Edible Toys For Crinkly-plastic Loving Cat

Edible toys for crinkly-plastic loving cat?

My cat loves to chew and sometimes eat plastic. Plastic bags particularly but he'll also go for those plastic gift wrapping bows. The crinklier the better! He loves all things crinkly!

It's cute, that is, when I'm monitoring playtime. When I'm not around, however, it's dangerous so I have to make sure there are no plastic bags around that he can easily access because he likes to look around for them. He'll even poke his head in the garbage bin even when its closed! He's addicted and relentless! And when he gets what he wants he'll have a lousy day throwing up the plastic all around the house and he doesn't clean it up! ;)

A few weeks ago I bought this Asian candy which has this edible crinkly plastic like inner wrapper. When you put it in your mouth it melts into a sticky almost tasteless substance which isn't entirely unpleasant. Anyway, I got the idea that maybe my Mushu might like it but I went against the idea because he's a cat and he doesn't get to eat candy. But I thought, plastic-eating, crinkle-loving cats are not uncommon, IS there some type of edible crinkly plastic cat toy out there on the market that I just haven't found yet?

And if not, can you suggest sometime similar that?

Why does my cat Gladys like to lick plastic bags?

She has always done it. It's not just plastic bags - I was prompted to ask because I just caught her slurping and chewing on a plastic bag of pasta! She doesn't swallow it, just licks and chews. Although I've seen her trying to eat the little plastic ties which come off new clothes so I need to be careful with those. Is there some kind of mineral in the plastic that she needs? Or is she just a bit special? Ha ha.