulin injections the patient will die.For a type II the level of carbohydrate intolerance is less severe but if they stop consuming carbohydrates they can stop taking medication for the Type II.What does any of this have to do with radishes? Not much but It takes 10 medium radishes to get 1 gram of a carbohydrate. If someone with Diabetes either type I or 2 limits their carbohydrate consumption to 20 carbs per meal or better yet 20 carbs per day by consuming mostly fats, protein and fiber, they will experience improved health, fewer complications and approach a healthy body mass index.Keeping in mind of course that people are all different to some extent and some foods have negative effects on some people that others may not experience.

Can diabetic patients eat ghee?

Diabetic patients should maintain strict diet because they need to eat fiber rich low carbohydrate foods so that their blood sugar level should not go up. It is always recommended for diabetic patients that they should consume lesser oil and good quality cooking oil so that harmful LDL cholesterol and triglyceride count stays under control. But diabetic patients can use best quality grass fed ghee in their food preparation.But what makes ghee suitable for diabetics?According to nutritionists, the fatty acids in ghee help in metabolizing and balancing high blood sugar. Moreover, if ghee is added to rice, it becomes easier for the diabetics to digest the sugar from rice effectively. Make sure you use grass fed cow ghee.Milk should ideally be used from green pastured nursed happy cows to reap maximum benefits.These are some other reasons for adding ghee in diabetic diet:• Grass fed ghee is a reliable source of healthy fat, which aids in absorbing the nutrients from the consumed food. This procedure helps in ensuring natural control on blood sugar level and ensures better diabetes management.• Ghee is identified for regulating the functioning of digestive system and that eases the problem of constipation, which is one of the recurring side effect of diabetes.• Linoleic acid content of cow ghee helps in reducing possibilities of several cardiovascular diseases which is a common complication in diabetics.• Consumption of grass fed ghee can improve the functioning of gut hormone, which results in better secretion of the insulin, and it helps in managing diabetes better.• Ghee is identified as a rich source of vitamin K and other antioxidants which can boost immunity, which is helpful for diabetics.• Adding ghee to high carbohydrate foods with high glycemic index like rice, white bread, parathas, can help in lowering GI and that benefits diabetics.However moderation is the mantra of adding grass fed ghee[1] in diabetic diet. But still you must consult the attending diabetologist before adding ghee in diabetic diet.Footnotes[1] Grass Fed Ghee - Milkio Foods New Zealand

Can a type-2 diabetic patient eat carrots?

Diabetics саn hаvе carrots preferably аѕ a snack оr adding it tо salads аnd pasta dishes. Cooking carrots caramelizes thе sugar in thе carrots аnd increases thе glycemic index. Cooking оr roasting iѕ nоt a good idea but уоu саn steam thеm if eating thеm raw iѕ nоt аlwауѕ palatable. Carrots ѕhоuld bе controlled thе wау diabetics control thеir intake оf potatoes. People frequently drink carrot juice. Carrot juice iѕ nоt a vеrу good option fоr diabetics. Anу fruit оf vegetable juice, еѕресiаllу оf vegetables likе carrots, gеtѕ converted tо glucose vеrу quickly аnd саn саuѕе a spike in thе blood sugar. If уоu аrе gоing tо increase уоur carrot intake, уоu ѕhоuld check with уоur health professional оr doctor juѕt tо bе оn thе safe side. A moderate amount оf carrot consumption wоuld nоt hurt you, еvеn if уоu аrе a diabetic.My husband was diagnosed with diabetes 2 about 3 months ago. We immediately began using a food plan, and within 2 weeks his numbers went from the frightening 440, down to 100 !!! We added a brisk 1 mi. walk, and eliminated sugar, white flour and white rice, and upped our raw fresh veggies, nuts, and seeds. We switched to coconut, avocado, Hemp and Rice Bran oils, and minimized even their use. He is the picture of excellent health today at the age of 41. His energy is back up to normal, and his skin color is beautiful! We are SO thankful Sheryl Wann from Toronto, on her site Control Your Blood Sugar Level told us about a book to cure diabetes! And THANKS to Sheryl Wann again!!!

Whats a good healthy breakfast in the morning?

cream of wheat
some sort of protien like eggs
skim milk

Is chapati good for type 2 diabetes?

If it is made the traditional way - with whole wheat flour and lots of ghee (clarified butter), YES!BUT, a good diabetic diet has a reduced carb intake. So while a chapati is good for a diabetic, you have to limit the number of chapatis, and add a lot of veggies, raw veggies, fruits, legumes, other whole grains and high quality fats like ghee.I recommend the LCHF (low carb high fat) die to my patients. They do have initial problems, but eventually get used to it and even love it. If you’d like to know more about the LCHF diet, here’s a beginner’s guide.