Every Time I Wake Up Someone Keeps Popping Up On My Head

What could it possibly mean when someone's name keep popping up randomly in your daily life? Could it mean that this person is thinking of me?

Most likely, it means YOU are thinking about this person. Our perception is very selective. There are many things we see everyday without noticing them. Once you learn about them, you start noticing them everywhere.The first time I noticed this phenomenon is shortly after I read about Noam Chomsky. I had never heard that name before, or so I thought, but shortly after I read about him in a linguistics class, I started seeing his name everywhere. I don't think the Universe was trying to tell me something by physically incerting his name everywhere. Noam Chomsky had been a known figure since the 1960s. I had even read a book by that author, but I thought he was an unknown guy with an Eastern European name. It's only after I started paying attention that I realized he was actually very popular in my circles.You only see and hear a small portion of what's going on around you. When you are thinking a lot about certain things, you'll simply start noticing those things more. It doesn't mean they weren't there to begin with.It means you are thinking about that person. If this person is thinking about you, your name will likely pop in their life.

Neck Keeps popping when I turn my head?

Im not doing it on purpose it just does it by itself when I tilt my head to the right. But I'm a 15 Year old Male. So when I woke up this morning , I reached to check my phone and my neck gave me this loud pop. I thought it was nothing until I realized it popped every time I turn my head. The pop Is like my bone Is twisting and when it Pops my whole back spine tends to Vibrate. Im really worried but not sure if they're any workouts or stretches I can do to get rid of this?

I have a zit, and whenever I pop it, it keeps filling back up over the next day or so. Any suggestions?

Simple and cheap.

Go to grocery store. Head for the spices aisle. Pick up a small container of ALUM spice.

Apply the alum directly to the zit.

Alum turns cucumbers into pickles. Perfectly natural. Also works with mouth sores and cuts and scraps. Will sting. Will taste very bitter. Used it for years. Old wives technique. Safe.

7:11 keeps popping up in my life?

Yes that's weird. At 7:11 I am at work for an hour and a half already.

What does it mean when you broke up and that person keeps popping up in your mind and dreams, even though you aren't thinking of them?

I was a psychology major, and we would call those unwanted or invasive thoughts. Or unconscious thoughts that come from our unconscious mind. I remember one researcher that we studied called Wilson and his thoughts on this topic was that the unconscious mind comprises mental processes that are inaccessible to consciousness but that influence judgements, feelings, or behavior.We learn from our past behaviors and we often have an ex, a bad experience, or something else come up when we don't want it to come up.I take it as your brain sort of serving as your therapists making you really eternalize certain situations and people and your life. This is a natural process and often we need to talk to other people to feel better. Realize these are thoughts, and your life is truly better without this person. Our brain can be a pain in the ass, and see that our brain is internally programmed to  pop these sorts of annoying things in our head.

Why do we wake up with a random song playing in our head?

You're driving to work, listening to your favorite radiostation, when on comes Britney Spears' "Baby One More Time." By the time you pull into your office parking lot, you have, "Oh baby, baby" running through your head. You hum it at your desk. You sing it on your way to the restroom. You tap it out on the conference table during your morning meeting. When five o'clock finally rolls around, your coworkers are shooting you the evil eye and you're ready to pull your hair out.Why do songs get inextricably stuck in our heads? Experts say the culprits are earworms (or "ohrwurms," as they're called in Germany). No, they're not parasites that crawl into your ear and lay musical eggs in your brain, but they are parasitic in the sense that they get lodged in your head and cause a sort of "cognitive itch" or "brain itch" -- a need forWhen we listen to a song, it triggers a part of the brain called the auditory cortex. Researchers at Dartmouth University found that when they played part of a familiar song to research subjects, the participants' auditory cortex automatically filled in the rest -- in other words, their brains kept "singing" long after the song had ended [source: Prokhorov]. The only way to "scratch" brain itch is to repeat the song over and over in your mind. Unfortunately, like with mosquito bites, the more you scratch the more you itch, and so on until you're stuck in an unending song cycle.There are many other theories about why songs get stuck in our heads. Some researchers say stuck songs are like thoughts we're trying to suppress. The harder we try not to think about them, the more we can't help it. Other experts claim that earworms are simply a way to keep the brain busy when it's idling [source: University of Cincinnati]. Just as there are many theories, there are many names for the phenomenon. It's been called everything from "repetunitis" to "melodymania."

What does it mean if I wasn't thinking about someone and they just randomly start popping up in my head?

There could be multiple answers for this.Have you considered that you may like this person?A common sight of 'having a crush' and 'falling in love' is when you start thinking about a person more than you normally would.How much time do you spend with the person?If you see a person every day (or nearly every day), you are bound to think about them randomly.Does the person interest you? Have a defining feature that bugs you or that you like?This would be close to 'fixation.' Fixation is when you are focused on something. (It can also be used in a creepier sense, but lets not go into that, yea?) If you notice something about a person that is not exactly the same, you might think about the person more than usual.I'm sure there are other reasons for why you are thinking randomly about another person.Maybe you were bored?

My body keeps waking up after only few hours of sleep and then I can't sleep?

I have kind of a long story...but it's all the details of what have been happening lately incase it could help someone give me an answer and I really appreciate it if you can.

I was on a really bad sleep schedule (completely opposite of most people) going to bed at 9-10am and waking up at 4-5pm. I wanted to fix it one day so I forced myself to wake up (even though extremely tired) after only a few hours of sleep. I had gone to bed at around 10:30 am and woke up at about 2:30 pm. I took a walk in the sun and got exercise that day thinking that would help me sleep through the night and I thought I'd be so tired that night that I'd sleep like a baby. Well I went to bed that night and to my surprise I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and could not fall back asleep until noon and I slept until 4pm at that time (4 hrs). So total that day I got 7 hours of sleep. So that night I went to sleep around the same time as the night before (1:30am) and woke up at 4am after only 2 1/2 hours of sleep this time. When I woke up, I absolutely could not fall asleep this time I tried getting up, listening to music, reading, showering, etc. Nothing worked. I finally got maybe a few minutes of shut eye around 2:30pm that day and then I forced myself to stay awake to go to bed around the same time as the previous two nights. So I stayed up until around midnight or 12:30 and woke up at 4:30am. It's now 5:19 am and I'm on here trying to hopefully make myself tired enough to fall back asleep. Even though my body feels tired, it's almost impossible for me to make myself sleep again unless I go the whole day without sleeping.

My concern is that my body will never want to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time again. I don't think that's very healthy at all...I'm a person who usually sleeps 8-9 hours a day and I want that back. Is what I'm experiencing normal when trying to change a sleep cycle? Will my body eventually sleep at least 6 hours without fully waking up?

Thanks if you can help me..I've done drastic changes to my sleep schedule before but never had this problem where I'd wake up after a few hours and then couldn't sleep so I'm worried.

Why do I always have a song stuck in my head?

Ah, another one like me! I guess that music is important to you and you listen to it constantly. I'm like that, and when I'm not listening to it, I'm listening to it in my head, sometimes also get an annoying tune stuck in my head. It's always great to wake up with a good song stuck in my head. I started listening to CD's while asleep to stop stupid songs disturbing my sleep. You probably are like me that hears a song and it instantly reminds you of something that happened or someone. My one friend once said I was the only person he knew that with every song that starts playing can start a sentence with, "this song reminds me of....." I think it's great to hear songs all the time, some people hear voices telling them what to do - they end up in scary places (at least you don't have that problem) lol

Maybe you are not at all like me, then I just wasted your time. Sorry!