Evocca College - Diplomas

My daughter has a terrible attitude and thinks the world revolves around her. What did I do wrong to make her turn out this way?

Simple answer: Nothing, she's a teenager going through a whole world of things that many of us adults don't even remember going through. She has feelings she doesn't know how to deal with, hormones controlling her body, adults telling her what to do and how to do it, kids at school making her life hell and the pressure of being a good student to base the rest of her life on. She is becoming her own person and, like it or not, she will rebel and do things you don't like.Having said that, if you think she has developed a bit of a too big for her britches attitude, do something to bring her back down in a positive way. Take her to volunteer at a homeless shelter, get her involved in animal welfare, anything to show her that there is a big, bad, wide world out there that she is but a grain of sand in, but with the right attitude she can make a positive change in her community.

Why do moms always ask their kids whether they ate today?

The human instinct of a (good) mother is to provide her child with the basic needs to survive. So asking if and when you last are will tell them if you need feeding. It also indicates whether or not you are looking after yourself which can tell a parent a lot! Have you heard of the term “feeder”? It refers to someone that has a strong desire to feed people who they care about for whatever reason. This is basically what a mother when it comes to her children.

Cultural appropriation.It seems that some people just need to be offended about something!

Just a girl trying her best to live a life helping others.

Why is it so hard to break away from the herd?

Breaking away from the herd is difficult for many reasons. Perhaps the main reason is because it is scary. It takes bravery when choosing the lane less followed. For starters, you need to be okay with the fact there will be less support, less acceptance, and very likely a strong opposition challenging you at every step along the way.You need to have a resolute confidence, a strong sense of integrity, and an unwavering drive. You need to be absolutely certain of what it is you are standing for, and believe in it wholeheartedly. What’s the purpose of going against the grain? You need to know what you’re doing and why you’re choosing to make life harder than it need be. You need to understand and believe in yourself.You need to be able to handle it when things go wrong, when the haters get one over you, when the established mainstream says no, when you fail. You need to be prepared to be knocked down, over and over and over again. But most importantly, you need to keep getting back up. You need to reflect stoic resilience.Sticking with the mainstream is safer, but usually, it is far less rewarding. However, everything I have talked about above is incredibly difficult to get right. And so, I can totally understand why so many of us choose to follow the road generally taken. There are just so many things which could go wrong otherwise. You could easily end up broke, alone, and stigmatized, or even developing a social, mental, or physical disorder.However, on the flip side, sticking with the mainstream also presents these same risks, but with an added one. And that is the risk of mediocrity. Are you prepared to sacrifice greatness, for the sake of an easier ride? Are you willing to risk not even trying to be the best you can be? Are you prepared for a possible meltdown, when you suddenly realize you have been living a lie, and actually overflowing in regret?No matter which road you walk down, it will be difficult. But which ever one it is, make sure you really really understand it before embarking. That is the most vital thing of all. Everything in life is hinged on those initial steps. Get those right, and whatever road you’re on, will be much more likely to bring reward.Now… get out there and change the world!