Elliot Rodger Did All That Because He Was Short Or Because Women Are Inherently Stuck-up

Have you changed your mind on gun control? If so, why?

One word: Katrina. People are vicious. When law and order falls, the rule of might immediately takes over.During Katrina, when people came together to take refuge and be safe in the Superdome, women were attacked and raped.I read a story about a man and woman leaving New Orleans afterwards. Their car was in a parking garage and spared. When the water receded they went and got it, drove to their apartment, and as they were packing things in it to leave, some thugs came with a tire iron and threatened them for the car. The owner pulled out his handgun and they backed off.I know a nurse who went down there to help afterwards, and one of the nurses she was volunteering with was raped.One time where I live (in NY) there was a power outage due to an unexpected snow fall. I drove to the grocery store which was running with generators. Power had only been out for less than 24 hours and already someone had tried to loot the jewelry store next door.When the sh*t REALLY hits the fan, survival will depend on your ability to defend yourself. Being a single woman living alone, I’ll need all the help I can get.

What is MGTOW (Men going their own way) about and is this an Incel movement?

It is as the name suggests: Men Going Their Own Way. Men are waking up to the raw deal that they have been given for generations and are choosing to not be a cog in the machine of gynocentric society anymore. These men do not wish to change anything, they do not wish any harm on anyone, they simply are checking out of a society that does not appreciate them, and by all accounts has a disdain for them. They are refusing to expose themselves to the inherent risks that women pose to their future, safety, finance and freedom. In doing so they are refusing marriage, cohabitation, and in most cases dating. Each man sets his own comfort level with the amount of female encroachment on his life that he is willing to accept. This is NOT a movement, there are NO leaders, NO dues, NO political aspirations. There is a lot more to be said, but that is the shortest version of the most basic tenants of the ideology.The ideology has nothing to do with the Incel phenomenon. Incels find their human value in their ability to acquire sex or women. They are incapable of acquiring either, and thus hold no value for themselves. This is incompatible with MGTOW. MGTOW are men who self-actualize, basing their value on their achievements, success, and happiness. Though MGTOW can get women, many had them and/or were divorced by them, they do not want them, except those in a subset that choose to fulfill their sexual needs through short/very short term interactions with women.In short:Incels - See the system, accept that it is warped, still want to be a part of it, and lament that they are excluded for being undesirable.Blue Pill - Fully engaged in the system, don’t even recognize that it is warped, and merrily throw themselves into the gynocentric grinder to later be spat out the divorce mill or worse.Red Pill - Men who see the system, accept it, and game the system using it’s own rules to get sex. They live a lie almost 100% of the time for that end goal.MRA - Men who see the system, see that it is warped, and want to try and change it, no matter the impossibility of that feat.MGTOW - Men who see the system, see that it is warped, opt not to oppose it, but sit out on the sidelines with as little contribution to the mess one way or the other.