Explain Different Types Of Memory Allocations In C Programming.

Does Python memory allocation differ from C?

Note: This is for CPythonMemory allocation strategies differ between C’s malloc() and its Pythonic counterpart PyMem_RawAlloc()This is from the documentation of Python 3.6.3To avoid memory corruption, extension writers should never try to operate on Python objects with the functions exported by the C library: malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free(). This will result in mixed calls between the C allocator and the Python memory manager with fatal consequences, because they implement different algorithms and operate on different heaps.[1]Different object types are handled by different memory allocators. But they all use raw python memory allocator under the hood. (Again from the same page).On top of the raw memory allocator, several object-specific allocators operate on the same heap and implement distinct memory management policies adapted to the peculiarities of every object type.There is pymalloc allocator which is designed to be faster than C’s malloc() for small objects with short lifetimes. It also uses mmap() along with malloc() (as fallback).As a bonus - if you are interested in memory management in Python, you might have to read the answers to this question - How does garbage collection in Python work? What are the pros and cons?Please point out errors. I want to improve this answer.Footnotes[1] Memory Management

C++ programming question?

To pick on words a bit, in C++ there is no such thing as "pointer to memory", there are only pointers to objects, in your case, with dynamic storage.

There is nothing to write as long as an appropriate pointer type is used, other than the actual run-time allocation in the constructor:

class Pointed
     Pointed() { std::cout << "Pointed object allocated\n"; }
     ~Pointed() { std::cout << "Pointed object deallocated\n"; }

class X
     std::auto_ptr p; // or std::unique_ptr in 2010+ C++
     X() : p(new Pointed) {}

int main()
     X x;

How to increase memory allocation for Autocad?

Per the AutoCAD (2007) system requirements, you should have at least 512 MB of physical memory (RAM) if you’re working in 2D. If you’re building 3D models, you should have at least 2 GB of RAM.

The size and complexity of a model often defines how efficiently an application runs. If you notice increased hard drive activity, it means that physical memory has been exceeded and data is being passed to a swap file, virtual memory.

A swap file is an area on the hard drive that Windows uses as if it were physical memory (RAM). The swap file size is basically a limit which restricts the total virtual size of the AutoCAD process. A good rule of thumb for configuring your swap file is three times the amount of physical memory on your system. This usually sets the limit high enough that AutoCAD doesn't run out of swap space.

To check swap file allocation:

1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and choose Properties from the menu.
2. Open the Advanced tab and click the Performance Settings button.
3. Click the Advanced tab, and check the “Total Paging File Size For All Drives” setting in the Virtual Memory group.

C programming using malloc?

Hello. What is malloc? I know it stands for memory allocation. But what is the point of it and how would I use it? Please give a couple of really simple examples a beginner would understand. Is it really necessary to reserve memory nowadays when 1GB+ is normal in everyday PCs? Short C program examples will definitely help.

Why does my c++ dynamic allocation stall the program out?

You tripped into a very ugly C++ tarpit.

The problem is here:
Board::Board(int row, int col, int mines): m_row(row), m_col(col), m_mines(mines), m_board(m_row, m_col), m_spacesLeft(m_row * m_col)

You are assuming that things will be initialize in the order you listed them. First m_row, then m_col, m_mines, etc...
That's a reasonable assumption, but it's wrong.
Things get initialized in the order they are declared in the class. So looking at the Board class definition:
Array2D m_board;
int m_row;
int m_col;

So m_board gets initialized first. The m_row. Then m_col. used m_row and m_col to initialize m_board:
, m_board(m_row, m_col),

But since m_row and m_col aren't initialized yet, the constructor for m_board gets junko values and tries to allocate memory based on them. The allocation fails if the numbers are too big.

2 ways to fix this:
1) Change the order of the variables in the Board class. I don't like that solution, it's too brittle and not obvious.
2) Don't use m_row and m_col in your initializer list. You don't really need them, since you they are params:
Board::Board(int row, int col, int mines):m_row(row), m_col(col), m_mines(mines), m_board(row, col), m_spacesLeft(row * col)

How do I understand C Static and Dynamic memory allocation? Pictorial presentation will be more better.

Static Memory Allocation- As the name suggests, this type of memory allocation provides with a fixed memory.-Whenever a variable is defined, it is allocated a memory block which is taken from the RAM(Random Access Memory). In case of static memory, it is taken from stack.-For example,int a = 8;the above definition of the variable will be allotted a static memory, as it is declared with a value, without any usage of dynamic functions in C.Dynamic Memory Allocation-This type of memory, on the other hand is variable.-In case of dynamic memory, the memory block is allocated from the heap memory of RAM.-For example,ptr = (int*)malloc(4);the above usage of one of the functions in C(meant for dynamic memory allocation) will get access to a dynamic memory from the system.The difference and usage with the help of programs is clearly explained here. Thank you!