Ex Unblocked Me What Could This Mean

What does it mean if my ex unblocked me after breaking up with me seven months ago?

Your ex blocked you because the ex is still having strong feelings for you and so is trying to get over that phase .If the ex is unblocking you off and on then again it’s evident that it’s quite tough for him/her to get over you and so can’t resist the urge to be back in touch with you.Seems like your ex is having a tough battle between the heart and mind which is normal if the feelings have been genuine.So if you want to get back, it’s a good sign but if you don’t then you should show empathy by not judging him/her on this conduct.

What does it mean if my ex unblocked me on FB two months after we broke up?

Disclaimer : The answer may seem harsh, but its true....Assumption : You are a guy and your girlfriend dumped you.So, Your ex unblocked you. Good! But what now? Nothing, just let it be..I know that you're quite starstruck with your ex still and she is quite indifferent about you. And you might be thinking that she is missing you; so she unblocked you on FB? Or may be you are taking it as a green flag, right? Enough about your optimism. Now come to reality.Your ex unblocked you because :1. She doesn't hold a grudge against you anymore and possibly your existence, blocked or not does not matter to her.2. She may have found someone else or is clear that you are not a distraction anymore. Hence there is no need to keep you blocked.3. She thinks enough time has passed that you moved on and you won't bother her. So don't bother her. Or, you can block her. Your choice.But why the hell do you care? She's your ex.Keep these things in mind always :1. Feelings are always there but people leave us. Make peace with the fact that “they don’t need u” and stop bothering them over and over again. After a while everything is going to be just fine. Time heals any worse shit that has happened to us.2. Stop expecting filmy shit to happen where people wait for years for each other. That kinda shit doesn’t exist anymore. The sooner you come into real world, the better your life will be .3. Never go back to your ex : Yeah! That’s the biggest mistake people do, and even I did. Because Surviving a breakup is hard. We sometimes tend to feel so low that we call up our ex and share our feelings. However, I learned the lesson soon and never repeated that again. Your ex is your ex for a reason and you should never want to poke the past expecting to ignite the flame of love again. It simply doesn’t happen. Clinging to the love that is unrequited makes you bitter. Remember you create your own reality.Final Advice : Chin up, head high, smile! Come what may, life goes on! It’s just a bend, not the end. You have to put your chin up, hold your head high and smile at life, with hope and positivity. Life is just not long enough to hate, be angry or to stay stuck in an unhappy place. There are brighter days to come!Always Remember :Breakup is hard, but its lessons are enlightening. That is the beauty of life – you always find a truth in paradox.Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser.

What does it mean if my ex unblocked me?

My ex that I'm still in love with just unblocked me after 3 months of not talking, i know some might say not to think much of it but I do think it is significant. I just don't know what the reason is. He has not messaged me and neither did I. So what do you think it could mean?

What could this mean since he unblocked me?

Me and this guy got into a argument and I end up slapping him.
That same night he blocked me on aim. I'm rarely on aim, and not even on it that night. Well I saw him 2 months later and I tried to apologies to him but he looked pissed, when I called he hang up. 2 months later i tried again and he hang up on me again after 2 min. 2 weeks ago I called again and he said he wasn't mad since he deserved it. Then he was acting all mean and we argued and he hang up again. I was mad so I wrote with another sn on aim witch he blocked....that's 2 weeks ago.
last night he unblocked me.
What could that mean?

Ex unblocked me on facebook?

I think blocking is often an impulsive action. Perhaps she thinks that enough time has passed that the two of you can be civil to each other.

My ex unblocked me on fb, should i message him?

No! Let him come to you. Maybe like one of his statuses, but nothing more just yet. Make him wait, and give yourself some time to recover from the breakup and decide whether you still love him or not. Then, once you've cleared your head, try sending him a simple 'hey' but nothing more, although I think the best idea would be to just let him go.

Good luck :)

Why did he block me and now unblocked me?

I think that maybe he is confused about his feelings he blocked you before he thought about it and then felt bad after then decided to unblock you. I am not saying you should contact him again, Actually that would be a terrible idea because he is obviously unstable.

Or he is just an asshole that is playing mind games on you.

What does it mean that my ex-girlfriend unblocked me from Facebook after 6 months of no contact, but left me still blocked in Messenger?

whatever her reasons for unblocking, she was definitely thinking about you. Obviously you never accidentally unblock anyone. Even if she’s in a relationship with another guy and she unblocked you “signs of a rebound?”. Even if it was a short term relationship or even if it was just a casual thing, she obviously still thinks about you from time to time.So she’s unblocked you on facebook, but you’re still blocked on messenger. This means she doesn’t want you contacting her. maybe she’s with another guy and she doesn’t want him seeing anything or maybe she’s doing it for herself. Maybe she’s simply tired of having you blocked. She doesn’t want to see you on her blocked list.But honestly if you’re looking at your blocked list that much there’s still some harbored feelings or thoughts she has in her head. When I block someone I mean to keep them blocked forever. Blocking is something that you do when things have gotten so bad that you can’t handle acknowledging their existence. You don’t want to see what’s going on in their lives and you don’t want them seeing what’s going on in yours.Once you block someone the damage is done. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to unblock someone that you once had a connection with. So take it for what it is, she had to have been thinking about you to unblock you. even if she’s with another man right now, she was thinking about you. That’s it. Take it for what it is, it doesn’t mean she will suddenly come crawling back.Unblocking is often more bitter than sweet.