Ever Notice The Y/a Politics Is Mostly Conservative This Time Of Morning

What is it like to be the conservative children of leftist parents?

It sucks.After being raised by liberal, yellow dog Democrats, and voting mostly Democrat (I abstained from the 2012 election because I was horrified at what Obama had done to my country). my two sisters and I voted for Trump in 2016. The day after the election, my parents chewed all three of us out as if we were teenagers who had stayed out after curfew. I was 51, my sisters, 47 and 42 respectively. During the midterms, I voted straight ticket GOP (straight ticket is not something I usually do, but I wanted to protect the progress we’ve made over the two years). My sisters, however, kowtowed to my parents haranguing and nagging and voted straight party Democrat. I wouldn’t have a problem with their voting that way if they believed in their candidate, but they didn’t…they did it “because our parents asked us to.” WHAT? Ever since, the group texts largely ignore me and my input…unless it’s over politics. Then, no matter what I say is “fake, a lie, BS”…no matter how I back it up. Even when I use THEIR liberal sites to support my statements, they call me a liar. They say my bosses have “brainwashed” me. The last straw was when we were discussing the Bushes…my dad called them war criminals, and when I pointed out that the first Gulf War was to liberate Kuwait, they called me a liar. When I said that while I thought W was an idiot, I admired the way he handled 9/11. They said that W used the whole thing to go after Hussein, and when I clarified the dates of the Afghanistan War and the second Iraqi war (which WAS a bogus war, I agree)…they called me a liar. They even admitted that even if the nominee for the Democrats in 2020 was a socialist, they’d vote for him/her…because the Democrats wouldn’t lead them astray. My poor niece finally said no more politics on the group texts…and I said, “well, you won’t hear much from me then. The only time anyone responds to my texts or pays me any attention is when we argue politics.” And I named some instances where I was ignored…even shared some screen shots of when I asked questions, made inquiries…and no one replied to it. My daughter said, “My mom has a point.” My sister basically called both my daughter and I liars. At which point I removed myself from the group.What will happen now? I don’t know….we’ll have to wait and see.

If someone offers me money to drop charges I have brought against them. Can I accept the money legally?

Even if you were the crime victim, even if you were the person who initially called the police, you no longer have the authority to drop the charges. The criminal complaint is State v Jones, not Smith v Jones. You are now merely a witness.

The offer of a bride to change a witness's testimony is a felony. The acceptance is a felony.

Call the police immediately to report the crime.

Do "some people" simply just lack courtesy and manners and consideration for other people besides themselves?

I have noticed that it's the same "some people" who consistently walk in the middle of the sidewalk, who take their sweet little time crossing the street, who argue late at night or early in the morning, and who consistently play their music up to high heaven whether it's through speakers or their headphones.

Were these people simply not taught or raised to have consideration for other people?