Explain How The War Will Affect Your Everyday Life Including Your Job Family

How does economy affect our daily life? Every possible aspect of it?

Economics is a social science that deals with the life-cycle of goods and services. It is a study of how innovation and finance revolve around human needs and desires to provide products and services to the public. Understanding economics is critical to business success.Supply and CostEconomics has an enormous effect on the daily lives and wallets of all people, even if they aren't actually involved in economic studies. The principles of supply and demand play out everyday for every person making purchasing decisions on goods and services, and in keeping or finding a job. Changes in circumstances or government mandates on any aspect of an industry creates a ripple effect of price changes through multiple industries to the end consumer.Consumer ConfidenceWhen the consumers' confidence in the economy is low, they restrain spending, starting with dining out and going to the movies. These industries have wage workers that lose income when hours are cut due to reduced business. Soon everyone feels the pinch, from fewer open retail check-out lines to fewer police on the streets.Debt and SpendingCNN Money reports that consumer spending fuels two-thirds of the United States economic activity, much of which was based on credit prior to 2008. The 2008 to 2009 financial collapse led banks to tighten consumer lending, and consumers began paying down debt rather then spending as usual. Reducing personal debt is good on the individual level, but this reaction also kept employment in a slump and reduced the disposable income of households and individuals.For more questions, any help or advices about Economics, you just can contact us here with a comment or in our website - theeconomicstutor .com!More helpful to: How Does Economics Affect Our Daily Lives?

Explain how the war will affect your everyday life including your job, family, and community?

Directions: You will fill in the information below from the perspective of a colonist. The news of the Battle of Lexington and Concord has spread to your town. You are debating on whether you would like to be a loyalist/tory (someone who supports the British) or a patriot (someone who supports independence).
***For a Patriot

How the fear of communism affected American life during the early years of the Cold War?

Along with what Manga_gal_usa said, you should also know the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. Julius and Ethel were a couple and they were charged with relaying information to the Soviet Union about the Atomic Bomb. They were convicted guilty after refusing to answer questions about their communist "ties" (but they were simply using their right to be silent under the 5th amendment. The public took this the wrong way and said that since they were refusing to speak, they were guilty.

Also, you can mention/know the Hollywood 10 which was a list of screenwriters, actors, and directors who were thought to be Communists. If someone was asked "is so and so a member of the communist party?" They had to answer truthfully if they wanted to be left alone. So basically, if they rat out on their friends they would have the government off their shoulders, but lose many acquaintances and harm their reputation.

What Role does religion play in everyday life ?

It determines how respectfully you treat your parents, what videogames you play, what music you listen to, what friends you have, what movies you watch, who you vote for in elections, how you spend your time, what you watch on the internet, how diligently you devote to school or your job.....

Honestly, I might even have to say that it determines EVERYTHING you do. Every single action.