Epidural And Subdural Hematoma

What is more severe, subdural hematoma or epidural hematoma?

subdural hematoma is more likely to cause problems ,

Subdural vs epidural hematoma?

Subdural injuries are more deadly. The link describes the reasons:

Can you give yourself a epidural hematoma or subdural hematoma?

Hematomas require that blood vessels be ruptured. A severe blow to the head can cause this to happen.

The brain has a number of protective mechanisms that prevent cranial blood vessels from being damaged. Your brain is surrounded by a liquid cushion of fluid and is held in place by strong tissues to prevent excessive movement.

Even the strongest shake by your own muscles are far, far below the amount of force required to rupture any blood vessels in your brain. A very strong blow from an outside source such as a baseball bat or crashing into something while skiing is required to produce the kind of damage necessary for a hematoma in your head. You are perfectly safe.

What is epidural hematoma?

The meninges are three layers of connective tissue membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The outermost memberane of the meninges is the dura mater. An epidural hematoma is a collection of blood pertaining to above the dura mater.

Will i have subdural or epidural hematoma after my head trauma?

Hi, i wanted to know can i get subdural or epidural hematoma 8 months after my car accident that caused head trauma. I got cat scanning and i was fine thank god. But, i heared that hematoma and bleeding can occur after a while . Is that right ? What should i do? And i'm still scared of my accident when i think about what happened . Does that mean the trauma affected my brain? Please, help.

Why is it that for an epidural hematoma they do not cross the suture lines?

Because the right halve is separated from the left halve by a deep fold in the outermost membrane enveloping the brain, the Dura mater, called the Falx cerebri which runs along the Sagittal suture which at the base is affixed to the skull so can't be crossed from right to left or the other way around:

Can you get a subdural hematoma from bumping heads with someone hard? I am an adolescent who fears brain damage and brain bleeds.

If you get a good enough running start, you certainly can :) But just “cracking” your skull against someone else’s is painful, but not harmful.Now, if you are a football player or head the ball in soccer, there is enough evidence to be concerned about the hundreds of mini-concussions you will likely sustain. The concern is not brain bleeds but tauopathy. Tau is the “gunk” that builds up around neurons, possibly after injury. The evidence for this is somewhat weak, but why risk it if you don’t have to.There is no evidence that a bump now and then the way normal people might bump heads will do anything but hurt (the skin) and/or embarrass you.

Can you get a subdural hematoma from hitting your head on a wall?

It is possible. However, the likelihood of that happening would greatly depend on age - such hematomas are more common in elderly patients, and / or people whose alcohol intake is chronic.It is more common to get a subdural hematoma by having an impact such as falling and hitting your head. Symptoms vary, depending on how much blood has collected and its location. Sometimes the symptoms of a hematoma could appear weeks later, as increased drowsiness, for example.This is not medical advice, if you or someone you know has had head injury and is feeling unwell, please seek medical attention.

About: Epidural Hematoma (blood clot on the brain)?

"My friend" about six year ago had a Epidural Hematoma (blood clot on the brain), in the left side of his head/brain. It happened in upper front of the ear. I believe it affected the: temporo lobe, periental lobe, and a little of the frontal lobe. My question now is: Is it fine for him to smoke marijuana? If you have had an Epidural Hematoma is it okay to still smoke marijuana? I know it's not okay to drink alcohol because of seizures , but does marijuana have any bad impact apart from that it is bad for you?

Can the brain bounce back from a subdural hematoma?

In my experience, not as a doctor but as a health care professional who has been involved in the treatment of patients who have had SDHs evacuated, I have not seen a bad outcome.A subdural hematoma (SDH) must be differentiated from an epidural hematoma.  An epidural bleed is much more serious because the bleed is arterial and pressure builds quickly inside the skull, causing death in a few hours if not evacuated.A SDH is caused by a slow leak of a venous vessel in the brain, usually from some kind of head injury, or sometimes (rarely) spontaneous.  The blood pools up and clots and creates pressure in the skull that will eventually, if not treated, cause unconsciousness and even death.  But the treatment is a simple "burr hole," or hole drilled through the skull to allow the clot to drain and be washed out with a sterile saline solution.If it is treated quickly, there is usually no damage and the patient recovers quickly.  If it is allowed to remain it can damage brain tissue.  Bleeding inside the brain is always serious, not only because of the build-up of intracranial pressure but because loose blood is corrosive to brain tissue.So the answer to your question really depends on the extent of the bleed, where it is in the brain and how long it resides there until it is evacuated.  Some SDHs are small and limited enough to be left alone without the burr hole.