Explain How Dogs Are An Example Of Artificial Selection. How Is Artificial Selection Different From

What are some examples of artificial selection in breeding?

The best example is that of dogs. Dogs have been artificially selected for various traits and bred together to enhance those traits. Wolves and coyotes, for example, don't point at birds. That's a trait that's been selected for and bred into certain breeds of dogs. Other examples would be things like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi, etc. These are all the exact same genus and species of plant, but have been bred to produce different things: leaves in the case of kale, and lateral buds in the case of brussels sprouts. These are the two best examples of artificial selection of which I"m aware.

Can you give me examples of artificial selection (breeding)?

Pretty much all domesticated animals. Rats (for temperament so they can be kept as pets), silver foxes (part of an experiment to breed for temperament), cows (some are bred for milk, some for meat), chickens (some grow at twice the rate of normal chickens, although part of that is the fat and antibiotics they're stuffed full of), pigs (for size), etc.
To be honest a lot is self explanatory.

What is the difference between Natural Selection and Artificial Selection?

None copy and pasted material =) -
Natural Selection - Survival of the fittest. The organism that is most apt to survive the conditions in a given environment shall survive the longest, thus reproducing the most offspring, which carry on the traits that made the original organism superior. This goes on on and on, eventually changing the population into a different species.

Artificial Selection - it is the intentional breeding of organisms in order to reproduce certain traits. Humans do it to crops in order to receive the best. e.g. We used to breed the tomatoes that grew the biggest with the ones that would be the best tasting, and then hopefully creating a strain of tomatoes that were both tastyw and large.

Sexual Selection - When two organisms of the same sex and species fight over a female of that species. This usually leads to weapons being developed onto animals, such as horns or antlers, so they can compete with each other for mating of a female. This leads to so that the ones with the biggest horns, biggest antlers, will be dominant in a population.

Here is a source you can go to for more information:

How is Natural Selection different from Artificial Selection?

Natural selection is when the traits that make an organism survive and reproduce better in their environment become more common. An example of natural selection would be light moths changing to dark-coloured moths to adapt to their environment. Like the tree barks they live on turning black, they too would turn dark-coloured for better survival and an advantage to hide from predators.

Artifical selection is intentional breeding for certain traits. An example would be a florist breeding two pretty plants to get a pretty plant..yeah, bad example but you get the idea lol.

What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection?

Natural selection is when genes are passed on naturally through animal intercourse. Artificial selection is when they are passed on unnaturally through human intervention examples would be breeding and artificial insemination.

What are the differences between natural selection and artificial selection and what are some examples?

Natural selection is the process where organism’s traits become more or less prominent based on what helps the organism survive and reproduce. There is no aim, no goal, and no direction. It’s a slow, organic process.Artificial selection is the result of human intervention. Specific traits are selected and bred for with a specific goal in mind. It is a directed and comparatively fast process.Consider dogs versus wolves. Wolves have evolved slowly over time to be great woodland pack hunters. Every trait they have acquired has either helps their survival or, at least, doesn’t hurt it. There are several different species, but they don’t look dramatically different.Meanwhile, dogs are only one species, but there are varieties that come in all sort of sizes, shapes, and colors; these traits were selected because they please humans. Unfortunately, the process often introduces and/or promotes traits that are harmful to the dogs’ health - traits that would never persist under natural selection.

What's the difference between artificial selection and selective breeding?

Nothing, and in fact, there's no difference from the species' position between either of those phrases and natural selection. You can't really have “artificial” selection; either it's selection or it isn't. Human behavior is an environmental effect that is included in natural selection (whether it's dog breeding or deforestation). What difference does it make to the species whether selection caused it's coat to turn brown for camoflague or white because humans think it makes them cute? Either way, their change in coat color made them reproduce more successfully, right? That's natural selection.