Evaluate The Expression Y Divided By 3/4 For Each Value Of Y

Evaluate the expression y divided by 3/4 for each value of y?

expression is

y / (3/4)

is the same as

y / 3/4

is the same as

y TIMES 4/3

plug in your values of y

-9/16 times 4/3

NOTE that 3 goes into 3 once and into 9 thrice, and 4 goes into 4 once and into 16 four times.

-3/4 times 1/1


-2 and 1/4 = -8/4 and 1/4 = -7/4

-7/4 times 4/3

NOTE that 4 goes into 4 once and into 4 once

-7/1 times 1/3


How does the expression [math]4 + 6 / 3 * 2 - 2 + 7 \% 3[/math] evaluate to 7 in C language?

Thanks for the A2A. I find this Precedence table quite helpful. So basically you are supposed to evaluate the operands first with the highest precedence, in this case the operators ‘/’ , ‘*’ and ‘%’ have the highest precedence so these should be evaluated first. But in the case of 6 / 3 * 2 both the operators have the same precedence. It might seem like an ambiguity but this is where the associativity comes to play. The associativity for the ‘/’, ‘*’ and ‘%’ is from left to right. So 6/3 is solved first. So you can assume they are solved in the following way4 + solve(6/3) * 2 - 2 + solve(7%3)4 + solve(2 * 2) - 2 + 14 + 4 - 2 + 1Both addition and subtraction have the same precedence and the associativity is from left to rightsolve(4+4) - 2 + 1solve(8 - 2) + 1solve(6 + 1)7And theres your answer!It is also worth looking into as to how the computer actually evaluates these expressions link.

How do I evaluate the following expression, [math]\sqrt[4]{16x^8y^{12}}\times3xy^3[/math]?

W = (16 x^8 y^12 + 0 I )^(1/4) = r(1/4){cos[z +2nπ ]+I sin[z  +2nπ]}^(1/4)z = 0 ,       and      r ^1/4 = 2 (x )^2(y^3)Then use De Moivre's thenW^(1/4)  =  2(x)^2(y^3)[ cos(nπ/2 + I sin(nπ/2)]Then multiply each W(j) by 3 x y^(3) to get the required results6x^(3) y^(6)[cos(nπ/2)+I sin(nπ/2).]Let n ={0,12,3,} to get W = { W(0), W(1) ,W(2) , W(3) }

Evaluate the expression?

You can do this!
Plug the values in so

Then use order of operations
Parentheses- multiply the values in the brackets
E- not applicable
M-not applicable
D- not applicable
Add- 15+36

Write "five less than 4 times a number" as an algebraic expression?


For this question, we have to notice that the expression is 5 LESS THAN 4 times an arbituary number 'x'. [NOTE: This is kindda reading backwards] Therefore, we first write down 4x and subtract 5 from that quantity to give us:

4x - 5

Now, to evaluate this at x = 3, we simply complete the followings:

4(3) - 5 = 12 - 5 = 7. <==== FINAL ANSWER

I hope that helps you out! Please let me know if you have any other questions!

What is the remainder when 1! +2! +3! +4! ...+100! is divided by 24?

Let us see this. We know that 4! =24 which is divisible by 4.Now, after 4!,we can write each factorial term with as 4! * y where y is a positive number.ex - 5! = 4! *5 6! = 4! * 5 * 6.So 4! is a factor of 5!,6!,7!, ... ,100!.So , from 4! to 100!, each term is divisible by 4!(24) as they have 4! as their factor.So, 4! mod 24 = 0.Similarly , 5! %24 =0 and so for rest upto 100!.Now, Rule of modular summation states that(a+b)%c = (a%c + b%c) %c.Now, (1! +2! +3! +4! ...+100!) mod 24 =(1!mod24 + 2!mod24 + 3!mod 24 + 4! mod24 + 5!mod24 + 6!mod24 +... + 100!mod24)%24=( 1 mod 24 + 2 mod 24 + 6 mod 24 + 0 + 0 +0 .. +0)mod 24= (1 + 2 +6) mod 24= 9 mod 24=9.Hence , 9 is the required answer.Hope that helps. :)

If y^8 = 4, and y^7 = 3/x, what is the value of y in terms of x?

y^7 = 3/x





I need help with a math problem!!!!?

just put whatever y equals into the expression and then do the math

So the first one is

-9/16 (divided by) 3/4

and so on . . .