Explain Alkaloids And Terpenoids

Alkaloids tend to be named -ine:‘The name alkaloid ('alkali-like') was originally used because they were thought to be exclusively alkalis ('opposite' to acids), though it is now known that some are neutral or acids. The common names of alkaloids generally end in the suffix -ine, either a reference to their chemical classification as amines or a simple addition of the suffix to the name of the plant they are derived from. About 20% of plants are believed to contain alkaloids. About 12,000 alkaloids have been isolated.’- from: Vaping Terminology - alkaloids [my work]Alkaloids are not just produced by plants - the poison arrow frog alkaloid epibatidine is an example.Alcohols are named -ol, in this case the suffix indicates they are an alcohol.In this case, it looks as if THC is an alcohol not an amine, but this is not my area of expertise.

What are alkaloids and are they the same as alkalines?

Alkaloid is a noun (or thing, in this case a chemical substance that it the polar opposite of an acid). Alkaline is an adjective, which describes. Ie, something can be alkaline, but it cannot be "an alkaline". It's grammatically incorrect. Yes, to alkalize the body is, in general, a very helpful, healing, good thing. But I want you to realize that just because something is an alkaline or alkalinizing in the body, does NOT necessarily mean it's automatically good for you. Some of the most deeply poisonous substances known and some of the most quick to kill you chemical constituents of plants are alkalis. Lye is an alkali. I don't recommend ingesting it. It will kill you. Most of the highly effective chemicals in plants are alkali. That doesn't mean they won't kill you, either. The key therefore is either do enough research and learning to know what you're doing, or consult with someone, a professional, who actually does know what they're doing. As far as getting rid of acne is concerned. The skin is an expression of your internal climate. If your skin is really messed up, then so are your gut, your kidneys and your liver. So is your hormonal balance. Clean your body (and stop consuming crap) and your skin will automatically clear, I promise you. Some of the plants that will be most helpful in this process would include things such as yellow dock, burdock, milk thistle and artichoke, all docks and cresses, for that matter, dandelion. Eat tons of raw fruits, raw vegetables, citrus and salads at least twice/day. Remove such kak as burgers, fast food, pizza, sugar, sodas, chips, nachos (ugh...who decided that yellow/orange nacho "cheese" was actually a "food"??? Nevermind digestable?), pork rinds, pulled pork sandwiches, Philly Cheesesteaks, etc. etc. etc. from your diet (forever, or at least for a good long time...) and watch your skin clear!!! Change your diet by pulling in from the extremes first: Eliminate red meat and white sugar and flour, plus alcohol and all drugs, antibiotic and synthetic "food" additives. Go slowly with this. Start eating fish, chicken and turkey instead of the red meat, sandwiches and salads and soups w/ tons of veggies instead of burgers; Choose Mexican food, really good homemade Mex instead of Taco Bell. Choose a chicken burrito w/ rice and black beans and salad and salsa INSTEAD of the beef burritos or the carne asada. It takes time to make all these changes, but your body will indeed thank you!

How to Extract Plant Alkaloids?

what exactly are you up to ? trying to make your own energy drink? If so, this is a dangerous thing. too much of these chemicals can kill you. And if you don't know what your doing you could injure yourself in the extraction process.

that said, follow the instructions here

**** update ****
you didn't read the link did you? You added ground up coffee beans to a polar solvent. That won't work. the alkaloids are in non polar forms.

follow these steps...
1) grind up material
2) add acidified water
3) let it sit
4) seperate the solids from the liquid via a coffee filter
5) repeat if you want
6) add basified water (NaOH + water) to pH 11 or so
7) cool
8) add nonpolar solvent. Shake well
9) seperate the layers. the alkaloid is in the non polar layer
10) repeat steps 8 and 9 if you want better yield
11) evaporate the non polar solvent
12) the residue is your alkaloids.

*** update 2 ***
vinegar is 5% acetic acid + flavorings. acetic acid is a weak acid and the flavorings will be difficult to remove later. It would probably work but I would suspect your yield will be low.

both muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) and sodium or potassium hydroxide should available in pure form at either a pool supply house or a store that sells water treatment chemicals.

Why is caffeine classified as an alkaloid?

I read this in Wikipedia :

Alkaloids are naturally occurring chemical compounds containing basic nitrogen atoms. The name derives from the word alkaline and is used to describe any nitrogen-containing base and organic compounds with one or more of the following features: a heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen, with an alkaline pH and a marked physiological action on animal physiology.

Since caffeine C8 H10 N4 O2 has heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen, so it was classified as an alkaloid.

Describe two chemical defenses of plants?

There is little merit to the Democrat argument that the US is not as safe due to current American foreign policy. There is also little merit in the Republican argument that the US would be safer if the Democrats were not soft on terrorism. I doubt that there will be another attack in the US of the magnitude of 9/11 in the next 4 years. This is not to say that it's impossible. Due to weapons technology, we've reached an age where a small group of determined people can cause harm to millions. The frightening truth is that if these people do decide to act, it won't make much of a difference who's in the White House. By in large, our safety is an illusion.

What are the latest cancer drugs?

Viet, So sorry to hearken to about you mom. My mom exceeded from lung cancer in Jan. 2007. Ask about Tarceva - that is a clean drug and is meant to artwork properly with those who're no longer in level 4. also, you should have self belief your Oncologist as a previous answerer stated, yet you also should be proactive. do no longer imagine that the dr. is going to allow you to recognize each and every thing... ask questions, do learn, learn. expertise is ability. i'm hoping that you and your mom share many many chuffed years jointly!