Equality Just Seems To Keep Coming Up On Gs. Would Mras And Feminists At Least Agree To .

Why dont more women speak out against feminism?

Please don't take this offensively, but I'm going to say what I mean and have observed from you and all the other MRA's that I've had contact with.

I noticed that when I showed support to you, by completely reiterating your words, you all agreed with me and were happy and whatnot- but when I spun it in a way that I actually did agree with? You all had a field day making me feel lowly.

Both the MRA's and Feminist only want your opinion when your opinion is simply restating their words.

I understand that there are real problems, but how am I supposed to speak out against them when everyone is so easily offended over this subject?

For me, I'm anti-RADICAL Feminist, and anti-RADICAL MRA, because even if you don't see it- some men get just as bad as the women... but I call those radicals, and I'm against them, but not their cause.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

On men, feminism and military conscription?

I hear a lot of guys complaining that feminists don't fight hard enough against men being drafted (although many feminist organizations are publicly opposed to the draft). My question to men is, why should it be the primary responsibility of feminists to fight against the draft. Given that men are the ones responsible for creating, implementing and maintaining the draft, shouldn't men bear most of the responsibility for fighting the draft as well? It seems like feminists are being asked to take the lead in the fight to keep men from mistreating other men. I'm not saying feminists shouldn't oppose the draft ( I do oppose it), but shouldn't men have the primary responsibility in this battle?