Every Time I Go On Yahoo Answers Just Looking Through Question Get This Sometimes How Do I Fix It

Why am I unable to post or answer any questions on Yahoo Answers?

Clearly, you have upset a Yahoo! god and they are firing you from Yahoo! Answers.I used to work for Yahoo! Answers a decade ago and I used to spend a lot of time asnwering a lot of questions and the company was extremely happy with my work.In fact, they send me a Yahoo! Answers jacket to my home.I still have it.A few years later I was one of the most popular writers on Yahoo! Answers and the founder and CEO of Yahoo! at the time David Filo himself send me a letter with his signature and everything congratulating me for my hard work.I still have this letter.A decade ago, a letter signed by a billionaire was a huge deal for me.Now, I get job offers from billionaires, almost each month and I almost always decline them.I still want to work for Elon Musk, Adam D’Angelo, Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Ken Howery, thought.One day, all of a sudden my Yahoo! Answers account was blocked for unknown reasons.I tried to open a new account and this worked for a little while but eventually my account was blocked again.I tried to open a new account and this worked again for a little while but eventually my account was blocked again.After that, I simply stopped trying and evolved into something else.I was extremely dissapointed by all this and I could not fully understand why they were blocking my accounts.Obviously I was younger and dumber a decade ago.It turns out a billionaire got upset about some of my answers and he simply bribed Yahoo! and they fired me.I was bringing a lot of eyesballs to Yahoo! Answers a decade ago.I was answering questions for them for free, you know.Maybe Yahoo! would still be profitable today if they hired me as a regular employee back then.We will never know.It appears that you are in exactly the same situation I was a decade ago.Just forget about Yahoo! Answers and focus exclusively on Quora.They are losing money for a reason, you know.I suspect they regret firing me from Yahoo! Answers a decade ago.Ironically, I am currently one of the MOST VIEWED WRITERS on the Yahoo! (Company) category right now here on Quora.Welcome to Quora.I think you will enjoy this chapter in your life.

What is your honest opinion of Yahoo Answers?

I've often thought some of the same things you mention about Yahoo Answers. First of all, it's disappointing and annoying to see so many useless questions and answers. So much of the content on this site is just noise. I also agree that there are some very disturbing questions and answers being tossed around here. I see a lot of hateful speech and views that are not very thoughtful. Perhaps that's just a reflection of society in general (after all, I see a lot of that on TV, as well).

My approach is to stick to the areas where I think a forum like Yahoo answers can be very useful. For example, I think this can be a decent place to ask for advice on shopping for a digital camera, or fixing a problem with a computer. Hopefully, someone with real life experience can point you in the right direction. Another area is travel, where local people can give you inside information on places to go and things to do in a distant city. Occasionaly, I even find a good joke or riddle here. Finding the corners of answers that tend to have good questions and answers is key to getting something out of the experience. For example, I don't find much value hanging out in the Celebrities section--but that's just me.

You're right to be concerned about people asking questions to strangers that they should be asking experts or family members about. My hope here is that Answers is just a sounding board where they can easily get some opinions while preserving their anonymity, and that they'll go to the right people afterward.

So those are some of my thoughts. Thanks for the thought-provoking question.

Not looking for sympathy...just answers?

If you met me today you would think I was the happiest go lucky person you've met, however on and off in my life I have been consistenly depressed.

Its not ALL during the year but when I do get depressed it gets to the point of me wanting to find a gun, even though I know I would NEVER pull the trigger, but the thought is still there.

I dont let anyone see me this way, but alone by myself (in my room, and in my head) I feel as if the world is moving but I am not, and honestely my body feels numb (like the numb you feel when you lose somebody close to you) and not to sound "girly" but I also feel that I am on the verge of tears (and yes sometimes "do" cry)

What I was wondering is this a normal depression that everybody goes through, or a depression where I just need to find a hobby to clear it up?

PS I really am not looking for sympathy, just want to know if anybody went through this and what did they do about it.
PSS Please no "I am on the rag" jokes

Why does no one answer questions?

I noticed that it takes quite some time for questions to be answered on this site, but yet the site suggests that your question will be answered in just a couple minutes. Why is that it now takes for days so a question can be answered? Or sometimes it's never answered. Someone explain. (I bet this question won't even be answered either) Also is their an app for If not their should be one to make this easier.

Why do people prefer Quora over Yahoo! Answers?

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.Q1: Why do we need water to survive?Quora: Our bodies are mostly made of water, so we need to continually replenish our water supply in order to survive.Yahoo! Answers: WE DONT!!! I ACTUALY FOUND A HEALTHY WATER SUBSTITUTE IF U GUYS R INTRESTED!!!!!!!Q2: What is 2+2?Quora: 2+2 is equal to 4. For instance, imagine you had two cookies and your friend gave you two more. How many do you have now? You now have 4 cookies.Yahoo! Answers: 2+2 is an aDITION PROBLOM. your duMb.Q3: Why is the grass green?Quora: Grass and many other plants have a pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light to be used for photosynthesis. However, green light is the one wavelength in the spectrum that chlorophyll cannot absorb. Therefore, it is reflected back to our eyes, which perceive the grass to be green.Yahoo! Answers: the same reason teh skys blue god made it that way now just be happyBONUS: Yahoo! Answers strikes back!I’ll let you be the judge of why people prefer Quora.