Explain How The Political Geography Of East Africa Is Making Development Challenging.

How did geography affect the development of African civilizations?

To develop a community that is stable rather than nomadic you need arable crops (like wheat or corn, meaning you can stay in one place and farm what you need to survive and more left over to sell), or the ability to domesticate animals (such as cattle, again for food and trade). In the northern parts of Africa such as Egypt they had access to such crops, they stayed on the Nile and developed communities, the excess from the crops was traded, creating enough wealth to enable parts of the community to work on higher arts, and also enabling knowledge sharing with those that they came into contact with. Once you get into the jungles of Africa it becomes much harder/next to impossible to have city style living, it is nomadic due to food supplies. This constant movement makes it very difficult to develop the wealth to develop the higher arts. Further, this lack of contact with other areas that are more developed makes knowledge sharing impossible. Hope this helps somewhat.

Discuss two challenges of overpopulation for a developed and developing country?

Developing Country
1. Make sure there's enough food going around because a developing country may not good agricultural techniques so they're may be people starving.
2. Another would be to make sure there is good sanitation or there could be an epidemic in the country.
Developed Country
1.Make sure there's enough jobs for people or there may be an abundance of poor people.
2. Another challenge would be to keep immigrants out, bcause they will take up more jobs that people in your country need and make your country even more overpopulated.
Joshua Mellor

What were the similarities and differences in the geography of ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia?

Similarities: both regions are situated in the subtropics. The water to develop an agricultural civilization was derived from big rivers. Both areas had lack of rain so the river water was for both essential to survive. For Mesopotamia it is the rain that falls over the mountains in Turkey and west Iran. For Egypt the rain that falls in Tropical Africa.Differences. The Nile River is not only draining from the equatorial rainforests in central/east Africa but also from the monsoon like rains that fall in July August in the highlands of Ethiopia. This rainwater drains into the Blue Nile that joins the White Nile at Khartum. This causes a yearly wash of the Nile down stream gently flooding the the low lands near the river, leaving a thin layer of fresh silt with the necessary minerals for wheat, flax and other plants. Later irrigation works were undertaken to enlarge the land that could be used for agriculture.The Euphrates and Tigris do not have this yearly rise. Irrigation was more essential than in Egypt. The Nile flows over old rocks. Sodium has been washed away over the tens of millions of years. The Euphrates and Tigris have their beds in the old sea floor of the Thetys Ocean. There is still a lot of Sodium present and this sodium makes some parts after some time unfit for agriculture. In the center of Iran is a very large salt desert. Also old Thetys sea floor.

Some Geography help Please Anyone?

1. Who was the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth and coined the word “geography”?
Zheng He

2. He successfully applied his scientific research to create an illustration of the first world map.
Zheng He

3. He invented a globe and argued that the representation of the world as a flat, two-dimensional object was not accurate.
Zheng He

4. He developed the science of geography, although he was better known for his contributions to mathematics.
Zheng He

5. The Greek-derived word “geography” means
to draw a map.
the study of land.
to describe the Earth.
world knowledge.

6. China’s greatest contribution to geography was
the compass.
the globe.
its expertise in cartography.
longitude and latitude.

7. The earliest world map ever found was
carved onto a Chinese stone tablet that emphasized direction due to the creation of a compass.
scratched onto an ancient Roman piece of slate that depicted Earth as a flat, circular disk.
carved on a Babylonian clay tablet that showed Earth as a flat, circular disk.
hand sketched on paper that illustrated the major landmasses and bodies of water.

8. Ptolemy incorporated topography into his maps, which means that
the political boundaries would appear on the map.
the average climate would appear on the map.
the land routes would appear on the map.
the mountain and valley surfaces would appear on the map.

9. This early group was the first to use rational thought or logic while investigating the physical world.

10. It is believed that the science of geography originated with each of the following groups except the

AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: Identify and define three sectors that organize economic activities?

(A) Primary, secondary, and tertiary.
1. The primary sector consists of jobs that deal directly with natural resources and raw materials.. ex. agriculture/farming, fishing, mining, logging, etc.
2. The secondary sector is where you'll find all the manufacturing and construction jobs.
3. And the tertiary sector is basically the part of the economy that produces services, in a nutshell.. lots of jobs fit under this sector -- retail, entertainment, banking, education, healthcare, etc.

(B) Basically, if a country has a higher percentage of the labor force working in primary sector jobs, usually you would expect it to be a third world/developing country.
On the flip side, when more (or most) people are employed in tertiary sector jobs, you're most likely looking at a first world/developed country. This is because there would be a higher demand for consumer goods and services, therefore, the tertiary jobs are there to supply it..
And of course, the secondary sector is the middle man between the other two sectors..

How does China's geography, natural resources, and climate influence its economy.?

Every countries must produce resources to flourish or even stay alive. China mines rare earth minerals used in everyday electronics like cellular phones or televisions. They sell them to countries that build that kind of stuff like South Korea, Japan, or the United States. Thats why other countries try to have good relationships with China because without them they would be in trouble. Recent tensions between China and Japan have been sparked by an arrest of a Chinese man in international waters. China cut off many rare earth minerals to them. Japan has a very large electronics economy and they depend on rare earth minerals, this forces Japan to reconcile with a country that has disliked them for decades.

Their geography and terrain of Mainland China is widely diverse which makes agricultural economy great. Yearly monsoons that can be accurately predicted from thousands of years of experience provide rice and other crops that require lots of water. Yet also the climate is good for major cities making them immense for tourism and living.

China's climate is helpful, yet destructive. Monsoons can flood villages killing thousands. Argueably the most deadliest natural disaster was because of a flood that killed almost 4 million people. Thats almost 20 times the number of people that died in the 2004 tsunami. This can sometimes limit the agricultural economy that they use for growth.

Sorry for the long answer but i tried my best.
Your Welcome :D