Excel Help - Calculate Time Spent Working But Ignore A Set Break Period

Excel: How do you filter some columns (more than 1) but not all columns?

There is no easy way to apply the column filters selectively. Its an all or nothing deal. However, the only filters that will be operating are the ones you select. Just ignore the others.This seems straight forward, at first, but it can get tedious if you typically use multiple columns to get the filtered list you want. If you do have a common set of selection criteria, you can establish a helper column which is a concatenation of the values you normally select individually in other columns. Let us say you have columns for COLOR, SIZE, and STYLE. You want to filter, in a single operation, for RED, 10 and Helmet. In the helper column, concatenate those values into a a single cell. Then filter the helper column for the concatenated value you want: “red10helmet”If that’s not good enough, you’ll need to resort to some vba code. Search Google for “Excel hide filter buttons” and choose your poison.Hope that helps.

Can somebody tell me every thing they know about libra girls?

I'm a Libra and so is my daughter. I'd say the biggest thing is a need for things to be fair. Throughout my life, the most upsetting events to me were when I was treated unfairly or when someone close to me was. I guess that's why the scales are Libra's symbol. I also think Libras sometimes have a hard time making decisions because they see both sides of the issue. I'm not sure what sign it is recommended that Libras marry, but I'm married to a Virgo, and I can't imagine a better marriage than mine. I hope this helps - Go Libras!!!!

Feel in down because my life is boring. How are the teenage years supposed to be "exciting/fun"?

im a teenager girl and my life is just really really boring. This is probably because i don't have many friends..... or a boyfriend! i've just been told "have fun while you still can" or "you should have the time of your life while your still a teenager!" and this things just make me depressed because I'm not having fun. Im busy with like school and then when i do have free time, i have no one to spend it with. I don't think i can handle life if it gets any more unextraordinary. I don't want to look back and be like "wow, i had a boring life!"
As a teen, what am i supposed to be doing that counts as "having the time of my life" ?!? I don't i the only one "missing out big time?" God i hate my life.....

A uniform solid cylinder and a thin uniform spherical shell?

Rotation kinetic energy = ½ * I * ω^2
For a solid cylinder, I = ½ * m * r^2
For a uniform spherical shell, I = ⅔ * m * r^2
To convert ω to v, use the following equation. ω = v/r
ω^2 = v^2/r^2
Substitute v^2/r^2 for ω^2 in the kinetic energy equation.
Rotation kinetic energy = ½ * I * v^2/r^2

For a solid cylinder, KE = ½ * ½ * m * v1^2/r^2 = ¼ * m * v12
For a uniform spherical shell, KE = ½ * ⅔ * m * v2^2 = ⅓ * m * v2^2
Since both objects have the same kinetic energy, set them equal to each other and determine the ratio of the velocities.

¼ * m * v1^2 = ⅓ * m * v2^2
Divide both sides by ¼ * m.
v1^2 = 1⅓ * v2^2
v1^2/v2^2 = 1⅓
v1/v2 = √1⅓
This is approximately 1.1547.