Everything To Me Or Everything For Me

Guys who say "you mean everything to me"?

I think you need to be real with yourself. As females, we have this wonderful gift called intuition. If you have to wonder whether or not this guy is a player, you have either been heavily scorned in your past, or he has given you some reason to give you that impression. Pay attention to this.

Every guy is different, many who say "you mean everything to me" are genuine, but many will say it to simply get their way. I have dated everything from jerks to gentlemen, and I have heard lines like that from both. Ultimately, I had to use my judgment to decide whether or not they were genuine, which is what you have to do too!

Consider the following questions:
Is he considerate?
Does he consistently make time for you?
Do you trust him with your feelings?
Why, or why not?
Do you get the sense that his intentions are genuine?

If you felt uncomfortable or vulnerable after sleeping with him, that's your body's way of telling you to pump the breaks a bit. Just respect yourself, acknowledge if it made you feel vulnerable, and communicate that to him if the opportunity comes up again.

One final and VERY important thought is this: if you need to date a "father figure", there is a strong possibility that you have some self-esteem issues or unresolved issues with the father figure in your life. In order to have a healthy relationship, you must have an equal partnership, which means each partner gives their 100% and is emotionally healthy. If there is a parental/child role going on, I would urge you to talk to someone professionally about your insecurities and keep a journal. Only you can say for sure what self-esteem is like, but just be honest with yourself. If something doesn't feel quite right, don't completely ignore your gut-feeling. My intuition has saved me more times than I can count!

Best of luck, love yourself and enjoy the ride :)

Does money mean everything to you?

Yes ,Friend, sadly money means everything to me after I came to know how the world works. Everything in the World runs on money. Humans , with their brain which produces shitty emotions like selfishness, greed, made the entire world depend on money.If You think a lot of people doesn't care about money.. Then once leave your current comfort environment and sit on the temple steps. Then you'll understand your life without money in this present world.Even while selecting their life partner, most people prefer partner who's more rich and who have more lands. You can understand how selfish the world is.Will the bus conductor accept if you give him a rupee less? .. You'll ignore taking the change at restaurants even if it is 100 rupees out of embarrassment.Irrespective of these type of questions on money from people like us, the world Runs automatically. Billionaires emerge everyday, enjoying their life with world tours, 5 star hotels, babe pools and happiness.Get the motivation to earn money. Know how the world is running. Go to a 5 star Hotel, tell them you're waiting for your friend, and observe. There are a lot of successful people like ELON MUSK, who aren't afraid of failures.[0–0]Thank you!!

What does "you owe everything to me" mean?

I agree with all four other answers already written. The essential meaning combines “look at what I’ve done for you,” and “you’d be nothing without me.” It is not a healthy thing to say.I would add that the statement, as a fact, is false. No one person can bring another person into being and give them everything. The statement has clear undertones of anger and being controlling. It is reasonable to conclude that the person making the statement is being unreasonable, and, arguably, deluded.If this is said in a moment of anger or fear, such as when a child is leaving home or growing up and making an independent decision, it can be a sign that the parent is adjusting and is not ready to let go.If this attitude is ongoing, it is a sign that the speaker (whether parent, sibling, friend, boss, consultant, co-worker, or anything else) is not able to be in healthy relationship with the person he is speaking to at this time. The recipient of these words should consider setting clear boundaries or, if the relationship is more harmful than healthy, ending the relationship. That is essential, if we want to thrive.

Why is keeping everything to myself bad?

Every human being has his own set of rules about what is allowed to keep for yourself and what should be shared. About this topic there are as many opinions as there are people in this world. It is group- and culture-related. If someone calls it bad, it's the opinion of that person or ggroup. But is éverything’ correct. Say, you have a computer that you keep strictly to yourself. Also, you do not let anyone else drive in your car except the private partner with driver's license.In company you are very generous with your humor, a helping hand, wise remarks once in a while. You are a friend. Someone who only spots your behaviour on physical things, bases a judgement on the facts he/she sees. The label is then: ‘He/she keeps everything to him/herself. Often when you do not meet what they want, i.e. use your car or computer.Do not make the label humans put on you your own. Find your own personal balance. You have to live with it.

How can I tell myself that everything will be okay?

Once upon a time, there was a king and his friend. The king’s friend was a cheerful, optimistic person.Whenever something happened- good or bad, he used to say, “Everything happens for a good reason”They would often go on hunting expedition and king's friend would help him prepare his rifle. One day, the friend made a mistake with one of the rifles. When the king took that gun and pulled the trigger, his thumb got blown off. His friend looked at the king and repeated his phrase “ Everything happens for a good reason”. That made the king very angry and he sent his friend to the prison.After sometime, The king was out for hunting in forest and caught by cannibals. They started celebrating for their upcoming feast. The kings hand were tied and they began to bathe him before throwing him into the huge cooking pot. Just then someone noticed that king had no thumb. Those cannibals were superstitious and never ate anyone who was less than whole. They king was set free.As he headed back to his kingdom, the king recalled the incident when he had lost his thumb. He realised that his friend was right in saying, “Everything happens for a good reason. “ he imeeditakey rushed to his palace and set his friend free. The king narrated the whole incident and apologised to him and said, you were right. I should not have put you behind the bar. That was not good.His friend responded, “Everything happens for a good reason. This too happend for a good reason. “The king got confused and asked what is so good about being in prison.His friend responded, “ if you had not put me behind the bars then I would have been with you and they would have killed me.So, the next time you find things are not going your way, think of the king’s thumb. And whatever happens, just say, ‘Everything happens for a good reason !’ You will suddenly find the world a better place. None of us can control external events. What happens can be good or bad. What you can control are your feelings and your response. You can choose to feel good—or you can choose to feel bad.When you moan and say this is bad, the mind gets conditioned to look for difficulty in opportunity. And when you say this is good, the mind looks for opportunity in difficulty. And therein lies the difference between winners and losers.

What does it mean if a guy says "You're everything"?

This guy and I like each other and recently told each other this. We've liked each other for a long time.
I asked him "what do you think about me?"
and he said "I think you're everything"
what exactly does he mean by this? Like, feelings-wise?

I really need some songs that say you mean everything to me?

I don't know if your situation is anything like mine or not. For my girl i sometimes think of the song "right here waiting for you" by Richard Marx..
Sorry if its a little old school..

My family rely on me for everything, I have no time for myself. What do I do?

You are ruining your own life - all on your own.If you have an appointment at 9am, you simply walk out and attend to it.With you gone, your family will not cease to exist and all of them will survive, and your house will not go up in flames.Right now, you can look around and see that you are babying 8 people, who are not infants. Instead of allowing them to be self-sufficient and teaching them to be on their own, you complain that they "demand" your attention.I suggest you become a little more respectful towards them, and give them a chance - and a push - to start taking care of their own things; and have some more respect towards yourself - if you have to leave, you have to leave. The world will not fall apart without you attending to every detail, and you will actually enable yourself to stop complaining about your family - both of you need some time apart, and this time has come.Happy first day of your OWN life!