Everytime I Have A Great Workout I Come Down With A Cold Afterwards Why

Is it ok to shower after a workout?

what?! Yes its good to shower after you work out, Give yourself about 15 min though for your body to cool down and your mucles to relaxe. Streatch out after workouts, and then shower, you might find that a cooler temp. water feels tons better.

After a good workout, should I take a cold or hot shower/bath?

Cold = vasoconstriction (limiting blood flow) and hot = vasodilation (opening blood flow). Cold is "believed" generally better for you within a short time (minutes) after an intense workout. Some people take this to the extreme and do ice water baths after they work out. This has a few known benefits such as reduction of swelling (inflammation) and numbing of pain receptors. It's known that exercise stresses muscle and connective tissue which causes microtears and inflammation. Cold can help with reducing that inflammation reducing the pain, toxins, and stress on the surrounding tissue. But, blood flow is needed later to remove waste and toxins, promote healing, and regrowth into stronger tissue. Heat can help promote blood flow through vasodilation.

You need to be careful of a few things concerning usage of cold and heat. Cold makes tissue stiff and reduces swelling, both good (lubricating) and bad (inflammatory). It's very easy to injure tissue once it is cold so movement needs to be very careful and limited. Heat can cause inflammation, so painful swelling and arthritic cases may want to avoid heat application.

If you are going to apply cold, I think the general best practice is to do so within minutes after your workout and cooldown. Several hours later, heat is generally applied. I recommend cold showers but nothing too extreme. Heat later that evening and next day.

Which are some good cool down exercise after working out?

Cooling down is actually called “REGEN” by EXOS, an elite training methodology. REGEN means getting prepared for the next session and speeding up recovery so you can come back at 100% even sooner. There are a few things you should look into:Foam Rolling/Pillar Prep: This promotes blood flow and recovery to get you back into the gym faster. Please see pillar prep here:2) Light Cardio: The benefits of this are to get your body out of workout mode and transitioned into recovery mode. A simple 10–20 minute walk post workout or any time during the day will help promote blood flow and recovery.3) Contrast Showers: When you put on hot water, blood flows to your muscles/skin. Cold…your body protects the organs by the blood flowing back. This causes more blood flow and impacts recovery greatly. I take one every morning. How to do it here: Nutrition! Be sure to get in protein and carbs immediately post training. 1:1 ratio of protein to carbs is a good start, so that for me is 1 scoop of MTS Nutrition Machine Whey and 1 scoop MTS Nutrition Carb 10.That is a start. There are other things you can do but this will help you get back to 100% to crush that next workout!

Is it okay to take a bath immediately after a heavy workout?

Not at all. Let your body cool down for sometime, may for half an hour of hard workout. My husband does workout everyday but never take bath immediately after that as he says it is not good for your health.Medically speaking, when we workout, your heart rate increases which works double time to pump oxygen-rich blood into other parts of your body especially to different parts of muscle groups.Exercise will trigger lactic acid build up in the muscles which is mainly due to the lack of oxygen. In this process, your body will require more energy in the form of glucose to meet its needs. When this occurs, your body temperature will increase regardless of the intensity of your workout.Cool down as I’ve said earlier is a basic but most important routine in any workout regimen. Not practicing any cooling down method would mean disaster to your health.Cooling down routines will help your heart rate back to normal, as well as your body temperature. Experts suggests a cool down session of at least 20 minutes per session of any types of workouts. Plus, you don’t need to shower into a very hot nor an icy cold water.

Why does my heart rate slow down so quickly after exercise?

Hope someone can help. I go to the gym for a couple of hours each day. I attend bodypump, combat and spin cycling. I do these back to back. When I have done a combat class for instance, my heart rate is high, when I start to do bodypump straight afterwards I am freezing cold and other than the sweat no other signs of exercise, no flushed face etc.

When I am in a spin cycle class we wear heart rate monitors. I find it very difficult to get into the red area. When I do get into the red area, as soon as I go down a gear or pedal a little slower I am right down to the green area. I have looked at everyone elses monitor and they dont move down so quickly. What this means for me is that I have to work twice as hard to get back into the desired area.

I was concerned last night we were at the end of the spin cycle class, the instruction said dont let your heart rate go from red to green too quickly when cooling down. Mine was already on blue !!

Any ideas if this is good or bad.


Why do I get super sleepy after a lengthy workout at the gym?

I am a workout junkie, and the same thing happens to me. Basically, your body has lost potassium, along with other minerals, and you have also worked muscles that now need to rest. As they start contracting, your body starts to feel the effects of it.

Might I suggest eating more bananas and other foods with potassium, along with drinking Gatorade Fitness water. But, also realize, your body does need to rest from a hard workout, and as your metabolism has been increased, it is burning more energy faster, which can cause the body to feel fatigued.

What will happen if we do not take a shower after an intense workout at the gym?

Our sweat will go stale and we will smell bad. The sebaceous glands (particularly in the armpits) secrete oils that have their own smell, and they also form a food source for bacteria, as Ravinder Namsani says in his answer. This combination of smelly oils and bacteria creates an awful, stale sweat smell.People who don't shower off the sweat might not notice the effects themselves, but the person sitting next to them on the bus, or at work, or walking past them at the supermarket, will definitely notice it.Aside from smelling bad, there are other consequences to not showering after the gym. Note that sweat is mostly salty water, and when it dries, you will have a film of dried salt all over your body. This can cause chaffing.Finally, if you leave damp sweat in the folds of your skin every time you work out (especially if you keep wearing the same clothes), you can get fungal infections.So after a workout, you should shower, towel yourself off, apply a good deodorant (I'd recommend a roll-on - many people are allergic to the spray deodorants so you don't want to fill the change room with that stuff) and then put on a new set of clean, dry clothes. You'll avoid chaffing and fungal infections, and everyone around you will breathe easy.  Although you might find you no longer get a seat all to yourself on the bus during rush hour!PS Thanks for the A2A.

Should I drink cold water after exercising?

No, you should not. After exercising, your blood pressure is slightly elevated also, your temperature. The body's oxygen demand is high thus increased heartbeat and vasodilation occurs.If you take cold water immediately, it's going to get absorbed and somewhat induce vasoconstriction of the blood vessels and this is not something good at all. It can result in rupture of blood vessels. Also, watch this TED talk